
史蒂芬·埃洛普也许不是微软的新CEO,但这位诺基亚前总裁也不会因为将诺基亚带入微软的怀抱而不获回报。根据一份内部备忘录,埃洛普将接替朱莉·拉森·格林(Julie Larson Green)出任微软设备和工作室业务主管,除负责新手机业务外,还将负责Xbox、微软Surface以及微软游戏开发工作。微软的一位代表告诉我们,自从收购诺基亚后,埃洛普就被安排接管设备和工作室,但最初拉尔森·格林会作为下属留...

史蒂芬·埃洛普也许不是微软的新CEO,但这位诺基亚前总裁也不会因为将诺基亚带入微软的怀抱而不获回报。根据一份内部备忘录,埃洛普将接替朱莉·拉森·格林(Julie Larson Green)出任微软设备和工作室业务主管,除负责新**业务外,还将负责Xbox、微软Surface以及微软游戏开发工作。微软的一位代表告诉我们,自从收购诺基亚后,埃洛普就被安排接管设备和工作室,但最初拉尔森·格林会作为下属留在团队中。


取而代之的是,拉尔森·格林(Larson Green)正在承担一个新的角色:她将成为公司应用和服务部门的首席体验官,负责管理必应(Bing)、Office和Skype等产品的外观和感觉。


很难不把这一举动看作是对拉尔森·格林的降职,在史蒂文·辛诺夫斯基(Steven Sinofsky)离开公司后,她迅速成为Windows的女掌门人,但在特里·迈尔森(Terry Myerson)上台后,她很快就被调到了设备和工作室。现在,她又回到了一个更熟悉的领域:在升到高层管理层之前,她花了数年时间为internetexplorer、microsoftoffice设计用户界面,并最终为Windows本身工作。然而,这并不意味着她的新角色对公司可能不那么重要。用户体验决定了消费者对windows8的反应,也可能是用户体验决定了微软的服务是否流行起来。在微软新任首席执行官萨蒂亚•纳德拉(satyanadella)的领导下,拉森•格林(Larson Green)可能正在塑造微软未来的形象和感觉。



As you will read in the notes below from Qi and Satya, I've accepted a new challenge, leading the My Life & Work team in ASG and serving as the Chief Experience Officer (CXO). As hard as it is for me to leave Devices & Studios, I'm thrilled about this opportunity. In working with company leaders this year to establish our One Microsoft vision and plan, I thought about ways I could have impact on helping Microsoft prepare for the future and innovate. My discussi*** with Satya and Qi made clear this is a critical space to drive new thinking and an essential way to help the shape the company's direction. I'm looking forward to developing the Digital Life & Digital Work Experience Substrate that powers modern digital experiences regardless of device, as well as working across ASG to strengthen customer experiences.

I want to thank each and every one of you for welcoming me and supporting me as the leader of Devices & Studios over the past 7 months. I'm very proud of what we have accomplished during such a short timeframe. We launched Xbox One, Surface 2 & Pro 2, blockbuster games like Forza and Ryse, a brand new Xbox Music and Video service, PPI, and some amazing unannounced innovati*** just to name a few - incredibly impressive!

Our opportunity to grow as a world-class devices and experiences company is greater than ever, and I have every belief that as One Microsoft we're on the right path. The addition of Nokia Devices & Services into the DnS family will add tremendous scale, talent and opportunity for our future.

I'll remain in role leading the DnS organization in the interim until the Nokia deal closes and Stephen Elop makes his transition to Microsoft. We've been meeting regularly throughout and are making a lot of progress, ensuring our teams are ready for the Day 1 close and beyond.

You are all in great hands with Stephen and already we've shared a lot with him and his LT from Nokia regarding all of the fantastic people, teams and products in DnS. I also know many of you are looking forward to welcoming the Nokia team and working more closely with them.

As I look to the future, I'm reminded of a favorite Chinese proverb: "To get through the hardest journey we need take only one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping."

I encourage you all to stay focused on the journey and opportunities ahead, and know that I'll be there in step with you as we launch the next chapter of Microsoft.

Thank you,



  • 发表于 2021-04-25 10:34
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  • 分类:互联网


诺基亚ceo史蒂芬·埃洛普在ces 2012:边缘访谈

我们自己的约书亚•托波尔斯基(joshuatopolsky)刚刚与诺基亚CEO史蒂芬•埃洛普(Stephen Elop)坐下来讨论了该公司在2012年CES上的重大公告。从Lumia 710、800,到现在AT&T的LTE供电的900,公司突然又回到了公众的视线中,我们想听...

  • 发布于 2021-04-21 00:49
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...芬·埃洛普在消费电子展期间接受Pocket lint采访时说,“诺基亚”这个词将开始出现在你从微软获得的地图上,包括去年开始使用Bing的黑莓设备上的地图。这并不完全疯狂——微软与诺基亚自己的Navteq关系密切,后者为必应的3D...

  • 发布于 2021-04-21 03:40
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《边缘访谈》:史蒂芬·埃洛普对windows phone“比以往任何时候都更有信心”

诺基亚首席执行官史蒂芬·埃洛普(Stephen Elop)本周将出席MWC,帮助向商业伙伴、运营商和媒体传播公司的信息。埃洛普一向善于交际,平易近人,今天他给了我们几分钟时间来讨论诺基亚转型的第一年,这一年始于2011年2月宣...

  • 发布于 2021-04-21 12:16
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停下。倒回15个月。玩。 史蒂芬·埃洛普坐在诺基亚的一间董事会会议室里,周围是一个跨国集团的高管,他们焦虑得满头大汗。这并不完全是垮台,但很接近。这位刚上任的加拿大首席执行官正在寻找答案,但在他...

  • 发布于 2021-04-21 21:57
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在今天与投资者的电话会议上,诺基亚首席执行官史蒂芬·埃洛普重申了公司对微软Windows Phone操作系统的承诺。埃洛普说,尽管诺基亚在转型过程中遇到了明显的困难,但诺基亚与Android竞争的战略是通过Windows Phone和Lumia产品线...

  • 发布于 2021-04-22 18:45
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微软在6月下旬推出了WindowsPhone8操作系统,诺基亚似乎有信心它没有影响到LumiaWindowsPhone的销售。诺基亚首席执行官史蒂芬·埃洛普(Stephen Elop)今天在一次诺基亚投资者电话会议上透露,“在Windows Phone 8发布后的几周里,Lumia的...

  • 发布于 2021-04-23 11:12
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...,但我认为,被忽视的是Surface对微软另一硬件合作伙伴诺基亚(Nokia)的影响。 在Surface面世前的几个月里,Windows8的兴奋之情在许多希望为新操作系统开发的公司中传播得更为广泛,然而,当人们在考虑一个合法iPad...

  • 发布于 2021-04-23 18:07
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我有机会和诺基亚首席执行官史蒂芬•埃洛普(Stephen Elop)坐下来,讨论该公司宣布推出的最新智能**和配件。这位文雅而专业的埃洛普显然对这家芬兰****商门前推出的最新一批硬件和软件感到兴奋,他渴望与大家分享这种兴奋...

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 01:18
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  • 发布于 2021-04-24 01:29
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微软正在考虑推出“surface phone”,但今年没有

 诺基亚把赌注押在了Windows Phone上。尽管这家芬兰公司看起来将从微软那里获得10亿美元的年收入,但由于使用Windows Phone支付了2.5亿美元的季度平台支持费...

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 06:16
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