什么是词汇教学法?(the lexical approach?)



Rear view of teacher giving a lecture

词汇法一词是1993年由Michael Lewis提出的,他观察到“语言由语法化词汇组成,而不是词汇化语法”(词汇法,1993年)。



  • “词汇法意味着句子语法的作用减少,至少在中级后水平。相反,它涉及到单词语法(搭配和同源词)和文本语法(超句子特征)的作用增加。”(迈克尔·刘易斯,《词汇教学法:英语教学现状与未来之路》,语言教学出版物,1993年)



- Early emphasis on receptive skills, especially listening, is essential. - De-contextualized vocabulary learning is a fully legitimate strategy. - The role of grammar as a receptive skill must be recognized. - The importance of contrast in language awareness must be recognized. - Teachers should employ extensive, comprehensible language for receptive purposes. - Extensive writing should be delayed as long as possible. - Nonlinear recording formats (e.g., mind maps, word trees) are intrinsic to the Lexical Approach. - Reformulation should be the natural response to student error. - Teachers should always react primarily to the content of student language. - Pedagogical chunking should be a frequent classroom activity."

(James Coady,《第二语言词汇习得:研究综述》,《第二语言词汇习得:教育学的基本原理》,James Coady和Thomas Huckin主编,剑桥大学出版社,1997年)



"Adult language knowledge consists of a continuum of linguistic constructions of different levels of complexity and abstraction. Constructions can comprise concrete and particular items (as in words and idioms), more abstract classes of items (as in word classes and abstract constructions), or complex combinations of concrete and abstract pieces of language (as mixed constructions). Consequently, no rigid separation is postulated to exist between lexis and grammar." (Nick C. Ellis, "The Emergence of Language As a Complex Adaptive System." The Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics, ed. by James Simpson. Routledge, 2011)

  • 发表于 2021-09-28 00:20
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词汇(lexical)和结构歧义(structural ambiguity)的区别

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词汇分析(lexical analysis)和句法分析(syntax analysis)的区别

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...都是用竞选语言进行的。 然而,为了理解政治家在说什么,学生可能需要熟悉竞选词汇。对所有学生来说,选举术语的显性教学都很重要,但对英语学习者来说尤为重要。这是因为竞选词汇中充满了习语,这意味着一个词或...

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...闭类包括代词、限定词、连词和介词。相比之下,开放类词汇包括名词、词汇动词、形容词和副词。 实例和意见 "[C]losed-class words are those belonging to the grammatical, or function, classes...Function words in English include conjunctions (and, or), ar...

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