即使禁用了internet explorer更新,您也應該安裝它嗎?

Internet Explorer多年來一直有一點信譽問題,有些人更喜歡在他們的系統上禁用它。但是如果你已經禁用了它,你應該繼續為它安裝安全更新嗎?今天的超級使用者問答帖子回答了一位好奇的讀者的問題。...

即使禁用了internet explorer更新,您也應該安裝它嗎?

Internet Explorer多年來一直有一點信譽問題,有些人更喜歡在他們的系統上禁用它。但是如果你已經禁用了它,你應該繼續為它安裝安全更新嗎?今天的超級使用者問答帖子回答了一位好奇的讀者的問題。

今天的問答環節是由SuperUser提供的,SuperUser是Stack Exchange的一個分支,是一個由社群驅動的問答網站分組。


超級使用者讀者Stefan Surkamp想知道是否應該為Internet Explorer安裝更新,即使他在系統上禁用了它:

I have disabled Internet Explorer in the “Windows Features” dialog. Nonetheless, Windows Update says that there are security updates available for it.

I am aware that I can not uninstall Internet Explorer, and that it remains on my system. Are there any security issues if I do not install the available updates, or can I disregard all the updates for Internet Explorer?

他應該擔心安裝Internet Explorer的可用更新,還是可以忽略它們?



An operating system is like a table. A browser or other application is like an item on top of the table. Internet Explorer is an application, but it is physically part of the table because of how Microsoft bundled it with the OS.

Even if you do not use Internet Explorer, you really need to install the updates. If a hacker gains entry to your system, they may attempt to abuse a known vulnerability that you could have patched but did not, and then your problem is compounded. Additionally, since Internet Explorer is a shell used by some other browsers and applicati***, if you are using one of those tertiary browsers (such as Maxthon), you would be stuck with an older version of Internet Explorer that renders the pages (even though the interface is something else).

When dealing with vulnerabilities, you need to do a cost/benefit ****ysis. Does the cost of the downtime to install, and any compatibility problems it produces, outweigh the risk or loss incurred from an attack?


You should always install updates for Internet Explorer, even if you are using a different browser.

Internet Explorer is very tightly woven into the fabric of Windows. For example, Internet Explorer’s proxy settings, the hosts file, and Windows Firewall are examples of parts of Windows that are intertwined with Internet Explorer. A vulnerability here puts your whole system at risk.

Additionally, as you can not uninstall Internet Explorer, it can run and make your system vulnerable. You do not know when it will run. For example, if you are viewing a Help file (.chm), Internet Explorer is rendering the page for you. Some browsers and other applicati*** use Internet Explorer under the covers to render rich content. Again, a vulnerability here puts your whole system at risk.


有什麼要補充的解釋嗎?在評論中發出聲音。想從其他精通技術的Stack Exchange使用者那裡瞭解更多答案嗎?在這裡檢視完整的討論主題。

  • 發表於 2021-04-11 09:45
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  • 分類:網際網路


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