
这家名为Rap Genius的初创公司目前的任务可能是“诠释世界”,但该网站本身在本土仍处于最佳状态:提供一些启发性的音乐琐事片段。里克·鲁宾就是一个很好的例子:三天前,这位超级制作人开始为自己创作或喜欢的歌曲和专辑做注释,结果将幕后见解和从《杀戮者》到《坎耶·韦斯特》等最受欢迎曲目和艺术家的直截了当的推荐完美地结合在一起。...

这家名为Rap Genius的初创公司目前的任务可能是“诠释世界”,但该网站本身在本土仍处于最佳状态:提供一些启发性的音乐琐事片段。里克·鲁宾就是一个很好的例子:三天前,这位超级**人开始为自己创作或喜欢的歌曲和专辑做注释,结果将幕后见解和从《杀戮者》到《坎耶·韦斯特》等最受欢迎曲目和艺术家的直截了当的推荐完美地结合在一起。




Jay Z的《99个问题》第一节

Jay wrote the first verse in about twenty minutes, sitting in the back of the control room. He would just be kind of humming, and we’d keep looping the track, and maybe after thirty minutes he jumped up and was like "We got it!" And he did it ten times, and every time he did it, it was different. Most of the words were the same, but the phrasing was different. He’d written and memorized the words and then was playing with different ways of doing it. It was incredible.


I really love the solos on that record because they have nothing to do with music. It’s just about speed. How fast can a guitar, or how fast can anything play? We’ll use this guitar, because we have these, but it has nothing to do with guitar playing or music. And also the fact that they had two lead guitar players who would trade off these guitar solos, neither of which made sense. Like: "This thing doesn’t make sense, and now I’m going to out not-make-sense you. You think you can do that? I’ll do this." It’s so insane. There’s one where I think its like five back and forth of just insanity. Unbelievable.


On the train back, we wrote "Girls." It was rooted in an Isley Brothers song, "Shout." It was written with that music in mind and then we sort of did our version of what that would have been. We just wrote really stupid, offensive words.


You’ve got this unbelievable band that don’t sound like anyone else, ever. They’re four Armenian guys. I went to see them live, and every label had passed on them. They were at the Viper Room, it was packed. It was the funniest show. I couldn’t stop laughing. It was intense. The problem with hard music is that it almost all sounds the same. Heavy metal has very strict guidelines. The beauty of System of a Down is that it’s so weird and so groovy but hard as ****. And the singer is great.

在Yeezus上,Kanye West的第一张专辑“对它的发行方式感到满意”:

I remember a few days after Yeezus came out, Kanye sent me a message, so excited, like, "I just realized there’s no snare drum on Yeezus until the sixth song! How cool is that?"

在职业生涯即将结束之际,在鲁宾的美国唱片公司(American Recordings)旗下与约翰尼·卡什(Johnny Cash)录制《受伤》(Hurt)时:

For all the records we made together, he would play me songs and I would play him songs until we got to the point where we both liked the songs... "Rusty Cage" was mine, "Hurt" was mine. He wouldn’t have heard those. Something like an old Jimmie Rodgers song, chances are he brought it.

What I came to realize about that whole Johnny Cash experience was that he was a great storyteller. The song didn’t matter — all that mattered were the words. All that mattered was if the character of Johnny Cash — the mythical Johnny Cash, the man in black — would say those words. If that’s what you would want to hear him talking about, then that would be a good song to do. So it was never about like melody, it was just about if the lyrics were right.

  • 发表于 2021-04-28 20:42
  • 阅读 ( 220 )
  • 分类:互联网



Kanye West买了Jay-Z和Beyonce Porsche Design P'9981黑莓**作为礼物并不完全令人惊讶— 毕竟,我们在评论中得出结论,2000美元左右的**只不过是证明你富有的一个好方法。令人惊讶的是,从《太阳报》第一次报道这件礼物开始的三周后,...

  • 发布于 2021-04-22 02:31
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在这一天,谷歌执行主席埃里克•施密特(ericschmidt)对安迪•鲁宾(andyrubin)在甲骨文诉谷歌案(Oracle v.Google)一案中的证词进行了庭审。我们不确定施密特证词的重点到底是什么,但我们认为,甲骨文将继续其策略,深入研...

  • 发布于 2021-04-22 03:00
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  • 发布于 2021-04-25 09:12
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碧昂斯é 对于坎耶·韦斯特打断格莱美颁奖典礼,杰伊·z的反应最好

... 应该赢。

  • 发布于 2021-04-28 23:36
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  • 发布于 2021-04-29 00:20
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...焦虑的说唱和大肖恩的专利高速流强有力的组合。坎耶·韦斯特(Kanye West)执导的《黑暗天空天堂》(Dark Sky paradies)是大肖恩(Big Sean)的出道派对,如果一个曾在9张白金唱片上销售过单曲的艺术家还能拥有一张的话。这是一...

  • 发布于 2021-04-29 02:23
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  • 发布于 2021-04-29 13:31
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...得更好吗?星球大战样本!”显然,不止你一个人:传奇制片人里克·鲁宾(Rick Rubin)正在策划一部名为《星球大战顶空》(Star Wars Headspace)的EDM新作品,这是12月《原力觉醒》(the Force Wakes)的一部伴奏作品,在这部作品中,...

  • 发布于 2021-05-03 09:02
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  • 发布于 2021-05-03 11:22
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  • 发布于 2021-05-03 11:36
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