
上一次我親自參加的大型科技活動是三星推出Galaxy S20系列智慧手機。現在,三星將加入其他所有人在科技領域的行列,試圖捕捉這種體驗的一些表象,並在一個純粹的線上活動中大肆宣傳,即將於8月5日舉行的無包裝活動。...

上一次我親自參加的大型科技活動是三星推出Galaxy S20系列智慧**。現在,三星將加入其他所有人在科技領域的行列,試圖捕捉這種體驗的一些表象,並在一個純粹的線上活動中大肆宣傳,即將於8月5日舉行的無包裝活動。


當然,我們期待著當天公佈的Galaxy Note 20陣容。雖然傳言最初有點含糊其辭,究竟是什麼陣容將需要,最近洩漏點注20,注20加(這將是更大的),和注20超(這將是。。。“超”,不管是什麼意思)。

除了Note20系列之外,還有很多其他三星裝置即將釋出。有5G版本的Galaxy Z Flip摺疊**,Galaxy Z Fold 2(傳言稱“Z”是三星彎曲螢幕的品牌),Galaxy Watch 3智慧手錶,還有豆形的新耳塞(是的,真的)。


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三星原本希望實現一個世代的飛躍,但卻失敗了,自此一直在努力恢復。據報道,Note20不會試圖重現所謂的100倍變焦,但它將繼續使用有問題的1.08億畫素感測器。儘管三星在推出Galaxy S20 Ultra後已經做了很多改進,但仍然令人擔憂。

Galaxy Z Flip確實比任何其他翻蓋摺疊**都好(主要競爭對手是新款Razr),但我對它的最大問題是它的價格太高。我不知道是誰吵著要花更多的錢。5G變體並不是三星所需要的。



去年4月,我在災難性的Galaxy Fold釋出會上坐在前排——每當你的**在幾位評論員的手中自動中斷時,那就糟糕了。三星最終確實重新發布了摺疊平板電腦(價格為1980美元的天價),但如果三星決定在一兩年內收回整個摺疊平板電腦,你不會責怪它。



Verge Deal of the day

Apple’s AirPods Pro are $30 off at Amazon

Normally $250, the Apple AirPods Pro wireless earbuds are down to $220 at Amazon. Compared to the standard AirPods, these feature better sound quality and noise cancellation. We’ve seen these drop a bit lower in price before, but that’s a pretty rare occurrence.

<**all>Vox Media has affiliate partnerships. These do not influence editorial content, though Vox Media may earn commissi*** for products purchased via affiliate links. For more information, see </**all><**all>our ethics policy</**all><**all>. Prices displayed are based on the MSRP at time of posting.</**all>


┏現在購買最好的無線耳塞。我支援克里斯·韋爾奇的觀點。在過去的一個月裡,我在5款不同的藍芽耳機(AirPods Pro、Pixel Buds、Sony 1000XM3、OnePlus neckbuds和Galaxy Buds)之間來回切換,Galaxy Buds是我現在使用最多的耳機,尤其是我在Mac、iPhone和Android**上使用它們。我要消音嗎?當然,但現在我不坐火車上下班了,這對我來說沒那麼重要了。我也希望這些耳機能夠在不同的裝置之間更無縫地切換,但至少它們比索尼好(幾乎每個人在這方面都比索尼好)。

There’s no one set of earbuds that is perfect at everything. For general everyday listening, the Samsung Galaxy Buds Plus are the best wireless earbuds. Got an iPhone? Nothing beats the AirPods Pro.

┏我如何主持我的第一個慈善活動,你如何主持一個。Bijan Stephen的精彩演練:

If you’re planning for your stream to be slightly more elaborate, I think the most important features to c***ider are length, guests, and a donation thermometer.


Right now, the Ananta is available through a Kickstarter campaign, with deliveries promised for September of this year. As of this writing, the lowest price you can get the display for is $359, and it is expected to retail for a rather steep $599 when it hits general availability. If you go for the Kickstarter deal, the price is reasonable for how large, versatile, and well the Ananta works. But at full price, it may cost nearly as much as the laptop you’re plugging it into, at which point you have to wonder if it’s worth it.

┏LG Gram 17評論:比看上去更輕。莫妮卡·琴:

It’s very unusual to see a 17-inch laptop under four pounds — let alone under three. Couple that with a $1,499 starting price (our model currently goes for $1,699), and you’re looking at a pretty niche target demographic. For that niche, though, this laptop tracks.




┏ 這不是’t a COVID-19波— 它’這是海嘯。瑪麗·貝思·格里格斯對什麼有更好的比喻’美國正在發生這樣的事情。

┏ 運動泡泡是研究COVID-19的好地方。妮可·韋茨曼:

If the virus starts to spread within the isolation zones, though, it should be relatively easy to trace the path it traveled. In the outside world, it’s hard for people to remember where they go and who they interact with, says Angela Ra**ussen, a research scientist at the Center for Infection and Immunity at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. If you’re on a tight schedule and living in a central location, like athletes in these environments are, that information is easy to access. “You can work out, not only the number of contacts you’ve had, but the types of interacti*** you have with those people.”


