



You want a tablet? Buy an iPad

Editor markup for the review scorecard of Apple iPad (4th generation, Wi-Fi). This is only visible in the story editor.

It may not have such a big lead anymore over the competition, but there’s still no besting the 9.7-inch iPad’s processing power, giant ecosystem of apps and accessories, and most of all its stunning Retina display. The most recent model has a Lightning port and an even faster processor, and is as great a gaming machine as it is a reading device. It's incredibly versatile, too — from your kid to your Grandma, the iPad legitimately works for everyone.

You want a more portable tablet? Buy an iPad mini

Editor markup for the review scorecard of Apple iPad mini (Wi-Fi). This is only visible in the story editor.

The numbers vary, but most studies and stories agree that most people’s iPads rarely leave their home. The iPad mini, on the other hand, is perfectly portable – it weighs just over half a pound, and will slide into your purse or backpack unnoticed. You don’t get the Retina screen or the cutting-edge processor, but you do get a tablet that’s easier to use in line, on the subway, or while holding a cup of coffee in your other hand.

You want a cheap tablet? Buy a Nexus 7

Editor markup for the review scorecard of Asus Nexus 7. This is only visible in the story editor.

Google's 7-inch tablet can't compete with Apple's app ecosystem, but the $199 Nexus 7 is still a great tablet in its own right. It's fast, has a great screen, is well-integrated with Google's services, and is even more portable than the iPad mini. You can even get a data-enabled Nexus 7 for less than the price of an iPad mini, and for the ultra-mobile person in your life that might be the perfect deal.

You only want content? Buy a Kindle Fire HD

Editor markup for the review scorecard of Amazon Kindle Fire HD (8.9-inch). This is only visible in the story editor.

Amazon has more content than any other ecosystem, and the Kindle Fire HD (in 7- or 8.9-inch models) is a great way to access that huge universe of music, movies, apps, and books. It's not a device for power users, but it's a great tablet for a parent or friend who just wants something to watch or read.

You want an e-reader? Buy a Kindle Paperwhite

Editor markup for the review scorecard of Amazon Kindle Paperwhite. This is only visible in the story editor.

If you want to sit and read for hours at a time, undistracted by Twitter and Angry Birds Star Wars, an E-Ink e-reader is the way to go. Amazon's Kindle Paperwhite is the best of the bunch: it has a sharper, crisper screen than its compe*****s, and adds a subtle light to the front that makes it readable in the dark. It's the best in-bed companion you'll find, and it plugs into Amazon's gigantic ecosystem of books and periodicals. We'd recommend getting the $179 3G-enabled version, which lets you buy and download books from basically anywhere, but the $119 Wi-Fi version is good too.

  • 發表於 2021-04-24 16:23
  • 閱讀 ( 45 )
  • 分類:網際網路



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