



昨天Twitter上突然出現了這樣的連結行為:如果你是Apple News Plus的訂閱者,點選訂閱包中的出版物連結,你將進入Apple News應用程式,而不是瀏覽器。iOS 14也會這麼做。

如果你為Apple News Plus付費,這可能正是你想要的。開啟一個有付費牆的頁面,你只需要點選一篇文章。是的,蘋果新聞應用程式本身的功能和IE 3差不多,而你的瀏覽器只有標籤之類的功能,但至少你不必經歷複製和貼上的過程。


You are reading Processor, a newsletter about computers, software, and tech by Dieter Bohn. Dieter writes about c***umer tech, software, and the most important tech news of the day from The Verge. You can read an archive of Processor newsletters here and subscribe to all of The Verge’s great videos here!


By subscribing, you are agreeing to receive a daily newsletter from The Verge that highlights top stories of the day, as well as occasional messages from sp***ors and / or partners of The Verge.

我確實覺得這種行為有點奇怪。如果你在Safari中點選一個連結,就會開啟Apple新聞。如果你在Chrome中單擊一個連結,它將保持在Chrome中。如果你在其他應用程式(如Slack)中單擊一個連結,它就會在Apple News中開啟——即使你的預設瀏覽器是Chrome。這很奇怪,因為尚不清楚大蘇爾知道它應該重定向一些網站,而不是其他網站。它是否使用預先批准的參與釋出者網站列表進行登記(如果是,至少它是離線的)?這個列表是本地儲存的還是蘋果的?不管答案是什麼,關鍵是當你點選一個連結時會發生什麼是不一致的。也許它打開了一個瀏覽器,也許它打開了蘋果新聞。


Apple is committed to creating the best experience for Apple News+ subscribers. This change offers subscribers seamless access to the content that is part of their News+ subscription right in the News app or publisher app, as well as providing publishers with increased engagement and revenue opportunities on Apple News. News+ subscribers can set their link preference in their News settings.



你應該知道,海爾是一家名為Scroll的公司的執行長,該公司與蘋果新聞(Apple News)競爭,與出版商建立合作關係。(我以前在這裡寫過)所以他不是一個公正的觀察者。只要我透露,Vox媒體與蘋果新聞和Scroll都有合作關係。這就是網路衰落的原因:突然間,當你點選一個連結時,忽略那些發生的事務就變得困難多了。


不過,我不是在找陰謀。有時公司的激勵措施與其價值觀是一致的。我認為,將其解讀為蘋果發現其使用者在不需要付費的時候卻在打付費牆也是公平的,因為他們已經在為Apple News Plus付費了。


但要想讓它一路迴歸:比起正常的連結行為,蘋果更喜歡蘋果新聞,這使得Mac的工作方式更像iPhone,在iOS14之前,蘋果嚴格控制所有的預設應用程式。即使在iOS 14中,也只能更改電子郵件和瀏覽器應用程式。

iOS 14上的應用內廣告也出現了同樣的“價值觀和激勵”。第三方應用程式需要向用戶申請許可,才能逐個應用程式進行跟蹤——但蘋果自己的廣告網路顯然有預設的“個性化廣告”選項。蘋果合法地比其他應用程式廣告生態系統少了1000%的令人毛骨悚然,但這並不意味著蘋果本身就不會受益。兩者都有。

當我們談論iOS的時候,它已經成為另一個爭議的焦點。蘋果重申,xCloud和Stadia等雲遊戲服務違反了App Store的規定。它重複了去年3月給馬克·古爾曼(Mark Gurman)的一份宣告,稱“遊戲服務完全可以在App Store上推出,只要它們遵循適用於所有開發者的同一套指導原則,包括單獨提交遊戲供審查,以及出現在圖表和搜尋中。”




Verge Deal of the day

Apple’s AirPods Pro are $30 off at Amazon

Normally $250, the Apple AirPods Pro wireless earbuds are down to $220 at Amazon. Compared to the standard AirPods, these feature better sound quality and noise cancellation. We’ve seen these drop a bit lower in price before, but that’s a pretty rare occurrence.

