什么是一句话?语法中的定义和例子(a phrase? definition and examples in grammar)



Illustrated depiction of 5 different types of phrases in English grammar





"Sentences can be divided into groups of words that belong together. For instance, in the nice unicorn ate a delicious meal, the, nice, and unicorn form one such group, and a, delicious, and meal form another. (We all know this intuitively.) The group of words is called a phrase. "If the most important part of the phrase, i.e. the head, is an adjective, the phrase is an Adjective Phrase; if the most important part of the phrase is a noun, the phrase is a Noun Phrase, and so on." — Elly van Gelderen


  • 名词短语“买一台大的亮绿色游乐机器!”-保罗·西蒙,“大的亮绿色游乐机器”,1966年
  • 动词短语“你父亲可能要离开一会儿。”-电影《假期》中的艾伦·格里斯沃尔德,1983年
  • 形容词短语“说真话永远是最好的策略,当然,除非你是一个非常好的说谎者。”-杰罗姆K.杰罗姆,《懒汉》,1892年2月
  • 副词短语“在仇恨中诞生的运动很快就呈现出他们所反对的事物的特征。”-J.S.哈布古德,《观察家》,1986年5月4日
  • 介词短语“我可以和你跳舞直到奶牛回家。再想想,我宁愿和奶牛跳舞直到你回家。”-格劳乔·马克思在《鸭子汤》中,1933年
"Prepositional phrases differ from the other four types of phrase in that a preposition cannot stand alone as the head word of a phrase. Although a preposition is still the head word in a prepositional phrase, it has to be accompanied by another element—or prepositional complement—if the phrase is to be complete. Most typically, the prepositional complement will be a noun phrase." — Kim Ballard




"A phrase is only potentially complex. In other words, the term is also used to refer to 'one-word phrases,' i.e. non-prototypical phrases that consist of a head only. Thus the sentence Jill smokes is a combination of a noun phrase and a verb phrase." — Renaat Declerck, Susan Reed, and Bert Cappelle


"Phrases contrast with clauses, which they do, however, resemble. ... The main feature of a clause is that it has all the components of a potentially independent sentence, namely a verb and usually a subject, and perhaps objects, too. A part of a sentence with just these components would be called a clause rather than a phrase. A phrase can contain a verb, without its subject, or it may itself be the subject of some verb." —James R. Hurford


  • 用连词连接较小的短语,如and、but或or
  • 将较小的短语嵌套在较大的短语中


  • 很可能会来
  • 他很快就跑回了家,回到了母亲身边
  • 五个非常高的篮球运动员
  • 从厨房桌子下面出来
  • 不是很有说服力


"Noun phrases and prepositional phrases can have particularly complex structure in written texts, with several layers of phrase embedding. In fact, the complexity of phrases is a very striking measure for comparing the complexity of syntax in different registers of English. The simplest structures occur in conversation and the complexity increases through fiction and newspaper writing, with academic writing showing the greatest complexity of phrase structure." — Douglas Biber, Susan Conrad, and Geoffrey Leech


  • 范盖德伦,艾莉。《英语语法导论:句法论点和社会历史背景》,约翰·本贾明斯,2002年,阿姆斯特丹。
  • 巴拉德,金姆。“英语框架:介绍语言结构”,第三版,Palgrave Macmillan,2012年,英国贝辛斯托克,纽约。
  • 勒纳特的德克勒克;里德,苏珊,卡佩尔,伯特。《英语时态系统的语法:综合分析》,《穆顿·德·格鲁伊特》,2006,柏林,纽约。
  • 《语法:学生指南》,剑桥大学出版社,1994年,剑桥。
  • 道格拉斯·比伯;康拉德,苏珊;还有水蛭,杰弗里。《朗文学生英语口语和书面语法》,朗文,2002年,伦敦。

  • 发表于 2021-09-24 17:33
  • 阅读 ( 1148 )
  • 分类:人文


一(a)和一个是英语语法(one in english grammar)的区别

...这个词的意思是单一的意思。单身就是一个人。因此,第一句话的意思是“他把一本书放在桌上。”同样,第二句的意思是“她给了儿子一支铅笔。”你也会看到a只与单数名词连用。 “她给了儿子一支铅笔” 一是什么意思? ...

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...这两个例子,你会发现它们都包含相同的单词。但是,第一句话没有意义。这两个例子之间的唯一区别是单词的顺序。因此,语序是句子中的一个主要成分。句子的语序或结构是句法的主要组成部分。 任何句子都可以分为主语...

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句法分析是一种语法练习,包括将文本分解为其组成部分,并解释每个部分的形式、功能和句法关系,以便理解文本。“语法分析”一词来源于“词性”的拉丁语部分 在当代语言学中,句法分析通常指计算机辅助的语言句法...

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...David Halberstam. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1999 "A 'home run' is the definitive kill, the overcoming of obstacle at one stroke, the gratification instantaneous in knowing one has earned a risk-free journey out, around, and back—a journey to be taken at a leisurely pace (but not too leisurely...

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什么是英语语法中的名词性从句(或名词性从句)?(a noun clause (or nominal clause) in english grammar?)

...mplete sentences." — Martha Kolln and Robert Funk, Understanding English Grammar, 5th ed., Allyn and Bacon, 1998 "A Colorado study found that the average homeless person cost the state forty-three thousand dollars a year, while housing that person would cost just seventeen thousand dollars." ...

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...: "​Edward, the subject, is a single noun and is, according to our definition, a noun phrase as well. The main verb grows stands alone without any auxiliaries and is the entire main verb phrase. Although tomatoes, by itself, could be a noun phrase, in identifying constituents of the sentence,...

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什么是英语语法中的递归?(recursion in english grammar?)

...this statement by [Noam] Chomsky (1980: 221-222): ... the rules of the grammar must iterate in some manner to generate an infinite number of sentences, each with its specific sound, structure, and meaning. We make use of this 'recursive' property of grammar constantly in everyday life. We constr...

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