名義帳戶(nominal account)和真實帳戶(real account)的區別


名義帳戶(nominal account)和真實帳戶(real account)的區別



什麼是名義帳戶(a nominal account)?


Most of the nominal account balances are recorded in the income statement. Balances recorded on an income statement are related to accounts that have completed a business transaction, thus, there is no balance to carry forward. The final amount in the income statement, the net profit will be transferred to the equity section in the balance sheet.名義帳戶(nominal account)和真實帳戶(real account)的區別

什麼是真實的敘述(a real account)?

The balance in a real account is not closed at the end of the accounting year. Instead, a real account begins each accounting year with its balance from the end of the previous year. Because accounting year end balance is carried forward to the next accounting year, a real account is also known as a ‘permanent account’. For instance, assets such as land and buildings continue to exist irrespective of the changes in accounting years. The existence of a real account will be there until the end of the business.名義帳戶(nominal account)和真實帳戶(real account)的區別

名義帳戶(nominal account)和真實帳戶(real account)的區別

名義賬戶的餘額在財政年度結束時結清。 實際賬戶的餘額在財政年度末未結清。
收入、費用、損益賬戶被歸類為名義賬戶。 資產、負債和權益賬戶被歸類為真實賬戶
名義賬戶餘額記入損益表。 實際賬戶餘額記錄在資產負債表上。

總結 - 名義帳戶(nominal account) vs. 真實帳戶(real account)


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