<**all>Vox Media has affiliate partnerships. These do not influence editorial content, though Vox Media may earn commissi*** for products purchased via affiliate links. For more information, see </**all><**all>our ethics policy</**all><**all>. Prices displayed are based on the MSRP at time of posting.</**all>


┏Acer Chromebook Spin 713:購買Chromebook。如果我今天買的是Chromebook,我會聽從Monica Chin的建議買這本。巨集碁繼續主導Chromebooks。

If you’re deciding between the Spin 713 and the $1,000 Galaxy Chromebook or the $849 i5 model of the Pixelbook Go, I would say you need a pretty good reason not to choose the Spin.

┏三星Galaxy Buds直播點評:酷豆。克里斯·韋爾奇:

To be very clear, these earbuds let in a significant amount of outside noise at all times. That’s intentional and where I think the “Live” part of the name comes from. These aren’t going to drown out your co-workers when we get back to the office someday, nor are they going to be your preferred airplane compani***. Samsung says it designed the Buds Live to eliminate very low frequencies — think the persistent hum of an air conditioner or the rumbling of an Amtrak — and you can hear some of that ambient sound get sliced off when you turn on active noise cancellation.


But to fend off its rivals, Sony has returned with the new $349.99 1000XM4 headphones, available for preorder today and shipping later this month. They address the two main downsides of the previous product: you can now pair to two devices simultaneously, and updated mics should make for clearer calls.

┏三星Galaxy Tab S7 Plus最棒的部分就是它的螢幕。Dan Seifert談到這款平板電腦的優點(當然,最糟糕的是Android在平板電腦上並不好):

Unsurprisingly, the absolute best thing by far about the Tab S7 Plus is its display. This 12.4-inch OLED panel is bright, vibrant, and pixel-dense. Colors practically jump off the screen, and the blacks are as inky and deep as they are on the LG OLED TV hanging in my living room. Topping it off is the 120Hz refresh rate, which makes every interaction buttery **ooth. Yes, the iPad Pro has had this feature for three years, but it’s just as much of a delight here as it is on Apple’s tablet. In fact, given that this is an OLED panel, I might even argue that this is the nicest screen I’ve ever seen on a mobile device.

┏新款27英寸iMac網路攝像頭不僅更好,而且更智慧。下面是我對新的2020 iMac的看法。



┏微軟新推出的Xbox s系列遊戲機在洩露的控制器包裝中得到證實。

┏E Ink演示了一款摺疊電子閱讀器,它還可以記筆記。我見過很多來自E-Ink的原型,E-Ink是一家官方生產螢幕的公司,這些螢幕都是合適的E-Ink,而不僅僅是“E-paper”之類的。還有一個棒球內幕:如果你是一個科技部落格,把上面的任何一個都搞砸了,eink肯定會讓你知道的。這家公司的整個袋子畢竟是為了推廣電子墨水。不管怎樣!我希望看到這樣的東西在一個較小的形式因素。我喜歡從一個角度開啟一本書;這是一個普通電子閱讀器不會感到癢的地方。


┏谷歌已經停止使用Pixel 4和4 XL。

┏谷歌的Pixel 5和Pixel 4A 5G將於10月8日預購。


Now, Microsoft is moving parts of Windows development back under Panos Panay’s control. Specifically, that means the Windows fundamentals and developer experience teams have been returned to what we traditionally call the Windows team. It’s an admission that the big Windows split didn’t work quite as planned. We’ve seen plenty of evidence of that with a messy development experience for Windows 10, delayed Windows updates, a lack of major new features, and lots of Windows update issues recently.


┏美國對蒂克托克宣戰是因為它無法處理真相。Sarah Jeong從前後的新聞故事中縮小,談論更大的背景。必須閱讀:

I call this ideology information-nationali**. Here’s how I would describe its assumpti***: 1. When your country acknowledges human rights abuses, you are made weak 2. You can weaken rival nation-states by exposing their human rights abuses


There’s at least one major wrinkle in both cases: while sancti*** are nothing new, the ByteDance and Tencent orders ban Americans from accessing a piece of software and (at least in theory) the content on its network. This is unusual and could raise First Amendment questi*** that don’t apply in other IEEPA cases — including arguments that apps like TikTok are protected speech, or that banning them would infringe on users’ ability to engage in it.


