






So after much deliberating on the topic, I finally got around to doing some shopping for a shiny new Kindle. You can imagine my surprise! The last time I went Kindle shopping was around this time last year and my opti*** were limited to the Kindle Keyboard (**all!) or the Kindle DX (big!). There have been some serious changes in Kindle land and it was a bit tricky to sort out exactly what I was getting if I went with one model over another (touch? keyboard? with ads? without ads?). I found this super handy flowchart to help me pick. I figured I can’t be the only one looking for an ebook reader this holiday season. Keep up the good work!




This might be a bit specific for the tips post ya’ll do every week but this tip/program has been so useful to me I just had to share. As of the iOS 5 updates it’s impossible to downgrade. This might not be a big deal for the average user but for jailbreakers and modders it’s a huge deal. Historically you could jump back to prior versi*** if you needed to for whatever reason (like you found out that a cutting edge jailbreak wouldn’t work anymore and you needed to go back in time, so to speak). This is where iFaith comes in. iFaith lets you backup the SHSH blog from your present iOS version and keep it safe and sound (think of your SHSH blog as like the key to unlocking old versi*** of iOS). You can now upgrade without fear, knowing that you can go back in time! Here’s a step-by-step tutorial to using the app.





I love all the DIY electronics posts you guys share. I have a soldering-related tip for the tips box. I gutted a couple old pens and mechanical pencils, following this guide here, to serve as “soldering pens”. They’re super handy. Instead of holding the solder in your hand you can instead hold the pen case as a way of easily directing the solder. In addition to the tips in the tutorial link I shared (he only uses a hollow pen) I’d suggest going to a drafting store and getting a large bore mechanical pencil. I found that a 1mm size drafting pencil would actually feed the solder with the mechanical action. Pretty neat!


有什麼小竅門可以分享嗎?給我們發郵件[email protected]你可能會在頭版看到你的建議。

  • 發表於 2021-04-12 16:54
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  • 分類:網際網路



... 嘗試基本焊接 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-12 23:48
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... 下面是10個有用的高階搜尋,並輔以一些提示,以幫助您的方式。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-13 11:23
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...本電子元件,並引導他們透過應用這些概念的專案。沒有焊接要求,所以它應該透過召集,即使是最過度保護的父母。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-16 15:48
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...一點,買一個可調瓦數鐵。我有一個傲月模型,它與900米提示相容,它從來沒有讓我失望。 松香芯焊料:焊料基本上是錫鉛合金,在低溫下熔化。焊料內部的松香是一種有機化合物,用於去除降低導電性的雜質。...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-26 07:30
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...同,當觸碰螢幕時會扭曲螢幕的靜電場。 相關內容:從提示框:DIY Styluses,將舊光盤迴收到遊戲中,以及在Flickr中搜索Kindle螢幕保護程式 你真正需要知道的是,電容式觸控筆的工作原理和你的手指一樣。它們**簡單-你甚至可以...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-11 13:50
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...醫生監測你的電池 Alfred在文章中寫道,以Android為中心的提示如下: I’ve tested a bunch of battery apps and found them all lacking in some way or another. Battery Doctor has so many features it’s crazy. Not only can you do the obvious stuff like see the power c***umption ...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-12 05:31
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...設計融入耳朵,打造完美貼合感 羅恩用一個定製的耳機提示寫道: I remember you guys had a great tutorial awhile back about making your own custom in-ear headphones. I found a similar tutorial online that uses a clear material for the ear-bud portion. It looks pretty slick s...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-12 05:40
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... 帶專用ipod控制盒的車內音訊 克里斯寫了以下移動音訊提示: I’ve been researching a way to set up my iPod in my car while enjoying big butt*** for control and a nice big readout so I don’t wreck myself trying to read the tiny font on the screen. I found this guy’s tutor...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-12 06:06
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每週一次,我們都會從HTG tip box中收集一些很棒的提示,並與您分享;本週我們將介紹Android**基於位置的待辦事項提醒,如何**自己的軟盤驅動器symphony,以及一種在任何地方都可以輕鬆訪問手冊和產品文件的方法。 位置警報...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-12 06:20
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又到了每週的提示框時間了;繼續讀下去,看看你如何列印遊戲以獲得廉價的娛樂,建立一個基於管道的顯示器支架,並在你的Android**上享受輕鬆的計時器倒計時。 老式印刷遊戲 Ken寫了以下游戲提示: As awesome as that 3D-printed...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-12 06:44
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