週末:kindle fire高畫質評論,太空探索和dnc



目標 weekend_report

Facebook Freakonomics: a new tool to map the world's friendships


A little infographic **** for your weekend brunch reading. Facebook maps out the friendships between nati*** with some helpful interactive graphics by the Stamen design studio. Bonus quick read on colonization.

目標 weekend_feature

Mars is the new moon: why space explorers will never be the same


As we march into the future it becomes increasingly clear that our primary struggles will be linked to a lack of global resources, and the easiest preventative solution to this problem — while still acknowledging the primal human instinct to do more — is to do more with less. An intergalactic examination of space exploration, past and future.

目標 weekend_review

Amazon Kindle Fire HD review (7-inch)


Amazon brings the fight to Apple's iPad and the Nexus 7, but is its beauty more than skin deep? With a great price tag and ecosystem the Amazon Kindle Fire HD means business. Read the full Verge review and see what our verdict is.

目標 weekend_report

Quora, Silicon Valley's favorite Q&A site, updates design to take on Wikipedia


Co-founded by former Facebookers, Quora was the It Startup when it launched in mid-2009 with the goal of putting all the information in our heads onto the web. But the Q&A product is still searching for traction beyond Silicon Valley with a new design.

目標 weekend_feature

I want my DNC: three days of hashtags and pseudo-events


After a week on the ground in Tampa at the RNC, Matt Stroud takes a load off and watches the DNC from the comfort of his own living room. Just how different are those two media experiences?

目標 weekend_report

Warrantless wiretap bill passes in US House, authorizes 5 more years of domestic spying


With a fresh 5-year extension on the line, privacy groups and members of Congress fight to get answers on the NSA's shadowy electronic surveillance activities. Watch what you say.

目標 weekend_editorial

The iPhone 5 forecast: a predictable 73 degrees and sunny


The iPhone 5 is the best iPhone ever: everybody knows that. Why then, are there some persistent voices out there crying, "boring"? Are we just spoiled, or does this malaise speak to something deeper?

目標 weekend_report

Jennifer Aniston, your sweater is here: Amazon's Kindle Fire HD and the future of shopping


What does Amazon's new X-Ray for Movies feature mean for the future of product placement and interactive shopping? Sean Hollister looks at how it's only a matter of time before you can buy anything you see on your Amazon tablet.


亞馬遜kindle fire hdx 8.9(amazon kindle fire hdx 8.9)和谷歌nexus 9(google nexus 9)的區別

...用於室內和室外。後置攝像頭可拍攝800萬畫素影象和1080p高畫質影片,而前置攝像頭為720p,非常適合影片通話。這款裝置由亞馬遜設計的基於Linux的作業系統Fire OS 4驅動,有許多獨特的功能。有16GB、32GB和64GB記憶體的機型,也有...

  • 發佈於 2020-10-29 15:15
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亞馬遜kindle fire高畫質8.9動手圖片和影片

...彩;視角也很好。潛在的馬力也照耀透過,因為新的消防高畫質是遠比老消防平滑和更靈敏。即使是很小的事情,比如在旋轉木馬上滾動,也更適合你手指的快速運動。 總體來說,這款平板電腦感覺比最新版本的Fire更加...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-24 01:38
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亞馬遜推出售價299美元的8.9英寸kindle fire高畫質、at&t 4g lte,售價499美元


  • 發佈於 2021-04-24 01:43
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亞馬遜售價199美元的kindle fire高畫質7動手圖片和影片


  • 發佈於 2021-04-24 01:46
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亞馬遜7英寸kindle fire高畫質與Nexus7及其他競爭對手:數字

如果說在平板電腦方面,我們學到了一件事,那就是一個尺寸不適合所有人,亞馬遜似乎也有這種想法。為了配合其旗艦產品8.9英寸Kindle Fire HD,亞馬遜今天推出了一款更小的7英寸平板電腦,甚至將其列為同類產品中“世界最先...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-24 01:48
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亞馬遜宣佈kindle fire hd 7起價199美元,9月14日發售

...器的OMAP 4470處理器、HDMI和藍芽連線。該裝置還將有一個高畫質網路攝像頭的Skype和16GB的儲存空間,就像它的哥哥。亞馬遜估計,10.3毫米厚的平板電腦將能夠彌補11小時的電池壽命。失去那塊1.9英寸的額外對角線螢幕房地產,價...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-24 01:50
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亞馬遜kindle fire作業系統更新了自由時間自定義配置檔案、電影用x光片等

...的分享,或者遊戲功能是否是簡單的匹配服務。Kindle Fire高畫質使用者還可以利用該裝置的前置攝像頭,這要歸功於它自己的Skype實現了“定製”高畫質整合。
 新增加的內容將加入遊戲的Whispersync和Kindle Fire新的沉浸式閱讀器...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-24 01:51
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亞馬遜:kindle fire高畫質使用者畢竟可以選擇退出廣告


  • 發佈於 2021-04-24 02:16
  • 閲讀 ( 32 )


...影和熱門電視節目,這是一個很好的選擇。我用Kindle Fire高畫質平板電腦來觀看亞馬遜的大部分內容(透過HDMI介面將其**我的高畫質電視),但我也很欣賞能在膝上型電腦或iPad上觀看同樣的影片。

  • 發佈於 2021-04-24 14:06
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很划算:8.9英寸kindle fire高畫質版優惠50美元

亞馬遜在其8.9英寸Kindle Fire高畫質平板電腦上進行為期一天的促銷活動,價格為299美元,優惠50美元。雖然它不是最好的平板電腦-我們絕對建議支付額外的15美元從裝置上刪除廣告-火高畫質得到了一個普遍積極的7.9在我們的審查...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-24 19:04
  • 閲讀 ( 38 )

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