





Get to know your neighborhood birds

I hung up a bird feeder, but that’s not my upgrade. That led to me using Merlin Bird ID to identify my new visitors, and discovering that a little brown sparrow I never noticed before makes this tweety buzzy sound I hear all the damn time. It’s been singing all around me my whole life and I never knew it existed. So now I’m trying to learn more bird sounds. I’ve downloaded another app, Chirp!, that teaches and quizzes you. It is so dang hard to learn the difference between all these bird calls, but so satisfying when you start to catch on. This morning I was driving with the windows open and I thought “That’s a red-winged blackbird...cardinal...robin...another cardinal...” all without taking my eyes off the road!

beth skwarecki, health editor


Put the finishing touches on your apartment

I bought a couch and an area rug for my tiny apartment and now it feels cozy and complete. I even managed to break in the couch already by dropping a piece of greasy pizza on it after I set it up last night. Home sweet home!

alicia adamczyk, staff writer


Bring a beverage into the bath

I’ve been trying to be more fiscally resp***ible and also drink less, so I have started making use of my very well-stocked bar cart and having one drink in the tub. If I still feel like going out after that, I let myself go out, but I am usually so relaxed from the bath beverage that I stay home, go to bed early, and wake up feeling pretty good. It saves me money and keeps me out of trouble somewhat!

claire lower, food & beverage editor


Do that home improvement project you’ve been putting off

I finally built the IKEA drawer unit that had been mocking me for two months. (It took that long for the company to send out a replacement for a critical part that was damaged in shipping.) Because I was so annoyed at the whole process, I used a drill instead of a dinky little screwdriver to speed up the building process. (No, it was not a FIXA.) I finally have more drawers, nothing was damaged when building, and I can now turn my home improvement kick toward my car, which badly needs a wash.

david murphy, senior tech editor


Use the library for quiet work time

I did some writing in my local library this week. It wasn’t actually productive—after ten minutes I got distracted looking up the classical music parodies of P.D.Q. Bach—but it was a clean and quiet space to sit with a notebook. Next time I’ll turn off my phone.

nick douglas, staff writer


Switch to energy efficient lightbulbs

I replaced the light bulbs in my bathroom with LED bulbs, which apparently have quadruple the lumens, so now everything is so bright and I can see all my pores but I’m saving so much energy and they last 13 years.

joel kahn, senior video producer


Work around the inherent flaws of MoviePass

MoviePass doesn’t let you reserve tickets online, but I want to see the new blockbusters on opening weekend. So I’ve started doing this thing where I head to the theater in the late morning, buy a ticket for good seats at a matinee that afternoon, then I grab lunch and hang out at a coffee shop to do some work until show time.

patrick allan, staff writer


Pickle red oni*** and put them on everything

I finally got around to making a stash of pickled red oni*** to have at home, and it’s improved my life just as much as I expected. First of all, they’re stupid easy to make—I used a recipe similar to this one. But also, they’re delicious, go with almost everything, and are generally very good for your ~gut health~. These are definitely becoming a permanent staple in my fridge.

virginia k. **ith, managing editor


Make your takeout order do double duty

Recently, when getting takeout for dinner, I’ve been ordering an extra dish for my lunch the next day. I know—I should be cooking more and eating less takeout and spending less money, but it’s a little thing that makes my life easier. And I usually get really excited in the morning about my upcoming meal.

michell woo, parenting editor

  • 發表於 2021-05-14 23:55
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  • 分類:網際網路



2019年9月,MoviePass為所有客戶關閉。由於財務問題,該公司自2018年起一直在進行生命支援,因此結束時間已近一段時間。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-19 08:49
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... 剃鬚刀是如何買到這些稀有的票的?事實上,就像本文中列出的其他網站一樣,RazorGator是一個經銷商市場。當售票員的票已經完全售完後,很可能有轉售商(即“黃牛黨”)打算...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-24 11:22
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很多人認為MoviePass太好了,不可能是真的。公司現在似乎在證明那些反對者是對的。這是因為MoviePass放棄了為新使用者提供無限電影的計劃。而且也不能保證它會回來。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-25 03:06
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MoviePass目前有燒錢的商業模式。結果他們燒得有點太多了。週四晚上,由於公司現金耗盡,這項服務出現了“中斷”。 7月26日,星期四,全國各地的MoviePass使用者都無法使用他們的卡在電影院購票。MoviePass的工作原理是給客戶...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-05 04:15
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  • 發佈於 2021-04-07 06:26
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《頂槍》:根據最後期限,由湯姆·克魯斯主演的80年代經典頂級槍續集《特立獨行》將於11月19日首映。此前,該公司預定7月2日開業——這本身是從2020年12月23日起的一個延遲。 Maverick的推遲是今年夏天電影劇本的最...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-15 21:19
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...在影院外首映的大型電影。 也許你渴望一個rom com,轉而使用Hulu的whip-**art-Palm-Springs,這是土撥鼠日場景中一個新的旋轉,有一對極具魅力的線索。或者你想要一個更嚴肅的戲劇,在這種情況下,你可能已經把蘋果電視加'灰狗。...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-18 13:12
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  • 發佈於 2021-04-18 14:35
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...演克里斯托弗·諾蘭(Christopher Nolan)執導的一部神祕的暑期大片,隨著COVID-19案件在美國不斷增多,該片的上映時間從7月31日推遲到8月12日。 華納兄弟仍然堅信,2億美元的特尼特將在一家電影院首映,並在一份對《...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-19 05:08
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  • 發佈於 2021-04-30 20:41
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