
语义场是一组意义相关的词(或词素)。该短语也称为词场、词汇场、意义场和语义系统。语言学家阿德里安·莱勒(Adrienne Lehrer)更明确地将语义场定义为“覆盖某一概念领域并相互之间具有某种特定关系的一组词汇”(1985)。...

语义场是一组意义相关的词(或词素)。该短语也称为词场、词汇场、意义场和语义系统。语言学家阿德里安·莱勒(Adrienne Lehrer)更明确地将语义场定义为“覆盖某一概念领域并相互之间具有某种特定关系的一组词汇”(1985)。

Life cycle. Life cycle.



"The words in a semantic field share a common semantic property. Most often, fields are defined by subject matter, such as body parts, landforms, diseases, colors, foods, or kinship relations.... "Let's consider some examples of semantic fields....The field of 'stages of life' is arranged sequentially, though there is considerable overlap between terms (e.g., child, toddler) as well as some apparent gaps (e.g., there are no simple terms for the different stages of adulthood). Note that a term such as minor or juvenile belongs to a technical register, a term such as kid or tot to a colloquial register, and a term such as sexagenarian or octogenarian to a more formal register. The semantic field of 'water' could be divided into a number of subfields; in addition, there would appear to be a great deal of overlap between terms such as sound/fjord or cove/harbor/bay." (Laurel J. Brinton, "The Structure of Modern English: A Linguistic Introduction." John Benjamins, 2000)



"Cultural attitudes to particular areas of human activity can often be seen in the choices of metaphor used when that activity is discussed. A useful linguistic concept to be aware of here is that of semantic field, sometimes called just field, or field of meaning.... "The semantic field of war and battle is one that sports writers often draw on. Sport, particularly football, in our culture is also associated with conflict and violence." (Ronald Carter, "Working With Texts: A Core Introduction to Language Analysis." Routledge, 2001)



"In a semantic field, not all lexical items necessarily have the same status. Consider the following sets, which together form the semantic field of color terms (of course, there are other terms in the same field):
  1. 蓝色,红色,黄色,绿色,黑色,紫色
  2. 靛蓝、藏红花、皇家蓝、海蓝宝石、比斯克
The colors referred to by the words of set 1 are more 'usual' than those described in set 2. They are said to be less marked members of the semantic field than those of set 2. The less marked members of a semantic field are usually easier to learn and remember than more marked members. Children learn the term blue before they learn the terms indigo,, royal blue, or aquamarine. Often, a less marked word consists of only one morpheme, in contrast to more marked words (contrast blue with royal blue or aquamarine). The less marked member of a semantic field cannot be described by using the name of another member of the same field, whereas more marked members can be thus described (indigo is a kind of blue, but blue is not a kind of indigo). "Less marked terms also tend to be used more frequently than more marked terms; for example, blue occurs considerably more frequently in conversation and writing than indigo or aquamarine....Less marked terms are also often broader in meaning than more marked terms.... Finally, less marked words are not the result of the metaphorical usage of the name of another object or concept, whereas more marked words often are; for example, saffron is the color of a spice that lent its name to the color." (Edward Finegan. "Language: Its Structure and Use, 5th ed." Thomson Wadsworth, 2008)

  • 发表于 2021-10-16 13:10
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  • 分类:语言



语义的(semantic)和句法(syntactic)的区别 当我们谈到语言时,语义和句法是两个需要遵循的重要规则,尽管它们涉及两个不同的规则。因此,我们不应该认为这两个是可互换的。在任何语言中,我们都需要遵循一定的规则或原...

  • 发布于 2020-10-25 02:33
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主要区别——语法与语义 句法和语义是语言学的两个重要分支。语言学是对语言的研究。句法是对句子结构的研究,语义学是对语言意义的研究。因此,句法与语义的主要区别在于句法与结构有关,语义与意义有关。 什...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 06:31
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语义学和语用学的主要区别在于,语义学研究的是词语的意义及其在句子中的意义,而语用学研究的是相同的词语和意义,但同时也强调它们的语境。 语义学和语用学是语言学研究的两个主要分支。他们都研究语言中单词的意...

  • 发布于 2021-06-30 23:23
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句法分析(syntax analysis)和语义分析(semantic analysis)的区别

语法分析与语义分析的主要区别在于,语法分析取词法分析生成的代词,生成解析树,语义分析检查语法分析生成的解析树是否遵循语言的规则。 通常,程序员使用高级编程语言编写程序。他能理解这些程序,但计算机不理解...

  • 发布于 2021-07-02 02:17
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美国人(american)和欧洲结构主义(european structuralism)的区别

...同僚们主要关注语言学项目的形式和它们的结构,而不是语义。 在这个时代,语言学家们主要致力于书写非书面语言的描述性语法,尤其是正在消亡的美洲土著语言。它包括收集母语者的话语集,并通过研究语言的句法和语音...

  • 发布于 2021-07-02 06:25
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...来研究声音。它包括研究语音的分布和发音。另一方面,语义学是对语言意义的研究。它分析了从单词、短语和句子中派生出来的意义。两者都是语言学的重要分支。 音位学是语言学的一个分支,通过确定语言的规则来研究声...

  • 发布于 2021-07-14 00:57
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关键区别:语义学和语用学是语言学的分支。语义学是在没有语境的情况下研究词义的学科。另一方面,语用学理解语言的意义,但要记住语境。 语义学一词源于希腊语semantikos,意为表示或给予符号。语义学是对意义的研究...

  • 发布于 2021-07-14 00:59
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关键区别:语义和句法是微观语言学的两个不同领域。语义学是研究单词而不考虑其意义的学科。另一方面,句法研究的是分析单词如何组合形成语法句子。 语言学是对语言的研究。语言学大体上分为一般语言学、微观语言学...

  • 发布于 2021-07-14 01:01
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...用的。 在修辞学中,提喻常常被视为一种转喻。 在语义学中,句法分析被定义为“同一语义场中的意义转折:一个术语由另一个术语表示,其扩展在语义上更宽或更窄”(简明语用学百科全书,2009)。 词源学 希腊语中...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 06:36
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  • 发布于 2021-09-24 08:51
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