┏特朗普的微信禁令將如何摧毀蘋果的中國業務。Chaim Gartenberg公司:

An iPhone without WeChat is effectively not a phone at all for the hundreds of milli*** of Chinese users that rely on the service — customers on which Apple’s entire iPhone business model relies. If Apple can’t offer WeChat on the iPhone due to Trump’s ban, then much of its Chinese business will almost certainly evaporate overnight.


[Trump’s order] prevented foreign manufacturers of semiconductors who use American software and technology in their operati*** from shipping their products to Huawei unless they first obtained a license from the US. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC), the largest semiconductor manufacturer in the world, reportedly halted orders for Huawei’s HiSilicon unit in May following the new US rule.



There are tens of thousands of genes in the human genome: minuscule twists of DNA and RNA that combine to express all of the traits and characteristics that make each of us unique. Each gene is given a name and alphanumeric code, known as a symbol, which scientists use to coordinate research. But over the past year or so, some 27 human genes have been renamed, all because Microsoft Excel kept misreading their symbols as dates.

┏電腦科學家弗朗西斯·艾倫(Frances Allen)因從事編譯工作而聞名,享年88歲。金·萊昂斯:

Allen helped build an experimental compiler for IBM’s Advanced Computing system, and from 1980 to the mid-1990s, she headed a research team at IBM working on the new concept of parallel computing, which became widely used in personal computers. She also helped develop software for IBM’s Blue Gene supercomputer project.

┏Galaxy Z Fold 2是三星的一大承諾,它可以修復其可摺疊的未來。Chaim Gartenberg公司:

It’s a message focused on selling customers a phone based on the things that it isn’t — too **all, too awkward, too prone to breaking — rather than the things that it is. It also puts a lot of pressure on the upcoming Z Fold 2.


It’s not a new partnership, and Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella even personally appeared at Samsung’s Note 10 event last year. But it’s more important than ever before, as the industry hurtles toward the next big ecosystem battle between iOS and Android. It’s no longer just about the phones themselves but about how these phones interact with the other computers in your life, whether they’re laptops, desktops, or even game c***oles. And Samsung’s deepening partnership with Microsoft is essential to its approach.


  • 發表於 2021-04-18 05:28
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  • 分類:網際網路



蘋果HomePod是一個驚人的揚聲器,它的設計與蘋果音樂和AirPlay無縫配合。這是一個工程奇蹟,考慮到蘋果能把多少東西塞進這個矮胖的7英寸小圓筒裡。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-11 14:54
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  • 發佈於 2021-03-16 13:16
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把牆壁放大到蘋果的圍牆花園裡可以賺大錢。但唯一的一點是,蘋果的產品價格很好。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-16 16:39
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...自從網路遊戲成為一種東西以來,玩家們就渴望衝出他們的圍牆花園,與其他平臺上的玩家競爭。不幸的是,這項技術需要一段時間才能滿足人們的需求,遊戲機**商的態度也是如此。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-23 14:12
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...如此的融合,以至於微軟的嘗試太少,太晚了。(多虧了蘋果的圍牆花園,兩家公司都不可能在iOS上獲得他們想要的整合如果你想在iOS上獲得無縫體驗,你就需要一臺Mac。) chrome不做的事情呢? 當然,有些事情Chrome仍然不能在...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-07 05:10
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...的使用者可以滿懷信心地瀏覽Mac應用商店,因為他們知道蘋果的圍牆花園會保護他們。 但它不會。 我們一起去買excel吧 試著讓自己進入電腦新手的心理狀態。你有一個全新的iMac,你想編輯一些Excel電子表格。在被告席上,你...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-08 17:29
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...非常成熟,可以在所有平臺上執行,包括Android、Windows、蘋果產品,甚至Linux。 Dropbox仍然是免費賬戶中最吝嗇的。這有點可笑,公司仍然只為基本客戶提供2GB,所以如果你想多點雲端儲存,那麼即使iCloud(5GB)也會更慷慨。升級...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-10 04:59
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如何在fire tv和fire tv stick上啟用家長控制


  • 發佈於 2021-04-10 19:47
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一位美國法官在審理Epic對蘋果的反壟斷訴訟時批評了這家遊戲開發商違反與iPhone**商的合同的決定,將帶有定製支付系統的Fortnite版本推到了App Store上。這一決定導致蘋果將Fortnite從應用商店中刪除。 在週一與兩家公...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-18 02:52
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  • 發佈於 2021-04-20 06:24
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