平衡的(balanced)和不平衡力(unbalanced forces)的区别




什么是平衡的力量(balanced forces)?




Difference Between Balanced and Unbalanced Forces - Balanced Force Example

Balanced Force_ Dogs playing tug-of-war



Let’s take an example where a body being pulled by 3 coplanar forces (i.e. they all act along the same plane). If the body continues to stay at rest, then we know that the forces on it are balanced. In the diagram below, we have two forces  and  acting at right angles to each other and a third force  acting at an angle  to the vertical. If they are balanced, then we can work out a relati***hip between the two forces and and the angle  .

平衡的(balanced)和不平衡力(unbalanced forces)的区别

First, taking the forces vertically,  .

Horizontally, we get .



什么是不平衡力(unbalanced forces)?

When we say forces on a body are unbalanced, we mean that there is a net resultant force. As usual, we find the resultant force by finding the vector sum of the forces. To indicate we are taking the sum or the resultant of forces, we write  as  .

According to Newton’s second law, if a resultant force of  acts on a body with mass  , then the body would undergo an acceleration of  in the direction of the resultant force. Let’s take another tug-of-war as an example: this time between a human and a dog:

Difference Between Balanced and Unbalanced Forces - Dog_Human_tug_of_war

Tug-of-war: Dog vs. Human

在照片中,力似乎是平衡的。然而,想象一下,如果狗以60 N的力拉布料,而女人以60.25 N的力反方向拉布料,会发生什么。现在,将有一个0.25N的不平衡力朝向**。如果衬衫的质量为3 g,那么衬衫朝向**的加速度为:

平衡的(balanced)和不平衡力(unbalanced forces)的区别








Image Courtesy

“Tug of War” by PROgarlandcannon (Own work) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via flickr

《拔河》作者:PROCary Bass Deschenes(自己的作品)[CC by-SA 2.0],通过flickr(修改)

  • 发表于 2021-06-27 04:10
  • 阅读 ( 1237 )
  • 分类:科学


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