如何成本在学校行为管理中的应用(cost is used in school behavior management)



Two well-dressed kids play store with a fake cash register Two well-dressed kids play store with a fake cash register


Alex is a young child with autism. He often leaves the instructional setting, requiring the teacher to get up and leave. He is currently working on sitting in the instructional setting while participating in an imitation program. He is given tokens on a token board for good sitting during instruction, and earns a three minute break with a preferred item when he earns four tokens. During trials he is given constant feedback on the quality of his sitting. Even though his leaving the site of instruction has decreased, he does occasional test the teacher by getting up and leaving: he automatically loses a token. He quickly earns it back when he returns to the table and sits well. Eloping from the classroom has been extinguished. Leaving the instructional site has dropped from 20 times a day to three times a week.









Mrs. Harper uses a token economy (point system) in her Emotional Support Program. Each student gets ten points for each half hour that he/she stays in their seat and works independently. They get 5 points for each completed assignment. They can lose 5 points for certain infractions. They can lose 2 points for less severe infractions. They can get 2 points as bonuses for exhibiting positive behavior independently: waiting patiently, take turns, thanking their peers. At the end of the day, everyone records their points with the banker, and at the end of the week they can use their points in the school store.




  • 当你对学生可能失去分数、代币或获得强化物的行为有了真正的了解时,你很可能很少看到这些行为。同时,您正在强化所需的行为。
  • 响应成本易于管理,
  • 当学生的行为妨碍了他或她的同龄人的学习,给自己或他人造成了危险(私奔、爬上家具)时,反应成本可以提供快速的惩罚,而无需实际采取任何厌恶措施。


  • 如果正强化的比率不至少为3:1,你的学生可能永远也出不了洞。这只会是一种惩罚,永远不会真正起作用。
  • 如果反应成本没有以非情绪化的方式持续应用,它将成为学生与教职员工或学生与教师之间相互指责和不和的根源。
  • 如果它建立对惩罚的依赖,它将适得其反。强化替代行为仍然是改变不良行为的最有效方法。


  • “课堂中的行为矫正”,《学习障碍和挑战性行为:干预和课堂管理指南》,南希·马瑟等人,第三版,布鲁克斯,2008年,第134-153页。
  • 响应成本在学校环境中的应用:结果、问题和建议〉,《特殊教育季刊》,第3卷,第4期,1983年2月1日,第47-55页。

  • 发表于 2021-10-20 16:57
  • 阅读 ( 216 )
  • 分类:教育



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