Ultimately, the way humans interact with animals and the environment can have grave c***equences for our own well-being. That’s why scientists and public health experts have developed a strategy for addressing the ways in which the health of the environment and all of the people and wildlife living in it are connected. It’s an approach called “one health.”


┏微軟宣佈推出新的Windows 10“開始”選單設計和更新的Alt Tab。湯姆·沃倫:

Essentially, the reduction in the color of the blocky tiled interface on the Start menu will simplify it slightly and make it easier to scan for the apps you use on a daily basis. It’s a subtle change, but it certainly makes the Start menu look a little less chaotic and avoids many tiles sharing a similar blue color.

┏微軟宣佈Xbox X系列遊戲將於7月23日舉行。您可以宣佈多少次新的遊戲機?


┏谷歌停止使用Pixel 3A和3A XL。


BMW now wants to take this to a far more specific level. The German automaker announced on Wednesday that all cars equipped with its newest “Operating System 7” software will soon receive an update that makes it possible for the company to tinker with all sorts of functi*** in the car, like access to heated seats and driving assist features like automatic high beams or adaptive cruise control. And the company unsurprisingly plans to use this ability to make money.




Inside the company, though, a few dozen developers were building what they describe as one of Magic Leap’s most exciting projects. It’s called The Last Light: an interactive story about a young woman dealing with the death of her grandmother, designed to show the storytelling potential of mixed reality. And crucially, its creators say it’s finished — but they aren’t sure if anyone will ever see it.

┏氣候變化沒有快速解決辦法。我們很難理解延遲的結果,正如Justine Calma所解釋的:

“There is this fundamental misunderstanding of the climate system by non climate scientists trying to use trends on a 10 year time scale for climate change, when [with] climate change a 100 or 200-year timescale is relevant,” explains Natalie Mahowald, a climate scientist at Cornell University who was not involved in the study. “All our hard work today, we will not be able to see for 20 or 30 years — this is the crux of the problem,” Mahowald says. “Humans have a really hard time doing something for future generati***.”

┏ 魁比在揮舞,因為魁比沒有人知道魁比是什麼。茱莉亞·亞歷山大看了看奎比作為每個人為了生存所能採取的行動’****期結束。

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...了亞馬遜Echo智慧音箱、Kindle電子閱讀器等流行技術,最引人注目的是Alexa。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-11 02:49
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...是世界上第一款**可穿戴手錶,但它是獨立智慧手錶中最引人注目的例子,可以獨立於父裝置執行。它也是世界上最成功的智慧手錶,也是世界上最成功的可穿戴技術(包括簡單的健身跟蹤器)。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-13 03:11
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...疑微軟對windows10mobile的承諾的人,但他可能是迄今為止最引人注目的懷疑者。聯想是一家大型跨國公司,因此它的高管們在看到一個死板的產品時,很可能知道如何發現它。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-17 06:51
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...家以遊戲膝上型電腦聞名的公司,Razer Phone 2是一款非常引人注目的遊戲**。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-18 18:57
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...替代品,遠比昂貴的三星Galaxy Tab S4,聯想Tab 4提供了一個引人注目的高畫質顯示器與雙立體聲前置揚聲器。他們是理想的泵出你最喜歡的遊戲的聲帶! ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-22 20:07
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... 它在CES上首次推出的最引人注目的產品之一是20 ffice抗菌揹包。由於個人衛生的重要性隨著COVID的出現而呈現出新的意義,Targus希望這款新的包能幫助那些在路上花費大量時間使用科技裝備旅行...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-28 21:04
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...,但三星的可轉換Galaxy Chromebook也在為自己築巢。憑藉其引人注目的紅色機箱和令人垂涎三尺的4K OLED螢幕,它帶來了為最昂貴的Windows超級本保留的高階功能。我們還得看看鍵盤上的8MP攝像頭,再加上三星的安卓應用套件,是否...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-02 18:57
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...強大,高保真的虛擬現實,簡單的設定和完全便攜的聲音引人注目,這樣的裝置在這裡。這款售價400美元的聯想幻影獨奏(Lenovo Mirage Solo)包含了由內而外的追蹤功能,目前已經上市。 而且,在這篇文章最初發表時,Oculus Quest...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-03 13:46
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...被限制到較慢的速度,那麼這種先進的新5G連線就不那麼引人注目了。 Verizon計劃在2018年在美國一些城市推出5G,但他們最初將把5G用於家庭寬頻網際網路,而不是行動電話服務。有望在2019年開始部署,但至少在2020年之前,5G可...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-06 21:05
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...2美元或18美元。真倒黴。 解鎖:cat s60 也許這個列表中最引人注目的條目是CAT S60。是的,那隻貓是建築裝置**商。卡特彼勒國際公司實際上並不是自己生產這款**,而是將其品牌授權給總部位於英國的布利特集團(Bullitt Group),...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-07 19:17
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