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超級使用者讀者Eman Slitheran想知道是購買單鍵還是更換整個鍵盤更好:

The keyboard on my Asus ROG G73JH-A1 laptop was recently damaged with several of the keys having been ripped off. I would like to know which repair option is better:

  • Purchasing single keys online to replace the ones missing on my laptop’s keyboard
  • Replacing the entire keyboard




In broad/general terms, the answer depends on how common your keyboard is, how much you are “married” to it, and whether you are 100 percent positive that it is a simple case where you just need to replace the ripped off key caps.

For example, this website sells single keyboard keys for an average cost of around $5 each, which seems like a decent deal at first. But just doing a casual check shows that getting three replacement keys for a MacBook Air (MD711LL/A) keyboard would run approximately $27 without shipping included.

But then a quick look on eBay for a full replacement keyboard for a MacBook Air (MD711LL/A) shows that there are whole keyboards available with free shipping that are much cheaper than buying a handful of single keys.

In the case of your specific laptop model, an Asus ROG G73JH-A1, a quick search on eBay (using Asus G73 as the search term) shows that you can purchase a complete, brand new replacement keyboard for approximately $8 and up with free shipping. So in my opinion, a full replacement keyboard is your best bet.

In general, even without knowing what make/model of laptop you have, I believe that purchasing a full replacement keyboard will always cost less than purchasing individual keys. The nature of the way many keyboards are manufactured these days—**all components, very little standardization, and even variance in size/shape/layout within a model line—makes them essentially disposable commodity components.

A full keyboard replacement is a common commodity that can often be purchased for less than individual keys. Changing individual keys is an anachroni** at best nowadays and only seems to happen when one really wants to customize their laptop’s look or they are using editing tools with elaborate key combos that require a custom set of key caps.

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  • 發表於 2021-04-08 12:47
  • 閱讀 ( 41 )
  • 分類:網際網路



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