
蘋果執行長蒂姆•庫克(timcook)回應了一份調查報告,該報告披露了該公司一家中國供應商存在虐待勞工的行為,稱他對這些指控“深感冒犯”。在《每日電訊報》獲得的發給英國員工的一封內部電子郵件中,蘋果公司高階運營副總裁傑夫·威廉姆斯(Jeff Williams)寫道,他和庫克都“對蘋果公司將違背對我們供應鏈員工的承諾或以任何方式誤導我們客戶的說法深感不快”...

蘋果執行長蒂姆•庫克(timcook)回應了一份調查報告,該報告披露了該公司一家中國供應商存在虐待勞工的行為,稱他對這些指控“深感冒犯”。在《每日電訊報》獲得的發給英國員工的一封內部電子郵件中,蘋果公司高階運營副總裁傑夫·威廉姆斯(Jeff Williams)寫道,他和庫克都“對蘋果公司將違背對我們供應鏈員工的承諾或以任何方式誤導我們客戶的說法深感不快”











UK Team,

As you know, Apple is dedicated to the advancement of human rights and equality around the world. We are honest about the challenges we face and we work hard to make sure that people who make our products are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.

Last night, the BBC’s Panorama program called those values into question. Like many of you, Tim and I were deeply offended by the suggestion that Apple would break a promise to the workers in our supply chain or mislead our customers in any way.

I’d like to give you facts and perspective, all of which we shared with the BBC in advance, but were clearly missing from their program.

Panorama showed some of the shocking conditi*** around tin mining in Indonesia. Apple has publicly stated that tin from Indonesia ends up in our products, and some of that tin likely comes from illegal mines. Here are the facts:

Tens of thousands of artis**** miners are selling tin through many middlemen to the **elters who supply to component suppliers who sell to the world. The government is not addressing the issue, and there is widespread corruption in the undeveloped supply chain. Our team visited the same parts of Indonesia visited by the BBC, and of course we are appalled by what’s going on there.

Apple has two choices: We could make sure all of our suppliers buy tin from **elters outside of Indonesia, which would probably be the easiest thing for us to do and would certainly shield us from critici**. But it would be the lazy and cowardly path, because it would do nothing to improve the situation for Indonesian workers or the environment since Apple c***umes a tiny fraction of the tin mined there. We chose the second path, which is to stay engaged and try to drive a collective solution.

We spearheaded the creation of an Indonesian Tin Working Group with other technology companies. Apple is pushing to find and implement a system that holds **elters accountable so we can influence artis**** mining in Indonesia. It could be an approach such as "bagging and tagging" legally mined material, which has been successful over time in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. We are looking to drive similar results in Indonesia, which is the right thing to do.

Panorama also made claims about our commitment to working conditi*** in our factories. We know of no other company doing as much as Apple does to ensure fair and safe working conditi***, to discover and investigate problems, to fix and follow through when issues arise, and to provide transparency into the operati*** of our suppliers.

I want you to know that more than 1400 of your Apple coworkers are stationed in China to manage our manufacturing operati***. They are in the factories c***tantly — talented engineers and managers who are also compassionate people, trained to speak up when they see safety risks or mistreatment. We also have a team of experts dedicated solely to driving compliance with our Supplier Code of Conduct across our vast supply chain.

In 2014 alone, our Supplier Resp***ibility team completed 630 comprehensive, in-person audits deep into our supply chain. These audits include face-to-face interviews with workers, away from their managers, in their native language. Sometimes critics point to the discovery of problems as evidence that the process isn’t working. The reality is that we find violati*** in every audit we have ever performed, no matter how sophisticated the company we're auditing. We find problems, we drive improvement, and then we raise the bar.

Panorama’s report implied that Apple isn’t improving working conditi***. Let me tell you, nothing could be further from the truth. Here are just a few examples:

Several years ago, the vast majority of workers in our supply chain worked in excess of 60 hours, and 70+ hour workweeks were typical. After years of slow progress and industry excuses, Apple decided to attack the problem by tracking the weekly hours of over one million workers, driving corrective acti*** with our suppliers and publishing the results on our website monthly — something no other company had ever done. It takes substantial effort, and we have to weed out false reporting, but it's working. This year, our suppliers have achieved an average of 93% compliance with our 60-hour limit. We can still do better. And we will.

Our auditors were the first to identify and crack down on a ring of unscrupulous labor brokers who were holding workers’ passports and forcing them to pay exorbitant fees. To date, we have helped workers recoup $20 million in excessive payments like these.

We’ve gone far beyond auditing and corrective acti*** by creating educational programs for workers in the same facilities where they make our products. More than 750,000 people have taken advantage of these college-level courses and enrichment programs, and the feedback we get from students is inspiring.

I will not dive into every issue raised by Panorama in this note, but you can rest assured that we take all allegati*** seriously, and we investigate every claim. We know there are a lot of issues out there, and our work is never done. We will not rest until every person in our supply chain is treated with the respect and dignity they deserve.

If you’d like to learn more about our Supplier Resp***ibility program, I encourage you and our customers to visit our website at apple.com/supplierresp***ibility.

Thanks for your time and your support.


  • 發表於 2021-04-28 10:19
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  • 分類:網際網路


epic games對蘋果提起新的法律訴訟

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