摩擦角(angle of friction)和休止角(angle of repose)的区别




什么是摩擦角(angle of friction)?


Difference Between Angle of Friction and Angle of Repose - Angle_of_friction_definition

Defining angle of friction

The diagram above shows a block being pulled against a rough surface. If the force is **all, the static friction ( ) between the surfaces would prevent the block from moving. If you slowly increase the pull,  would also increase, balancing the horizontal forces and still preventing the block from moving. However, at one point, the block would just begin to move. At this point, the static friction has reached the upper limit, and we can describe this maximum friction as  where  is the coefficient of friction and  is the normal reaction force.

The vector diagram on the right shows the sum of  and  . From the definition we had above,  is the angle of friction. Using trigonometry, we can express this angle  as  . i.e., the angle of friction between two surfaces is equal to the inverse tangent of the coefficient of friction between those two surfaces.

什么是休止角(angle of repose)?


Difference Between Angle of Friction and Angle of Repose - Angle_of_repose_definition

Defining Angle of Repose

When the object is just about to move, the size of friction is given by  . The object is also in equilibrium (the object is about to move, but it is not moving yet!) so taking the forces acting along the plane, we can say,





Using the trigonometric identity  , and cancelling out common factors. we get  . So, we get:

For angle of friction , we had and we see that this is the same expression that we get for angle of repose as well. Therefore, angle of friction is equal to angle of repose.


Difference Between Angle of Friction and Angle of Repose - Antlion_traps

Antli*** make these sand traps to catch ants and other **all insects. The sides of these traps are at the angle of repose. When ants wander into the pit, the disturbance causes the sand to begin rolling down, making it difficult for the ant to escape. Then the antlion, which had been hiding at the bottom of the trap, comes out and catches the ant.

摩擦角(angle of friction)和休止角(angle of repose)的区别










班萨尔,R。K(2002). 工程力学教科书。新德里:Laxmi出版物。

Image Courtesy

“sand pit traps of antli*** 2” by Michal Maňas (Own work) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via flickr

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