




Take the scenic route on your commute

Yesterday I meditated on a bus in the morning, but what really energized me for the day was walking the last mile to work. I got to walk through a much more picturesque neighborhood near our office district. From now on, when the weather’s nice I’m going to get off the train a stop early and walk up.

nick douglas, staff writer

Stop fighting your need for glasses

Ever since I hurtled past 40, I’ve needed reading glasses, but in the last few years my eyesight has degraded from “Boy, shampoo labels are hard to read” to “Are those words or did someone just **ear chocolate syrup across a page?” I bought progressive lenses, but I couldn’t get used to them, so I would just take them out when I needed to read something. Only: it turns out you need to read things, like, all the time, and if wearing progressives made me feel old, telling a cashier, “Hang on, I have to get my glasses” when it’s time to pay for my lunch and I can’t make sense of the card reader made me feel even older. So I sucked it up, wore the progressives for a few days, and told myself I would get used to them. And I did! Now I can see everything, all the time. It’s a miracle!

alice bradley, deputy editor

It’s not an office without a paper tray

While most of my books and documents are fairly organized, my incoming mail remains a mess of envelopes until I either decide to cull the pile or spend time every day looking through and organizing the items I have to keep, destroy, or save for later. So, in a fit of organizational frustration, I ordered a paper tray organizer, placed it on my desk, and stuck them all in there. Turns out, paper tray organizers are great for organizing letters, which are mostly paper.

patrick austin, staff writer

Get the most out of your credit cards

I started paying attention to the special cash back deals my credit card offers. (You have to activate them onto your account.) I timed it properly and enrolled in the extra 5% cash back on AirBnbs, just before booking a big trip.

joel kahn, sr. video producer

Switch to tech that requires fewer accessories

I used to make calls and listen to podcasts with a Plantronics Legend, which is a wonderful little bluetooth headset that sits on my ear and sounds great yadda yadda. But it uses its own special magnetic charging clip. I never have it with me when I need it, and some days it doesn’t want to connect at all. So I retired it in favor of a cheaper model with a micro-USB port. Turns out actually being able to use the darn thing is the most important feature.

beth skwarecki, health editor

Expand your podcast repertoire

With two flights this week, I was on the hunt for new podcasts to keep me occupied. I came across two that I’ve added to my feed: Design Matters with Debbie Millman, which talks to creatives about their work and ideas, and Lingthusia**, which features two linguists geeking out over, well, linguistics (the prepositi*** episode is a treat). In the down time between flights, I read The Lonely City by Olivia Laing, which is a beautiful, moving book that’s half-memoir, half-art critici**, and introduced me to several new artists while adding complexity to people I thought I was familiar with, including Andy Warhol and Valerie Solanas. If you’ve ever been lonely (and haven’t we all), I highly recommend it.

alicia adamczyk, staff writer

When in doubt, add Bailey’s

I was rather proud of my experimental cooking this week. I never approach cooking as a science or by-the-book. I eyeball everything and always add or change an ingredient, much to my hu**and’s chagrin. Only way to get to a better recipe is to experiment, my grandma would say. This week, I added Bailey’s creme to a spinach quiche and it was spectacular.

adam powers, video producer

Fake the effects of sunrise

I bought one of those light-up sunrise alarm clocks in hopes it will help me feel a little less groggy in the morning. I have yet to try it, but i’m excited.

patrick allan, staff writer

Do something good for your cognitive function

I used to be a bit of a crossword puzzle fiend, but have stubbornly avoided shelling out $6.99/month for the New York Times crossword app. Well this week I finally caved and signed up, and it’s bringing me an absurd amount of joy. Working on the bigger puzzles feels like it’s whipping my brain back into shape, and the **aller mini puzzles are perfect for filling a spare minute or two on the subway. Well worth the $7.

virginia k. **ith, managing editor

Tame your cluttered pile of shoes

My upgrade is that I got a shoe rack, which is boring, but it definitely helps keep them from devolving into a messy pile, and makes the foyer much easier to sweep.

claire lower, food & beverage editor

  • 发表于 2021-05-15 06:34
  • 阅读 ( 203 )
  • 分类:互联网



...是,只要稍加规划,许多iPhone和Android应用程序就可以在上下班路上或任何其他没有Wi-Fi或**信号的时间为你提供娱乐。如果你的计划有限,这些应用程序对于保存数据也很有用。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-15 05:49
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  • 发布于 2021-05-03 09:06
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  • 发布于 2021-05-13 18:43
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  • 发布于 2021-05-15 06:34
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  • 发布于 2021-05-15 19:18
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  • 发布于 2021-05-16 20:18
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  • 发布于 2021-05-24 01:21
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混合动力自行车(hybrid bikes)和公路自行车(road bikes)的区别


  • 发布于 2021-06-25 20:34
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...工具是汽车或公共交通工具 大多数居民步行或骑自行车上下班 定义 “住宅区”一词起源于19世纪的纽约市。曼哈顿的居民用这个词来指岛北面的土地。曼哈顿北部大部分地区由住宅区和农场组成。虽然岛上目前没有大型农...

  • 发布于 2021-07-03 07:34
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  • 发布于 2021-07-22 10:59
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