三星傳聞中的galaxy s21手機陣容開始有意義了




怎麼會?我沒有什麼好的猜測,但我想我會懷疑與COVID有關的原因。三星可以非常快地將新產品推向市場,但我敢打賭,它的旗艦計劃要比Galaxy S20 FE等產品早得多。

既然我們對時間的感知已經變得難以理解,我想提醒大家,三星的Galaxy S20和S20 Plus是今年釋出的兩款最好的Android**。(S20 Ultra沒有那麼多。)三星很早就走出了5G的大門,擁有出色的電池續航能力,幾乎沒有問題,而且總體而言,在美國,關注電子產品的人對三星的評價還很低。


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無論如何,今天我們從安卓警察局的馬克斯·溫巴赫那裡得到了三星Galaxy S21的詳細資料。大多數細節並不特別令人驚訝——高通公司將繼續生產其晶片的新版本,三星也將對Exynos進行同樣的生產。螢幕將繼續是巨大的。

There are three S21 models expected— a standard, a Plus and an Ultra. According to Android Police, the S21 will have a 6.2-inch display, the Plus will be 6.7 inches and the Ultra will reportedly have a 6.8-inch display.

一個值得注意的傳聞是,銀河S21超模式將支援S筆。S21 Ultra顯然不會有一個用於手寫筆的筒倉,不過,使用者需要找出另一種方式來攜帶它,很可能是在一個案例中。


注意哪些裝置不在列表中?銀河筆記。人們猜測三星將退出Note系列,轉而將其高階裝置改為Fold和S21 Ultra。三星的Galaxy Notes和Galaxy s**之間有很多重疊,所以這不是最瘋狂的想法。不過,這張紙條也很受歡迎,我不確定讓人們買一支單獨的手寫筆是否會讓他們喜歡。再說一次,如果你想要一支手寫筆,還有什麼地方可以用呢?


2020年,三星開始重新定義其旗艦產品halo devices的定義,專注於Fold和新款Ultra**。到2021年,我認為這一點將變得更加明確。我只希望三星能找到一種降低摺疊**成本的方法。



┏哈雷戴維森(Harley Davidson)的新電動腳踏車看起來不可思議——但它們不會便宜。“便宜”在電動腳踏車界是一個相對的名詞,但安德魯·霍金斯(Andrew Hawkins)說得對,3400美元至5000美元的價格區間絕對不在低端市場。然而,如果這些腳踏車跑得像他們看起來,他們可能是值得的成本。

Are those good prices? It’s hard to say without any time in the saddle, but when combined with the specs and part listing for each bike, it seems to indicate that these will be well-crafted machines that definitely deserve a much closer look. They are certainly more expensive than popular brands like VanMoof, Rad Power Bikes, Sondors, and others. But they will be competitive with major bike makers like Specialized, Giant, and Trek. And the Harley-Davidson badge has an inherent value among some customers on its own.

┏據報道,特斯拉將不再**價值3.5萬美元的Model 3。

Musk’s plan to make a $35,000 Model 3 never really came to fruition, thanks to the company’s well-documented “production hell.” Today, the Model 3 Standard Range Plus starts at $37,990, the Long Range starts at $46,990, and the Performance starts at $54,990.[...] This is not to say that Musk has completely abandoned his plan for an affordable electric car. Thanks to the company’s new “tabless” battery cells, as well as changing the materials inside the cell, Musk said Tesla will be able to “halve” the price per kilowatt-hour, which will make electric cars roughly the same price as combustion engine ones, Musk said during the company’s recent battery event. That should allow it to sell an EV for $25,000.


Special “launch” editi*** of both vehicles will come first, starting with $75,000 for the R1T truck and $77,500 for the R1S SUV. Both will come with 300 miles of range. A 400-mile battery pack for the R1T will be available in January 2022, Rivian says. [...] These prices represent a slight increase over what the company originally announced back in 2018.


┏蘋果macOS 11 Big Sur評論:很長一段時間。很高興聽到金妮卡進展順利,她的評論很棒。不過,你目前所依賴的任何大而重要的應用程式還是值得一看的。總的來說,我不介意視覺上的變化,但他們告訴我,Mac電腦只要有一個觸控式螢幕就可以了。它不必是對整個系統的徹底檢修,只需要是一些快速的事情的一個選擇。我希望蘋果有一天不再對此事如此固執。

Apple really seems to have ironed out the numerous bugs that popped up during the surprisingly rough beta period, and the final release is quite stable without any major problems. There also aren’t any hugely disruptive changes like Catalina’s removal of 32-bit app support.


