
数以百万计的人今天将登录到他们选择的视频游戏机上玩Destiny,这是一款备受期待的在线多人视频游戏,来自Halo系列的创造者。但网络游戏的兴起,多人射击游戏的天文数字般的成功,甚至是《光环》游戏之家Xbox Live的建设,都要归功于世嘉梦幻。这款注定失败的游戏机为在线游戏铺平了道路,配备了56K游戏机和一些非典型配件,如宽带适配器、鼠标和键盘。...

数以百万计的人今天将登录到他们选择的视频游戏机上玩Destiny,这是一款备受期待的在线多人视频游戏,来自Halo系列的创造者。但网络游戏的兴起,多人射击游戏的天文数字般的成功,甚至是《光环》游戏之家Xbox Live的建设,都要归功于世嘉梦幻。这款注定失败的游戏机为在线游戏铺平了道路,配备了56K游戏机和一些非典型配件,如宽带适配器、鼠标和键盘。


美国世嘉(Sega)前总裁、电子艺界(Electronic Arts)现任首席运营官彼得•摩尔(Peter Moore)花了一点时间回忆了他15年前在1999年9月9日推出Dreamcast的经历。讽刺的是,电子艺术在Dreamcast的失败中扮演了一个角色,拒绝在游戏机上发布游戏。并不是说梦幻演员想要的是高质量的体育比赛,摩尔在他的文章中提到了这一点。


Once again, I trust my employers here at EA will allow me the indulgence of reminiscence and nostalgia on this day, 09/09/14, the 15th anniversary of the launch of the Dreamcast here in North America on the wonderfully numerically-correct date of 09/09/99. It certainly doesn't feel like fifteen years have gone by since this innovative c***ole ushered in the era of online gaming, albeit through a 56K modem, and thus changed the face of interactive entertainment forever. The memories of course are bittersweet - we all know how this movie ended - but I was fortunate to have worked at that time with some of the most amazingly dedicated individuals, all of whom were galvanized around a single goal: prove the naysayers wrong, launch the c***ole with a bang, get to a meaningful installed base within the first twelve months, and keep the momentum going in the face of the upcoming stiff competition. We still get together as a team from time-to-time, and oh the stories we tell. Lots of coulda/shoulda/woulda, but primarily pride in our accomplishments and the legacy we firmly believe can be seen and felt in gaming to this day.

With the Dreamcast's online capabilities, we coined a phrase "We're taking gamers where gaming is going". In our heart of hearts, we worried that we would not be there for the entire journey, but it was with great pride that with our Sega Sports games in particular, that we ushered in the era of connected interactive entertainment. I don't think it is an overstatement to say that the Dreamcast and it's online network laid the ground for what we all take for granted today - online game play, linking innumerable gamers from around the world to play, compete and collaborate, as well as enabling new content to be delivered in addition to that which was delivered on the disc. Rarely does a week go by where I don't bump into somebody that fondly reminisces about this wonderful piece of hardware and the great times they had (and are still having!) playing some of its superb games. So as we all enjoy everything the next generation of hardware has to offer, give a tip of the hat (or glass) this evening to The Little C***ole That Could. The Sega Dreamcast...

  • 发表于 2021-04-27 09:52
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  • 发布于 2020-10-29 10:52
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...形和配乐获得了许多好评。它在发布一年后成为最畅销的Dreamcast游戏。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-14 08:13
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... 虽然微软有一个版本,他们正在推出的创造者更新推出,这绝不是最后一个。再次回顾周年纪念更新,发布版本在其推出期间进行了多次更新。最终构建包含大量修复。之后,微软发布了许多累积更新以...

  • 发布于 2021-03-15 02:11
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...有效的方法来管理约会,满足最后期限,记住生日和周年纪念日。在你的脑子里处理这些是不可能的,但谢天谢地,你会发现大量的移动应用程序可以帮助你保持头脑清醒。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-24 11:18
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...何阻止你的摄像头冻结和崩溃Windows10 短短几周后,微软推出了周年纪念更新,并打破了我的新摄像头。周年纪念更新包含了对Windows网络摄像头堆栈工作方式的重大改变,微软在发布之前没有告诉任何人。所有的Windows内部人员都...

  • 发布于 2021-04-08 04:48
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神奇宝贝专营权今年庆祝成立25周年,为了纪念这一时刻,国际神奇宝贝公司(Pokémon Company International)正在推出一系列音乐活动。流行歌手凯蒂佩里头条第25页,这将是尚未命名的“上升艺术家获奖的全球巨星。” ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 18:17
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...上个月,Stadia刚刚发布了一系列新的公告来庆祝它的周年纪念日,其中包括增加了它的前两款免费游戏(《命运2》和《超级轰炸机R Online》),并计划在未来几周内推出通过mobile Safari交付的iOS版Stadia。 谷歌目前正准备推出有史...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 00:56
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  • 发布于 2021-04-22 01:08
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  • 发布于 2021-04-22 01:17
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  • 发布于 2021-04-25 09:21
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