什么是语法中的分部词?(partitives in grammar?)

在英语语法中,分部词是一个词或短语(如“some of”或“a slice of”),表示某事物的一部分或数量与整体不同。分部词也称为“分部名词”或“分部名词短语”,来自拉丁语“partitus”,意思是“与一个部分有关”...

在英语语法中,分部词是一个词或短语(如“some of”或“a slice of”),表示某事物的一部分或数量与整体不同。分部词也称为“分部名词”或“分部名词短语”,来自拉丁语“partitus”,意思是“与一个部分有关”

illustration of 2 fairies holding up a banner that reads "All it takes is faith and trust ... and a little bit of pixie dust."




"You must have been warned against letting the golden hours slip by. Yes, but some of them are golden only because we let them slip."


"Computers make it easier to do a lot of things, but most of the things they make it easier to do, don't need to be done."


"Now Murrell's eyes followed an ant on a blade of grass, up the blade and down, many times in the single moment."


"Soap gumdrops, soap cigars, soap pickles, soap chocolates, and even a bar of soap that dyed its user an indelible blue made life exciting for the friends of a Johnson Smith addict."

–Jean Shepherd,“一把无花果牛顿”,兰登书屋,1981年

"Not a part of the rock or a speck of moss or a streak of some other mineral, it was one of those stubborn bits of green felted cardboard that these rocks were always fixed on inside of the boxes."

–Sharon Fiffer,“埋藏的东西”,米诺陶尔图书,2010年

"It doesn’t matter if you’re a high school kid on your bike, or if you’re an egghead like me with a boatload of degrees. Anybody can be a birder."


"I am not just some here-today-gone-tomorrow sort of person who blows hot and cold like a feather in the windblown about by air. Oh no. Believe me, my love for you is, was and always will be true and oh-so-real."

–Dawn French,《亲爱的胖子》中的“亲爱的大卫·卡西迪”,箭头图书,2009年


"Count nouns that can act as the first element in such a structure (e.g. piece, bit, sort, etc.) are partitive nouns or partitives. Some words that form the second part of the construction take specific partitives (also called unit nouns) "Partitives are useful because they provide a means of counting uncount nouns."



"Partitives are found with nouns of location (the end of the street, the back of the house etc.) and time (the end of the day, the middle of the week, the beginning of the month). These partitives of location and time are almost always found with the frame the + partitive + of the + noun."


 "One day toward the end of the month the wind veered around to the southwest again and clouds moved in, bringing with them a heavy downpour."



"Some partitives, such as gallon/liter of, can be applied to any head noun that is a liquid, and partitives such as ton/gram/pound of can be used to quantify anything that is appropriately measured by weight. Similarly, partitives such as a bottle of can be applied to different types of liquids that come in this container (e.g., beer, wine, catsup, milk). In contrast, partitives used to quantify food are more restricted. Portions of baked goods such as cake, pie, pizza, and bread are measured by slices, and only bread is quantified by the partitive count noun loaf. Certain types of vegetables (e.g., cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce) are quantified by head." 

–Ron Cowan,《英语教师语法:课程手册和参考指南》,剑桥大学出版社,2008年

"The pub is very smart and popular with foreigners, who can order Leopold Bloom's lunch—a gorgonzola sandwich and a glass of burgundy—for about fifteen dollars during the summer high season."

–Bill Barich,“一品脱素色:爱尔兰酒吧的传统、变化和命运”,布鲁姆斯伯里,2010年


"Partitive expressions collocate strongly with particular noncount nouns: "Partitive expressions commonly refer to the shape, size, movement or the amount of something: "There's a whole ... Some partitive expressions with -ful refer to containers or spaces which commonly hold the item referred to. These include bowlful of, cupful of, fistful of, handful of, mouthful of, spoonful of: He gave me a The plural of such expressions is usually formed by adding -s after -ful."


