什么是美国最大的湖泊?(the largest lakes in the us?)

Lake Superior is the largest lake in the United States.


With a surface area of nearly 2,000 km, Lake Pontchartrain is one of the largest lakes in the U.S.


Michigan is known as the Great Lakes State for its five major lakes and more than 11,000 inland lakes.


Detroit is considered a Great Lakes city.


  • 发表于 2022-01-18 20:33
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寡养的(oligotrophic)和富营养化湖泊(eutrophic lakes)的区别

...虑的主要营养物质是氮和磷。 目录 1. 概述和主要区别 2. 什么是贫营养湖 3. 什么是富营养化湖泊 4. 贫营养湖泊与富营养湖泊的相似性 5. 并列比较-贫营养湖泊和富营养湖泊的表格形式 6. 摘要 什么是贫营养湖(oligotrophic lakes)? 贫...

  • 发布于 2020-10-17 13:11
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...水,四周都是陆地。它们之间的差别也只是大小不一。 什么是一个湖(a lake)? 湖泊是一个被陆地完全包围的水体。说到大小,据说湖泊比池塘大,但没有标准的大小来定义一个湖泊或池塘。有专家说,如果水体表面积大于2英亩...

  • 发布于 2020-10-23 10:25
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...本文试图通过突出湖泊和海洋的特点来澄清这些混淆。 什么是一个湖(a lake)? 湖是被陆地包围的淡水。湖水是静止的,而河流总是在流动。有时,根据周围和下伏地形的地质情况,水可能是咸的。把海洋称为含盐水的水体并不...

  • 发布于 2020-10-25 03:06
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...rs since we became an independent AOL, we are building toward becoming the largest media technology company in the world. While there are search platforms, social platforms, and commerce platforms, we have built a very meaningful media platform and AOL today is a media platform company powering our ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-29 21:13
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...f of Aden are some examples of gulfs. The gulf of Mexico is said to be the largest gulf in the world with a total surface area of about 1,554,000 km2.Gulfs are formed due to the movements of the Earth’s crust. A gulf can be created when Earth’s tectonic plates rift or break apart or by the proce...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 07:18
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...of the lakes in the world are freshwater lakes. Lake Michigan-Huron is the largest lake on earth by surface area. Lake Baikal in Siberia is c***idered to be the deepest and oldest lake on Earth whereas Lake Tanganyika is the longest lake on Earth. 河(river)和湖(lake)的区别 水流 这条河是...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 13:00
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什么是淡水生态系统(freshwater ecosystems)

...条件下的淡水。 Peyto Lake in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada 什么是淡水生态系统(freshwater ecosystems)? 河流、溪流和小溪是在形状、体积、大小、动植物多样性等许多方面不同的流水生态系统。 河流是地球上最大的流水生态系统,它...

  • 发布于 2021-06-28 08:42
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鹅,鸭(goose, duck)和天鹅(swan)的区别

...寸通常在18厘米到86厘米之间。重量范围为1 kg至7 kg。 The largest members of the waterfowl family Anatidae, and are among the largest flying birds. The largest species can reach a length of over 1.5 m (60 inches) and weigh over 15 kg (33 pounds). Sexes The geese lack sexually ...

  • 发布于 2021-07-12 10:47
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... 02 二十 智利科拉瓦西(570千吨) Chile's second-largest copper mine, Collahuasi, is owned by a consortium of Anglo American (44%), Glencore (44%), Mitsui (8.4%), and JX Holdings (3.6%). Collahuasi mine produces copper concentrate and cathodes as well as 钼集中 ...

  • 发布于 2021-09-03 11:40
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...,已有10000多年的历史,拥有世界10%的淡水资源。该湖与美国的威斯康星州、密歇根州和明尼苏达州以及加拿大的安大略省接壤。它的平均深度为483英尺(147米),最大深度为1332英尺(406米)。 04 十 马拉维湖(尼亚萨...

  • 发布于 2021-09-03 22:57
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