top gear usa取消了“近期計劃”

歷史頻道《美國頂級裝備》的三位聯合主持人之一拉特利奇·伍德宣佈,該節目已被取消。在Facebook的一篇文章中,伍德對粉絲們說,週二晚上的這一集是“我們為你拍攝的最後一集”。他補充說:“我不是說(歷史頻道)的Top Gear已經完成了,但它是為不久的將來完成的。”...

歷史頻道《美國頂級裝備》的三位聯合主持人之一拉特利奇·伍德宣佈,該節目已被取消。在Facebook的一篇文章中,伍德對粉絲們說,週二晚上的這一集是“我們為你拍攝的最後一集”。他補充說:“我不是說(歷史頻道)的Top Gear已經完成了,但它是為不久的將來完成的。”




I'm very sad to say, but Tuesday night's #TopGear on @History is the last TG US that we have shot for you. I'm not saying Top Gear USA is done, but it's done for the immediate future on @History . I remember the day that I got the phone call to ask if I'd be interested in talking to one of the producers about possibly being one of the hosts of the US's version of the world's most iconic car show. It's been an amazing ride for sure, and although I don't think the show is done, it appears that it's done with our friends at History, and we're incredibly grateful for being a part of the A&E Networks family. I have had so much fun with Tanner and Adam, they really are like brothers to me. We've traveled this amazing country and to some of the coolest places on earth together, and even in the hardest moments, it's been a total dream come true. The three of us will stick together and hope to bring you much more Top Gear USA, albeit it somewhere else it appears. To the FANS- we cannot say enough how much we truly appreciate each and every one of you. You have always been there for us in great numbers, and we really do love you all. You are the reason shows like ours exist, and you're also the reason we've been so lucky to do this show for so long together. We never dreamed how many families would sit and watch our show and laugh together. We never knew how many couples would sit and watch three goofballs go out and try to make each other laugh. And yet, you all watched...and you told other people and shared in the joy. To everyone who worked on TGUS- thank you. For everything. You're our family and you're the reason we got to do this for so many years together. So here's a toast to all of you out there. I hope you'll watch Tuesday night and enjoy the last show we made for you. We took a trip of a lifetime down to Cuba and drove classic American cars from the 50's down there, and I can tell you it's one of the coolest things we have ever done together. Cheers and lots of love, Rutledge

A photo posted by @rutledgewood on Jun 26, 2016 at 7:25pm PDT


同時,Top Gear USA的wood將帶著對美劇迷的唯一愛離開。”他在Facebook上寫道:“為你們大家乾杯。”我希望你能看週二晚上的節目,欣賞我們為你**的最後一檔節目。我們花了一生的時間去古巴旅行,開著50年代的經典美國車,我可以告訴你這是我們一起做過的最酷的事情之一。乾杯,充滿愛,拉特利奇。”

  • 發表於 2021-05-05 22:24
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眼裂(oculus rift)和三星gear vr(samsung gear vr)的區別

關鍵區別–oculus rift vs samsung gear vr Oculus Rift和Samsung Gear VR的主要區別在於,Oculus Rift是一款完整的裝置,具有內建功能,可作為獨立裝置執行,而Samsung Gear VR需要相容的三星Galaxy智慧**才能高效執行。當涉及到虛擬現實耳機時...

  • 發佈於 2020-10-10 22:41
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三星gear 2(samsung gear 2)和蘋果手錶(apple watch)的區別

三星gear 2(samsung gear 2)和蘋果手錶(apple watch)的區別 三星Gear S2和Apple watch的主要區別在於兩款智慧手錶的設計;三星Gear S2預計為圓形,而Apple watch則為矩形。這兩款智慧手錶還有許多其他功能。讓我們仔細看看這兩件傑作,看...

  • 發佈於 2020-10-28 21:04
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T-Mobile USA執行長Philipp Humm今天向其員工發送了一份備忘錄,宣佈在全國範圍內凈裁員約1900人,主要原因是關閉了位於賓夕法尼亞州阿倫頓、佛羅裡達州勞德代爾堡、德克薩斯州弗裡斯科、德克薩斯州布朗斯維爾、堪薩斯州萊內...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-21 17:39
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看這個:一輛梅賽德斯超級跑車在“top gear”上冒煙谷歌街景

 事實上,這是真的:Top Gear本週釋出了一段影片,一輛糟糕的歐寶掀背車在英國薩裡郡的熱門電視節目測試賽道上被賓士最高階的SLS AMG黑色系列超級跑車難堪。而且它不僅僅是任何掀背車-它完全...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-25 04:31
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...西毒液燃氣輪機創造的新紀錄如此令人印象深刻。據Top Gear報道,這輛超級跑車本月早些時候的時速為270.49英里,售價在60萬至100萬美元之間。這險勝了四年前布加迪威龍超級跑車創下的最高時速269.86英里的紀錄。根據Top Gear的測...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-25 10:32
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博士、夏洛克和top gear將成為主題公園的景點


  • 發佈於 2021-04-28 08:16
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bbc cans top gear主持人傑裡米·克拉克森


  • 發佈於 2021-04-29 09:41
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top gear的網站已經將這三個主機從最上面的橫幅中刪除

如果這是愚人節的笑話,那就不是時候了。昨天,Top Gear的英國網站更新了頭條橫幅,刪除了所有三名主持人,取而代之的是一名“超級斯蒂格”——或者說是一名戴著反光頭盔的不倫不類司機。

  • 發佈於 2021-04-29 11:21
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top gear的邁凱輪f1即將發售


  • 發佈於 2021-04-29 23:58
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克裡斯·埃文斯是top gear的新主持人

...他成為主持人:克裡斯·埃文斯(不,不是那個)。據Top Gear網站報道,這位英國電視和廣播主持人簽署了一份為期三年的協議。

  • 發佈於 2021-04-30 12:55
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