


什麼是度假勝地(a resort)?

Resorts are places that offer relaxation and recreation in addition to accommodation, meals and other basic amnesties. Resorts are usually created near natural, scenic surroundings and offer guests a variety of recreational activities and facilities such as spa, gym, swimming pools, tours etc. They are often built on a relatively larger spread of land. A beach/seaside resort is a resort established near the waterfront and offers activities like surfing, diving, sailing, beach sports etc. Mountain/hillside resort is usually situated near a mountain and offers activities like trekking, mountain climbing, hiking etc. In simple terms, a resort is a great vacation destination.求助(resort)和酒店(hotel)的區別

什麼是旅館(a hotel)?

A hotel is an establishment that provides the guests, lodging and meals. Basically, a hotel is a place where you can stay if you are attending an event (conference, wedding, official meeting etc.) far away from home, or if you want to spend a night in a new environment. Hotels are established in popular and busy areas such as major towns and cities, near an airport, railway station etc. A resort hotel is a hotel that is located inside a resort.求助(resort)和酒店(hotel)的區別


As discussed above the main difference between resort and hotel, lies in their purpose. The main purpose of a resort is to offer relaxation and recreation in addition to accommodation, meals and other basic facilities while the main purpose of a hotel is to provide lodging and meals for its guests. The location of these two establishments is another difference; a resort is often established in a scenic environment while a hotel is situated in a more central, busy area. Moreover, resorts have comparatively large extents of land than hotels since they provide a variety of activities. Another difference between these two places is the free services; both of them often provide free services such as Wi-Fi, newspapers etc. However, nowadays resorts also offer free services like free transport from the airport and tickets to nearby tourist attracti***. Another significant difference between resort and hotel is that, resorts are a great vacation destination for families whereas many hotels are more suited for individuals. Similarly, guests tend to stay for a longer duration in resorts while hotels are more used for overnight stays. Finally, remember that a hotel can be found inside a resort, but a resort is never situated inside a hotel.求助(resort)和酒店(hotel)的區別

  • 發表於 2021-06-27 03:31
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四星(4 star)和五星級酒店(5 star hotel)的區別

四星vs五星級酒店 你是否打算住一家酒店,想知道五星級和四星級酒店有什麼不同,值得一看,然後繼續讀下去。那些疲憊不堪的旅行者在鄉下的小旅館過夜的日子一去不復返了,黑暗籠罩著他們的旅程。如今,我們取代了...

  • 發佈於 2020-10-09 03:55
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預訂(reservation)和在酒店登記(registration in hotel)的區別

酒店預訂和登記的關鍵區別在於預訂不是一個強制性的過程,而登記是一個強制性的過程。酒店預訂通常是指在一定時間內為特定的客人封鎖一個特定的房間,而在酒店登記僅僅是為了正式目的記錄客人的資訊。 預訂和登記...

  • 發佈於 2020-10-18 07:31
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五星級酒店(five (5) star hotel)和七星級酒店(seven (7) star hotel)的區別

五星級酒店vs七星酒店 五星級和七星等酒店星級之間的差異是我們所有不瞭解酒店星級系統的人所面臨的一個問題。在沒有國際標準的情況下,酒店的星級評定是模稜兩可的。有些國家有自己的評級標準,而有些國家則在區...

  • 發佈於 2020-10-24 21:40
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酒店vs汽車旅館 由於旅館和汽車旅館在各自的特點和目的上有一些不同,瞭解旅館和汽車旅館的區別是非常有用的。汽車旅館是一個U形或方形的建築,裡面有一個用來停放車輛的庭院。酒店的設計完全不同,因為它的房間面...

  • 發佈於 2020-10-25 12:23
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...施(facilities)和便利設施(amenities)的區別 設施和便利設施是酒店業經常使用的兩個詞。雖然這兩個術語是常用的,但許多人不知道設施和便利設施之間的區別。便利設施是指有助於舒適、方便或享受的事物。設施是設計用來促進行...

  • 發佈於 2020-10-28 01:41
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...的地,如機場、主要城鎮火車站附近或商業區或地方。 求助(resort)和酒店(hotel)的區別 度假村是除了住宿、餐飲和其他基本便利設施之外提供放鬆和娛樂的地方。換句話說,一個度假勝地將酒店和各種娛樂活動結合在一起,而酒...

  • 發佈於 2020-11-04 13:52
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旅社vs酒店 在人們居住的地方中,旅館和旅館有很大的區別。雖然兩者都是住宿的地方,但旅館是學生的住宿地,而旅館則是遊客或遊客的住宿地。這是旅館和旅館的主要區別。hotel來自中古英語。酒店起源於18世紀中葉。它...

  • 發佈於 2020-11-06 16:32
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...趣的外出瀏覽故事: Recently a bunch of us stayed at a high end resort down in Mexico. Internet was offered as a pay per device service at about $80/week/device. C***idering we had about 12 wifi devices there among us(a few geeks), I decided to plan ahead. I setup a WRT54G as a WiFi client ...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-12 10:16
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  • 發佈於 2021-05-07 18:56
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...行結束之前不太可能出現大幅上漲。 永利度假村(Wynn Resorts)和拉斯維加斯金沙(Las Vegas Sands)對這一訊息反應從容,股價已接近8個月高點。至少到目前為止,美國人還保持著流動性,儘管疾病控制和預防中心(CDC)對感恩...

  • 發佈於 2021-06-17 12:29
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