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Does anybody know how to re-enable your own extensi*** after they were disabled by the Chrome 35 update? It is mainly Greasemonkey scripts in my case, thus simple .js files previously dragged-and-dropped into the extension windows.

When I started Chrome up today, I got a warning that some non-Chrome Web Store extensi*** were disabled.

More info was giving on this link:


Extensi*** Disabled by Chrome

You are seeing this notification because one or more of your Chrome extensi*** have been turned off to make Chrome safer. The extensi*** did not come from the Chrome Web Store or were installed without your permission.

For your protection, you can only use Chrome extensi*** that you get from the Chrome Web Store.

To see a list of your extensi***:

1. Click the Chrome menu Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.

2. Select Tools.

3. Select Extensi***.

Extensi*** that have been disabled are grayed out and you will not be able to re-enable them.


I was hoping that I could still enable them by activating developer mode for my extensi***, but still no luck. Any tips anyone?

P.S. This is not a duplicate from Activating a Chrome extension that is not from the Chrome Web Store. This is specifically related to the Chrome 35 update.




There are really only a couple of opti*** open to you since the ability to run non-web store extensi*** has been programmatically disabled. There are no plans to re-enable it (or at least none made public).

You can try installing releases from the Developer or Canary channels which may allow you to continue using these extensi*** (as mentioned in Google Chrome help forum):


What if I want to run non-web store extensi***?

Advanced users can continue to use our Dev & Canary channels to run any extension. Please note that these channels are updated very regularly, and may contain features and bug fixes that are actively being developed.


Alternatively, I have heard that quite a few people install the Tampermonkey extension which allows them to run user scripts. Might be worth a look.


You can not re-enable them. You need to work around this issue using any of the following alternatives (I will list them by grade of difficulty).

Developer Mode Route

1. Download the crx file and unpack the extension using your favorite decompresser. Take note of the directory where you placed it.

2. Open the extension page and activate “Developer Mode”.

3. Click “Load unpacked extension…”

4. Search through your directory tree for the location where you unpacked your extension and click OK. If your extension is called “my extension”, then select the “my extension” directory.

Advantages: You do not have to install anything else.

Disadvantages: Chrome nags you to disable the extension every time you start it up.

Moving from the Release Channel

Install the Developer or Canary channel versi*** of Chrome. Just go to the corresponding links and install the browser. Note that the Canary version will install a parallel version of Chrome, which will be independent.

Advantages: No nagging. You get all the newest features earlier.

Disadvantages: You also get all the bugs earlier. Installing Canary effectively uses double the disk space versus a single installation of Chrome, and you also have to migrate all your extensi*** over.

Install a Chromium-Based Browser

Since Chromium is open source, there are several forks of the project. I am not sure if Chromium has the restriction in place, but other projects may not.

Moving from Windows Altogether

This restriction is put in place only for Windows due security concerns with the OS. Mac and Linux builds are not affected. You could give any Linux distribution a try.

The “Developer Mode Route” is courtesy of capetoide in the AllMangasReader Forum.


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