什么是写作中的一个句子片段?(a sentence fragment in writing?)



Usa, Californie, Fort Bragg. Glass Beach


  • “我回家了,但房子不见了。没有沙袋,没有钉子,也没有电线。(蒂姆·奥布莱恩,《越南LZ盖特》,《纽约时报》杂志,1994年10月2日)
  • “今天我醒了半个世纪。我还没有准备好。还有太多的事情要做。太多的日常生活。太多的事情没有说出来,无法想象。”下午晚些时候。天空低垂下来,像一个情人一样压迫着大地。小声音。远处的一只羊,微弱的吠声。时间到了,Strathpeffer,朋友们,我父亲的电话。(朱迪思厨房,“卡洛登”,“只有舞蹈”。南卡罗来纳州大学出版社,1994)
  • ***星号?这么快?***这是炎热天气的征兆,星号。打字机上的蝉,告诉漫长的蒸腾的中午。(E.B.怀特,《炎热的天气》,《一个人的肉》,1942年)
  • “‘是的,’邦德说。他平视着桌子对面那张巨大的红脸。“这是一个非凡的案例。狂奔的妄想症。嫉妒和迫害的妄想。狂妄自大的仇恨和复仇的欲望。奇怪的是,’他继续对话,“这可能与你的牙齿有关。他们称之为“失神症”。来自吮吸。”当你还是个孩子的时候你的拇指。是的,我想当心理学家把你送进疯人院时,他们会这么说。“食人魔的牙齿。”在学校里被欺负等等。这对孩子的影响非同寻常。”(伊恩·弗莱明,“月球人”,1955年)
  • “从22个北美入口出发。连接170多个欧洲目的地。使世界变得越来越小。”(汉莎航空公司广告)
  • “一座只有三十四层的低矮灰色建筑。正门上方写着“伦敦中心孵化和调节中心”,盾牌上写着“世界国家的座右铭、社区、身份、稳定”。(奥尔德斯·赫胥黎,“勇敢的新世界”,1932年)
  • “鹰在200英尺的高度飞过,一条蛇在它的爪子里蠕动。饮用水中有盐。盐、硒、砷、氡和镭在你骨头里的砾石中。水太硬了,它会弯曲光线,在岩石上钻孔,阻塞你的散热器。”(爱德华·艾比,《回家的旅程》。E.P.达顿,1977)





"[The peacock] shook itself, and the sound was like a deck of cards being shuffled in the other room. It moved forward a step. Then another step. -From Raymond Carver, 'Feathers'"

(David Blakesley和Jeffrey L.Hoogeveen,《汤姆森手册》,汤姆森,2008)“句子片段是一个伪装成完整句子的不完整句子。一个句子必须包含一个主语和一个动词。如果其中一个元素缺失,则为片段,如下例所示:

Alice is busy tonight. Working on her French essay.


Alice is busy tonight, working on her French essay."


  • 发表于 2021-09-20 22:23
  • 阅读 ( 215 )
  • 分类:语言


句子片段(sentence fragment)和继续(run on)的区别

...片段与表格形式的运行 6. 摘要 什么是句子片段(a sentence fragment)? 句子片断是不完整句子的另一个名称。其实,这其实不是一句话,只是一串字。这是因为句子的一个必要组成部分缺失,一个句子片段无法传达完整的思想。例如...

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如何造句(make a complex sentence)


  • 发布于 2021-06-27 03:52
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...更简单的句子把它们分开。 实例和意见 "Use the loose sentence for its easy conversational effect." — Fred Newton Scott, The New Composition-Rhetoric, 1911 "At its simplest, the loose sentence contains a main clause plus a subordinate construction: We must be wary of conclus...

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如何你编辑一篇文章?(you edit an essay?)

...e to slice cleanly between the two. You're writing, you change a word in a sentence, write three sentences more, then back up a clause to change that semicolon to a dash; or you edit a sentence and a new idea suddenly spins out from a word change, so you write a new paragraph where until that moment...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 08:57
  • 阅读 ( 241 )


...an Watkins解释道: There can be levels of complexity within complex sentences. Within a dependent clause, for instance, there can be another dependent clause. For example, in the following sentence there is a main clause..., a dependent clause in an adverbial relationship with the main clause...

  • 发布于 2021-09-20 15:16
  • 阅读 ( 328 )

如何使用斜体字(use italics)

...phrase that we would emphasize automatically in any natural reading of the sentence." —From "The Philosophy of Punctuation." Opera, Sex, and Other Vital Matters by Paul Robinson, University of Chicago Press "Think of italics as butterflies that might swoop across the page, allow them to flit ...

  • 发布于 2021-09-23 23:43
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... In one column on a piece of paper, list the opening words in each of your sentences. Then decide if you need to vary some of your sentence beginnings. - In another column, identify the number of words in each sentence. Then decide if you need to change the lengths of some of your sentences. - In a ...

  • 发布于 2021-09-24 07:08
  • 阅读 ( 204 )

如何造句(form a balanced sentence)

平衡句是由长度、重要性和语法结构大致相同的两部分组成的句子,如肯德基的广告口号:“买一桶鸡肉,享受一桶乐趣”。与松散句相比,平衡句是由从句层次上的成对结构组成的。 托马斯·凯恩(Thomas Kane)在《新牛津写...

  • 发布于 2021-09-24 10:40
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...简洁的写作时,“少即是多” "Don't use any extra words. A sentence is like a machine; it has a job to do. An extra word in a sentence is like a sock in a machine."—From "Notes for Young Writers" by Annie Dillard 问问自己是否有偏离主题的章节、要点、示例或段...

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  • 阅读 ( 152 )

什么是一句话?语法中的定义和例子(a phrase? definition and examples in grammar)

...腊语,“解释,讲述”形容词:短语。 实例和意见 "Sentences can be divided into groups of words that belong together. For instance, in the nice unicorn ate a delicious meal, the, nice, and unicorn form one such group, and a, delicious, and meal form another. (We all know thi...

  • 发布于 2021-09-24 17:33
  • 阅读 ( 1149 )

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