



World Dissolver EP

When I become President of the Universe the first thing I’m going to do is make the creation of any new music punishable by death... unless it’s by Ceephax Acid Crew. There’s simply nothing else we need to know about the past, present, or future of music that’s not contained in the triumphant square waves and marching bass lines steaming out of the World Dissolver EP. It’s the kind of music that Jesus would have made if he had focused on drum machines instead of carpentry and had a set of HTML skills that stopped being updated in 1996, but more Anglo-Saxony than Jewy. Throw all your other MP3s into the trash compactor and stop listening to music that wasn’t created by the ultimate human.


When I become President of the Universe the second thing I’m going to do is make the creation of any new video content punishable by death... unless it’s by Really3D. Forget CNN, Vice, Werner Herzog, and even The Verge: there’s no better visual summation of modern history than the super-shitty, completely terrible, and 100 percent-accurate renderings of cultural flash points that this YouTube user pukes out every couple of days. I suggest you dive into the third dimension with a little "Realistic 3D Sonic," maybe get eaten by some "Jurassic Park - Realistic Dinosaurs," and then go to bed after experiencing the ultimate media commentary that is 20th Century Fox In Real Life. Because there are only two kinds of people in this world: 3D people, and really 3D people.

DeWalt 20vMAX Impact Driver

I used to be a lot like you: someone who, whenever they tried to put together IKEA furniture, found themselves with a bunch of shitty, splintered MDF all over their floor instead of a sick new floating bookshelf or space-saving platform bed / storage unit. Then I invested in this honeybee-colored magic stick, capable of delivering 117 foot-pounds of torque at over 2,800 revoluti*** per minute, and, more importantly, 3,200 impacts per minute — that means it acts like a normal drill for creating pilot holes, but if your host material is too hard to accept a screw with a conventional twisting motion this crazy super-loud jackhammering action kicks in. It sounds like someone is firing a tommy gun into a village of innocents but really you’re just making a secure connection between components of a super-efficiently-designed piece of home ware. I basically remodeled my entire house using only a butter knife, some chicken wire, and this outrageous power tool that you could definitely use to kill someone if you needed to.

'Below Stairs'

If you think rich white people are overeducated, resource-sucking parasites with an inborn penchant for exploitation and narcissi**, you’d be totally right! But Below Stairs, "The Classic Kitchen Maid’s Memoir That Inspired Downton Abbey," will at least help you understand that you shouldn’t take it personally because before white people subjugated other ethnicities they had absolutely no problem making a complete mess of other white people’s lives. Like The Diary of Anne Frank or Django Unchained for prewar England, it’s a first-person account of a young woman’s slog through a half-century of domestic service, where Powell’s superiors made her do things like polish brass kickplates until she developed arthritis and scrub floors until her fingers bled. Also, did you know the only reason people used to have like 18 children was because having sex was cheap and the only way they ever got to have any fun? Depressing, yet far more digestible than Finnegan’s Wake, Below Stairs is a good look at how the richest people in the world c***truct oppressive economies around their own outrageous senses of entitlement.

'King of Tokyo'

If you’re looking for a cheap way to have fun with friends that isn’t buying a couple of 40s and binge-watching True Detective on your ex-girlfriend’s HBO Go password, look no further than this board-card-and-dice game created by Richard Garfield, the OG nerd behind Magic: The Gathering. Normally I HATE board games — the last one I remember enjoying was Mouse Trap — but King of Tokyo plays more like a video game than Monopoly. It’s full of weird power-ups like "alien metaboli**," "eater of the dead," and "giant brain" that make you go insane with rage and / or ecstasy when they’re deployed. And it’s precisely designed with the sort of mechanics that make it possible for a seven-year-old noob to trounce a 30-something veteran from out of the blue. That teaches everyone at the table (up to six people, actually) that while life isn’t always fair, it can always be fun.

  • 发表于 2021-04-25 11:33
  • 阅读 ( 210 )
  • 分类:互联网



...接指向零售商的链接,如迪士尼、纽蛋、三星、Expedia、沃尔玛等。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-18 08:32
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20款贝塞斯达游戏将于周五在xbox game pass上发售

...Xbox游戏***上周五,包括耻辱,厄运,老卷轴,辐射,和沃尔芬斯坦。 微软表示,其中16款游戏还将在Xbox、PC和xCloud上推出,“其中少数游戏还将受益于Xbox X/S系列的FPS增强功能。”这意味着,一些游戏甚至将采用上个...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 02:16
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  • 发布于 2021-04-16 17:50
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...达到23家,继贝塞斯达子工作室,如不名誉开发商阿肯,沃尔芬斯坦工作室MachineGames,末日**者id软件,和邪恶的探戈游戏工作室。不过,微软表示,贝塞斯达将保留其现有的领导地位。 贝塞斯达营销主管皮特·海因斯在一份声明...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 00:45
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...营权。根据英伟达的说法,其中一个将继续流传的名字是沃尔芬斯坦:年轻人,因为公司没有透露原因。 就在一周前,GeForce因许可纠纷而失去了对所有动视暴雪游戏的访问权。显然,当GeForce现在还在测试阶段时,Nvi...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 06:37
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...有人尝试试播名为#Hashtag或Twerk next的节目。

  • 发布于 2021-04-25 05:41
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  • 发布于 2021-05-01 06:08
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  • 发布于 2021-05-01 08:45
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...生的情况,”沃尔沃汽车公司负责防撞的高级技术负责人特伦特·维克托(Trent Victor)说沿着一段路走下去,这辆车要为极端事件负责。如果你不接手,如果你只是想发邮件,车会承担责任,安全停在路边。”

  • 发布于 2021-05-04 09:28
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  • 发布于 2021-05-04 09:55
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