為什麼windows powershell命令稱為cmdlet?

在使用Windows PowerShell時,您可能遇到了cmdlet這個術語,並發現自己有些困惑。cmdlet是否與命令完全不同,或者只是它們的PowerShell名稱?今天的超級使用者問答帖子回答了一位好奇的讀者的問題。...

為什麼windows powershell命令稱為cmdlet?

在使用Windows PowerShell時,您可能遇到了cmdlet這個術語,並發現自己有些困惑。cmdlet是否與命令完全不同,或者只是它們的PowerShell名稱?今天的超級使用者問答帖子回答了一位好奇的讀者的問題。

今天的問答環節是由SuperUser提供的,SuperUser是Stack Exchange的一個分支,是一個由社群驅動的問答網站分組。


超級使用者讀者RBT想知道為什麼Windows PowerShell命令被稱為cmdlet:

I have been trying to figure out the nomenclature for why commands are called command-lets (cmdlets) in PowerShell. Why they are not simply called commands instead? What is the difference?

I could only guess based on this Wikipedia article about PowerShell that it might somehow be an abbreviation of the command line interface to interact with commands written in .Net.

為什麼Windows PowerShell命令稱為cmdlet?



According to Microsoft:

A cmdlet is a lightweight command that is used in the Windows PowerShell environment. The Windows PowerShell runtime invokes these cmdlets within the context of automation scripts that are provided at the command line. The Windows PowerShell runtime also invokes them programmatically through Windows PowerShell APIs.

How Cmdlets Differ from Commands

Cmdlets differ from commands in other command-shell environments in the following ways:

  • Cmdlets are instances of .NET Framework classes; they are not stand-alone executables.
  • Cmdlets can be created from as few as a dozen lines of code.
  • Cmdlets do not generally do their own parsing, error presentation, or output formatting. Parsing, error presentation, and output formatting are handled by the Windows PowerShell runtime.
  • Cmdlets process input objects from the pipeline rather than from streams of text, and cmdlets typically deliver objects as output to the pipeline.
  • Cmdlets are record-oriented because they process a single object at a time.

Source: Cmdlet Overview [Microsoft]

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