






At any given time, Redman is likely to be running thousands of cryptographically hashed passwords though a PC containing four of Nvidia's GeForce GTX 480 graphics cards. It's an "older machine," he conceded, but it still gives him the ability to cycle through as many as 6.2 billion combinati*** every second. He typically uses a dictionary file containing about 26 million words, combined with programming rules that greatly extend its effectiveness by adding numbers, punctuation, and other characters to each list entry.


Reyhan Harmanci在一些最大的網站和社交網路上與員工交談,這些網站和社交網路致力於保持網路對兒童色情、斬首和網際網路最糟糕的內容的清潔。

BuzzFeed:Reyhan Harmanci-兒童色情和其他最糟糕的東西是如何從網際網路上刪除的

This is not to say that every individual in this line of work has had a bad experience: the ability to handle such a mentally demanding job differs from person to person. And tech companies say that they do offer special benefits to employees who view disturbing content for a living. Facebook has a "safety team" that is tasked with reviewing the most sensitive material, and according to a spoke**an, they offer "in-house training, and also, counseling for our employees." A Google spokeswoman told me that the one-year contracts (which can frustrate those looking to stay on for longer) were designed to ensure that no one held the most brutal jobs indefinitely. Also, Google brings in independent counselors to talk to teams about secondary trauma — the kind of trauma that comes from seeing abused people and not being able to help.


Cam Simpson將現代**、平板電腦和電視中使用的錫追溯到印尼邦加島的危險錫礦坑,那裡是全球三分之一供應的來源。


Rosnan worked among thousands of Indonesians who wield pickaxes and buckets each day on Bangka Island, extracting the tin that becomes the solder that binds components in the world’s tablet computers, **artphones, and other electronics. Police figures show Bangka miners died in accidents similar to Rosnan’s at an average of almost one a week last year, more than double the rate from 2010. There is good reason to believe it’s getting worse. At the end of July, five Bangka miners were killed beneath another mudslide.


Rahel Aima認為“網路的超動態性”,緩慢的網路運動,以及閱讀的未來。

根莖:Rahel Aima-迫不及待的網路

Here, again, was that same urgency transposed from page to screen. Do you know the feeling? That sharp, almost adrenal jolt when you open just one more tab and all the favic*** disappear to give you a segmented line of characters? You can’t increase your screen resolution much more, but keep the pages open, just on the off chance that you might actually read them. Perhaps you quickly scan in order to close a tab, yet find yourself clicking on "History" just moments later, just in case you missed something. Perhaps you feel guilty about not giving each piece the undivided attention you once lavished upon your books, but often, just knowing the dust jacket-like gist seems to be enough.


喬瑟夫埃斯波西託(Joseph Esposito)在舉國上下的時候,仔細考慮了自己家的個人圖書館和電子書的吸引力。


Reducing the size of my personal library made me aware that I had probably bought my last new print book. There may be excepti*** to this, as when I purchase a gift for someone, but otherwise my new books will be e-books. Used books are a different matter, though, as the pleasure of browsing is something I will not give up until the last bookstore closes. I will continue to read print because I already own so many unread print books, but the e-book revolution is well on its way in this household. Oddly, it is easier to contemplate a world of e-books than a house without stuffed bookshelves.


在東京藝術空間數字化釋出之際,Craig Mod描述了跨多個平臺設計一本書的困難(和優勢)。

Craig Mod:Craig Mod-平臺書

And so, in the last two years a simple, strong truth has emerged: The future of books is built upon networked platforms, not islands. More than any surface advancement — interface, navigational, typographic, or similar — platforms define how we read going forward. Platforms shape systems — those of production, c***umption, distribution — and all critical changes happening in digital books and publishing happen within systems. Post-artifact books and publishing is not just about text on screens.


  • 發表於 2021-04-23 21:48
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  • 分類:網際網路



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