什么是修辞学中的逻辑谬误?(tu quoque (logical fallacy) in rhetoric?)

Tu quoque是一种人与人之间的辩论,在这种辩论中,被指控者将指控推翻给他或她的原告,从而产生一种逻辑谬误。在英语中,这个短语通常起名词的作用,但是,它也被用来修饰其他名词,如“一个土语的论点”...

Tu quoque是一种人与人之间的辩论,在这种辩论中,被指控者将指控推翻给他或她的原告,从而产生一种逻辑谬误。在英语中,这个短语通常起名词的作用,但是,它也被用来修饰其他名词,如“一个土语的论点”

Couple arguing





  • “你也是”谬论
  • “两个错误”谬论
  • “壶叫壶黑”谬论
  • “看谁在说话”谬论


"It is clear that a tu quoque response to an accusation can never refute the accusation. Consider the following:
  • 威尔玛:你的所得税被骗了。你不知道那是错的吗
  • 沃尔特:嘿,等一下。你去年在所得税上作弊。还是你忘了?
Walter may be correct in his counter-accusation, but that does not show that Wilma's accusation is false."—From "Critical Thinking" by William Hughes and Jonathan Lavery


"Recently, we highlighted a British journalist’s story about the underside of Dubai’s startling ascent. Some in Dubai called foul, including one writer who wants to remind Britons that their own country has a dark side. After all, what to think of a country in which one-fifth of the population lives in poverty?"—From "Dubai’s Rebuttal," The New York Times, April 15, 2009


"The tu quoque fallacy occurs when one charges another with hypocrisy or inconsistency in order to avoid taking the other's position seriously. For example:
  • 母亲:你应该戒烟。这对你的健康有害。
  • 女儿:我为什么要听你的?你16岁就开始抽烟了!
[Here], the daughter commits the tu quoque fallacy. She dismisses her mother's argument because she believes her mother is speaking in a hypocritical manner. While the mother may indeed be inconsistent, this does not invalidate her argument."—From "Informal Logical Fallacies: A Brief Guide" by Jacob E. Van Vleet


"The tu quoque argument or 'you too' argument, according to the broader account, can be described as the use of any type of argument to reply in like kind to a speaker's argument. In other words, if a speaker uses a particular type of argument, say an argument from analogy, then the respondent can turn around and use that same kind of argument against the speaker, and this would be called a tu quoque argument . . .. So conceived, the tu quoque argument is quite a broad category that would include other types of argument as well as ad hominem arguments."—From "Ad Hominem Arguments" by Douglas N. Walton 


"Of all human instincts, not even the urge to say 'I told you so' is stronger than the response called tu quoque: 'Look who's talking.' To judge from children, it is innate ('Cathy says you took her chocolate,' 'Yes but she stole my doll'), and we don't grow out of it . . . "France has led calls for pressure to be put on the Burmese junta at the security council and through the EU, where foreign ministers discussed the issue yesterday. As part of the push, it has tried to enlist a recalcitrant Russia which, conscious perhaps of Chechnya, has no great wish to be seen criticizing anyone else's internal affairs. Hence a Russian minister's response that the next time there were riots in France he would refer the matter to the UN. "This reply was at once childish, irrelevant, and probably very gratifying."—Geoffrey Wheatcroft, The Guardian, October 16, 2007


  • 休斯,威廉;拉弗里,乔纳森。《批判性思维》,第五版,Broadview。2008
  • 《非正式逻辑谬误:简要指南》,美国大学出版社。2011
  • 沃尔顿,Douglas N.“广告人自相矛盾”。阿拉巴马大学出版社。1998

  • 发表于 2021-09-14 06:11
  • 阅读 ( 453 )
  • 分类:语言


什么是修辞手法(a rhetorical device)

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什么是逻辑谬误?(a logical fallacy?)

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如何谬论使任何论点无效(fallacy invalidates any argument)


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