如何牛油果需要成熟吗?(does it take for an avocado to ripen?)





  • 等待太长时间采摘鳄梨也可能会有问题。如果水果在树上停留太久,鳄梨中的油会使水果带有酸败的味道和糊状的质地。
  • 未成熟的牛油果应该是绿色的。当它成熟时,会有紫色和黑色的味道。大约两天后就可以使用了。
  • 牛油果切开后,撒上柠檬汁或酸橙汁,防止它变成棕色和糊状。
  • 发表于 2022-01-27 22:49
  • 阅读 ( 68 )
  • 分类:美食



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...nector like that is not so easy for beginners. A possibly easier way is to take a USB cable (such as an extension cable or phone charger cable) that has a USB A connector on one side (the normal big computer kind like the one on the USB drive), cut off the other end, strip the wires, and solder them...

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