


Bulbs growing flowers at different stages of development


"[The] methods of development aren't empty jugs to pour full of any old, dull words. Neither are they straitjackets woven by fiendish English teachers to pin your writing arm to your side and keep you from expressing yourself naturally. The methods are tools for achieving your purpose in writing, whatever that purpose may be. They can help you discover what you know, what you need to know, how to think critically about your subject, and how to shape your writing."—From "The Bedford Reader" by X.J. and Dorothy M. Kennedy


"Possibly the most serious—and most common—weakness of all essays by novice writers is the lack of effectively developed body paragraphs. The information in each paragraph must adequately explain, exemplify, define, or in some other way support your topic sentence. Therefore, you must include enough supporting information or evidence in each paragraph to make your readers understand your topic sentence. Moreover, you must make the information in the paragraph clear and specific enough for the readers to accept your ideas."—From "Steps to Writing Well" by Jean Wyrick


"What the opening of an essay promises, the body of the essay must deliver. This is known as 'developing your ideas,' but I like to use a body-building metaphor because it implies adding not just bulk to a framework, but musculature. In other words, good essay development strengthens, not merely fills out. . . . "What is the best way to reinforce the main idea of your essay? You can do some by making good use of any combination of the following six methods of development:
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  • 人物塑造、对话
"By using these bodybuilding elements, you are telling your readers, 'I don't expect you to take my word for these claims; I want you to see for yourself!"—From "LifeWriting: Drawing from Personal Experience to Create Features You Can Publish" by Fred D. White


"Although most short papers may employ one primary pattern with other patterns woven throughout, longer papers may have two or more primary patterns of development. For example, if you are writing a paper on the causes and effects of child abuse in the foster care system, you might, after the causal analysis, shift the primary focus of the essay to prevention, thus continuing the essay with a process analysis of what the state might do to prevent child abuse. Then you might end the essay by addressing the objections from those defending the system, shifting the focus of the essay to argumentation. "Your decision to include other primary patterns depends on your purpose and audience. Your thesis makes your purpose clear to your reader. Then as you develop your essay, you may integrate other patterns into your paragraphs."—From "Bridges to Better Writing" by Luis Nazario, Deborah Borchers, and William Lewis


  • 类比
  • 因果
  • 分类和划分
  • 对比
  • 当代传统修辞学
  • 例子
  • 扩展定义
  • 构图模型
  • 过程分析


  • 肯尼迪,X.J。;《贝德福德读者》,第七版。贝德福德/圣马丁,2000年
  • 《生活写作:从个人经验中汲取灵感,创造出可以出版的特征》,2004年《羽毛笔驱动书》
  • 纳扎里奥,路易斯;波切、底波拉;刘易斯,威廉;《通向更好写作的桥梁》,沃兹沃斯,2010年
  • 发表于 2021-09-24 11:55
  • 阅读 ( 215 )
  • 分类:人文


如何写一篇大学论文(write a college essay)

...。为了在学校获得一个职位,学生候选人通常被要求写一篇文章或一篇文章,称为个人陈述。这篇文章叫做大学论文。 什么是写大学论文的目的(the purpose of writing a college essay)? 写大学论文的目的是展示自己,说服你申请的大学...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 00:51
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在作文研究中,表达性话语是写作或演讲的总称,它关注作者或说话人的身份和/或经历。通常,个人叙事属于表达性话语的范畴。也被称为表达主义、表达性写作和主观话语。 在20世纪70年代发表的许多文章中,作曲理论家...

  • 发布于 2021-09-06 00:37
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...你可以专注于一个特定的经历或一系列特定的经历。 这篇文章的目的是塑造和解释一个特定的事件或遭遇,以便读者能够认识到你的经历和他们自己的经历之间的某种联系。你的方法可能是幽默的,也可能是严肃的,或者介于...

  • 发布于 2021-09-06 00:42
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...些要点是否是好的段落主题?3.提示要求你做什么?4.这篇文章的读者是谁?5.对提示中提出的每个问题快速写出一句话的答案。用这些答案来发展你的提纲和论文。”(Sydell Rabin,帮助学生按照提示写作。Scholastic,2002) 回应s...

  • 发布于 2021-09-09 16:57
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...解基本天文学和太阳系。 03 2004年 六年级英语和作文目标 到六年级结束时,学生应该能够理解并执行以下语法、阅读和作文规则。 识别一种修辞格。 能够比较和对比作文作业。 使用头脑风暴法产生想法。 认识第一...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 01:44
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  • 发布于 2021-09-14 02:02
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...册交朋友:它可以回答你关于计划、起草、修改和编辑一篇文章的大部分问题。 打开手册中标题为“如何使用本书”的部分。了解如何使用菜单和检查表(通常打印在封面内侧)以及本书的索引和目录查找信息。还可以找到使...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 05:44
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...些指导,这里有一些很棒的在线写作资源。 “如何写一篇文章:10个简单的步骤”。这本由作家汤姆·约翰逊(Tom Johnson)编写的超链接指南是一本特别容易理解的关于青少年作文技巧的解释。 普渡猫头鹰。普渡大学的在线写...

  • 发布于 2021-09-18 14:25
  • 阅读 ( 158 )


...性的写作提示进行练习,以获得一些有趣的方法来开始一篇文章。 接下来的几句话应该解释你的第一句话,并为你的论文陈述做好准备,这通常是导言中的最后一句话。你的论文句子应该提供你的具体论断,并传达一个清晰的...

  • 发布于 2021-09-23 23:45
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在作文中,发展(也称为精化)是在段落或文章中添加信息性和说明性细节以支持主要观点的过程。段落和文章可以用许多不同的方式发展。在传统的作文课程中,以下阐述模式通常作为阐述性写作的标准发展方法: 关于...

  • 发布于 2021-09-24 11:55
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