  • 发表于 2021-09-23 20:47
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在里面(in)和英语语法中的内部(within in english grammar)的区别

...外含义。 在里面(in)和英语语法中的内部(within in english grammar)的区别 如前所述,介词in描述一个特定事物或个人的位置,而in介词则表达内心深处的感觉。更重要的是,in和within这两个词在与其他词不同使用时会产生不同的含义...

  • 发布于 2020-10-17 01:57
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嗓音(voice)和语法中的言语(speech in grammar)的区别

...格形式的语音对比 5. 摘要 什么是语法中的语态(voice in grammar)? 在语法中,语态决定动词是主动的还是被动的。当主语是行为人时,句子是主动的;相反,当主语是行为的目标或实施者时,句子是被动的。主动句被称为主动语...

  • 发布于 2020-10-18 02:10
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能够(could)和会用英语语法吗(would in english grammar)的区别

英语语法中的can vs will 由于can和will是两个在用法上经常混淆的词,而且它们在英语中经常使用,所以有必要了解英语语法中can和will之间的区别。can是动词can的过去时形式,而will是动词will的过去时形式。在八个词类中,这两...

  • 发布于 2020-10-22 12:03
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哪一个(which)和在英语语法中(in which in english grammar)的区别

...哪层楼?’ 哪一个(which)和在英语语法中(in which in english grammar)的区别 其中的定义: Which:这是一个关系代词,用来表示同一句子中某个词的附加信息。 其中:Which是一种特殊类型的关系代词,用于表示一个地方或句点的信息。 ...

  • 发布于 2020-10-24 05:25
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它的(its)和这是英语语法(it’s in english grammar)的区别

...英语中很常见。 它的(its)和这是英语语法(it’s in english grammar)的区别 img.centered,.aligncenter{display:block;margin:0 auto 24px}.gallery-caption,.wp-caption-text{font-size:14px;font-size:1.4rem;font-weight:600;margin:0;text-align:center}.entry-content p{margin-top:0;line-...

  • 发布于 2020-10-28 13:10
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然后(then)和而不是英语语法(than in english grammar)的区别

...电话铃响了。 然后(then)和而不是英语语法(than in english grammar)的区别 •Then是副词。Than是介词也是连词。比是众所周知的用于比较形式。 •然后表示时间。介词than用于第五格或消音格。这就是then和than这两个词的主要区别。 •t...

  • 发布于 2020-11-03 04:16
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这(this)和在英语语法中(that in english grammar)的区别

英语语法中的这个和那个 英语语法中的这一点和那一点之间的区别,应该让每一个使用英语的人都能理解,如果他们想正确地使用英语的话。这和那两个词在写作和口语中的用法要非常小心和精确。this这个词用作指示代词,...

  • 发布于 2020-11-04 12:29
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每个(each)和英语语法中的每一个(every in english grammar)的区别

...的团体。 每个(each)和英语语法中的每一个(every in english grammar)的区别 •每一个都用作限定词和一个可数名词。 •需要注意的是,“each of”的用法特别是当存在另一个限定词时。 •另一方面,每个人都把人或事物放在一个群体...

  • 发布于 2020-11-05 08:21
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一(a)和一个是英语语法(one in english grammar)的区别

...让她哭了。你去道歉' 一(a)和一个是英语语法(one in english grammar)的区别 •a和1的定义: •A是英语中不定冠词之一。 •一个是数字。有时也用作代词。 •含义: •当你使用a时,你只是指一件事。 •当你使用一个时,你指的是一...

  • 发布于 2020-11-05 18:50
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那里(there)和他们的英语语法(their in english grammar)的区别

...只用作代词。 那里(there)和他们的英语语法(their in english grammar)的共同点 在那里和它们的发音相似,它们被称为同音异义词。 他们和他们经常一起用在句子中。 那里(there)和他们的英语语法(their in english grammar)的区别 ...

  • 发布于 2020-11-06 17:00
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