
麻疹每年都会使全世界的人生病和死亡。但《梅兰妮神奇的麻疹》一书的作者斯蒂芬妮·梅森哲(Stephanie Messenger)认为,我们太过紧张了,不想让我们的孩子患上可预防的疾病,这些疾病可能会让他们极度不舒服、失明或死亡。从她在亚马逊上的作者信息:...

麻疹每年都会使全世界的人生病和死亡。但《梅兰妮神奇的麻疹》一书的作者斯蒂芬妮·梅森哲(Stephanie Messenger)认为,我们太过紧张了,不想让我们的孩子患上可预防的疾病,这些疾病可能会让他们极度不舒服、失明或死亡。从她在亚马逊上的作者信息:


Melanie's Marvelous Measles was written to educate children on the benefits of having measles and how you can heal from them naturally and successfully. Often today, we are being bombarded with messages from vested interests to fear all diseases in order for someone to sell some potion or vaccine, when, in fact, history shows that in industrialized countries, these diseases are quite benign and, according to natural health sources, beneficial to the body. Having raised three children vaccine-free and childhood disease-free, I have experienced many times when my children's vaccinated peers succumb to the childhood diseases they were vaccinated against. Surprisingly, there were times when my unvaccinated children were blamed for their peers' sickness.



Finally! A children's book with an agenda I can get behind! I always thought I loved kids until I actually had one of my own and boy was I wrong! I researched anything and everything I could possibly do to get rid of the little brat, but I didn't want to be arrested for murder and childhood cancer is just too darn unpredictable. Fortunately, I stumbled upon "Melanie's Marvelous Measles," and learned that there is a huge community of people who hate children as much as me! Thanks to Melanie, I was able to ignore my pediatrician's recommendati*** to vaccinate my daughter before our trip to Disney World, all while acting like I want what is "best" for my child.


The author explores the wondrous theme of how highly contagious, deadly diseases are beneficial in nature, such as through natural selection. They can also be beautiful. Little-known fact: Georges Seurat's La Grande Jatte was inspired by the pretty spots he saw on the faces of dying Parisians before the advent of that dastardly measles vaccine. Killing yourself, your children, and others is our right as Americans. Thank the gods for authors willing to tell this beautiful story and help kill children.


As a carpenter who specializes in itty bitty coffins I can't say enough good things about this book, my customer base has been growing at an epidemic rate!



Don't overlook the lesser known Dr. Seuss books in this series — "Horton hears an air raid siren," "Oh the places you'll itch," "How the Grinch caught Chlamydia," "And to Think That I Contracted It on Mulberry Street," "Skull Fracture Mayzie," "Hop on your remaining foot," " The 500 days in ICU of Bartholomew Cubbins," and "If I Ran the Mortuary."


If you enjoyed this book, check out these other fine titles from the same author: Abby's Absolutely Abundant Abscess Addie's Adorable Adenoma Adelia's Addled Alzheimer's Andy's Amazing AIDS Anne's Incandescent Anorexia Annette's Astonishing Aneury** Annie's Awesome Asthma Arnie's Artful Addiction Barack's Baroque Barbiturate Overdose Barry's Bitchin' Beri Beri Beatrice's Bawdy Bronchitis Bella's Beloved Bell's Palsy Bennett's Breathtaking Boil Bertha's Blossoming Bulimia Billy's Bodacious Botuli** Bobby's Bitchin' Bubonic Plague Bobby's Bubbling Buboes Bob's Bodacious Bone Break Boris's Big Blister Bradley's Brilliant Bradycardia



  • 发表于 2021-04-28 23:02
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...能会像对待那些害怕接种麻疹疫苗的父母一样对待它。“我们需要解决人们的担忧,并讨论接种疫苗的好处,”她告诉《边缘报》。 为了清晰起见,这篇采访经过了小幅编辑。 那些围绕着政治动机推动疫苗过快问世的担忧有何...

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