In its updated support document, Apple makes clear that security checks it makes when authenticating software do not include a user’s Apple ID or device identity. The company also says it’s stopped logging IP addresses associated with the Developer ID certificate checks. “We have never combined data from these checks with information about Apple users or their devices,” writes the iPhone-maker. “We do not use data from these checks to learn what individual users are launching or running on their devices.”

However, something about these complaints do seem to have registered with Apple, as the company says it’s changing how it handles these checks in the future. Over the next year the company says it will roll out a new encrypted protocol for developer ID certificate checks while adding “strong protecti*** against server failure” — that is, protecti*** against the issues that stopped apps from opening last week. Finally, users will also be given the option of opting out of these security protecti*** all together



┏HBO Max終於來到亞馬遜Fire TV裝置。

The looming question hanging over the announcement is whether this means a deal with Roku, the other major streaming aggregator on which HBO Max is currently absent, will be announced soon. Both WarnerMedia and Roku have publicly said many times they want to work on a deal as quickly as possible.


┏SpaceX Crew-1團隊透過將嬰兒尤達帶到太空來駕馭原力。

  • 發表於 2021-04-17 08:42
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三星galaxy s21與s20:你應該買哪一款?

想買三星Galaxy S21,但想知道你是否應該節省一些錢,只是去舊的Galaxy S20系列?從理論上講,S20星系和S21星系之間似乎沒有太大區別。當你看細節的時候,你會發現三星已經在很多方面改進了S21。讓我們看看這些變化,看看你是...

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三星宣佈推出一款名為galaxy xcover 5的新型堅固手機

... 不過,也有來自大品牌的耐用裝置,三星剛剛宣佈了其最新型號Galaxy Xcover 5。如果你在市場上尋找一款可以承受打擊的**,你想要三星品牌帶來的可靠性和美譽度,那麼這款**可能是最適合你的。 ...

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三星galaxy s21的早期評論就在這裡

除非你完全忽視了Android的前景,否則三星已經宣佈推出Galaxy S21系列智慧**。粉絲們對三星**的釋出寄予了很高的期望,現在評論已經出爐,這種期望即將達到頂點。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-28 01:15
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三星終於宣佈推出galaxy s21系列手機

如果說三星在Galaxy S21上的保密工作做得很差,那就太輕描淡寫了。在公司在Galaxy解包活動上公佈**之前,幾乎每一個細節都被洩露了。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-28 05:08
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報告:您可以用語音解鎖三星galaxy s21

... 根據SamMobile的一份報告,三星可能會增加支援透過Bixby使用您的語音解鎖其下一代Galaxy S21智慧**。這將給你另一個快速的方法解鎖你的裝置和完成的事情。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-29 09:56
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三星的galaxy smarttag plus將於4月16日推出,該產品具有超寬頻功能,可透過ar跟蹤物品

三星的Galaxy SmartTag Plus是該公司瓷磚樣SmartTag Bluetooth tracker(今年早些時候釋出)的升級版,現在有釋出日期:4月16日將以39.99美元的價格上市。 這比標準SmartTag高出10美元,售價為29.99美元,但SmartTag Plus有一個顯著的...

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三星繼z fold 2之後的產品可能會更小,但可能不是你想要的尺寸

據Elec(透過XDA開發者)報道,三星下一代Galaxy Z Fold摺疊**的螢幕可能會比以前的型號稍小,電池也會更小,而且很有可能在7月份推出新的Galaxy Z Flip。 據報道,Galaxy Z Fold 3將擁有7.5英寸的平板電腦主螢幕和6.2英寸的**...

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...部分將採用打孔顯示屏,這可能類似於許多Android**,比如三星的Galaxy S21系列和谷歌的畫素**(透過MacRumors)。 不過,除了一個**攝像頭,iPhone的凹口目前還包含用於蘋果人臉識別生物認證系統的元件,Kuo沒有詳細說明這種傳聞中...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-15 23:20
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一個youtuber已經發布了一個完整的galaxy a52 5g解包

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傳聞中三星galaxy pro和pro 360膝上型電腦的圖片提前洩露

傳聞中三星即將推出的兩款膝上型電腦Galaxy Book Pro和Galaxy Book Pro 360的圖片已經提前洩露,讓我們對這兩款裝置有了迄今為止最清晰的瞭解。這些明顯的營銷圖片是由可靠的洩密者埃文·布拉斯(Evan Blass)釋出到Voice上的,他說最...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-16 04:27
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