




We have discussed what wavelength means when we were discussing the difference between Wavelength and Period. To recap; every point on a wave is oscillating. That is, every point on a wave shows some kind of regular, repetitive change in some value. For example, if you create a wave by wiggling a rope up and down, then the molecules that make up the rope are repeatedly moving up and down. If you take an electromagnetic wave, the value of electric and magnetic fields due to the wave at a point is always changing. If the wave in question is not just a short pulse, then at any given time, there can be several points on a wave that are at the same stage of oscillation. For instance, two points on the wave that reach their maximum value in oscillation simultaneously are oscillating in unison. Such points, which are always at the same stage in oscillation are said to be in phase with each other.  Wavelength is the distance between the two closest points that are in phase with each other along a wave. Thus, two adjacent peaks or two adjacent troughs on a wave are separated by a distance of one wavelength. Often, we use the Greek letter lambda ( ) to represent the wavelength of a wave:

Relati***hip Between Wavelength and Period - Waves_on_a_rope

Wavelength of a wave created by wiggling a rope up and down



Frequency () is the number of complete oscillati*** that a wave undergoes per unit time. It is measured in units of hertz (Hz). For sound waves, the frequency is related to the pitch of the sound. The higher the frequency, the higher is the pitch. For instance, the “middle C” note is a sound wave with a frequency of 261.63 Hz. This means that to produce this note, molecules creating or tran**itting the sound wave should oscillate 261.63 times every second. The note middle D which has a higher pitch than the middle C has a frequency of 293.66 Hz. Humans can hear sounds with frequencies between about 20 – 20000 Hz. Sounds with frequencies lower than the audible range is called infrasound and the sounds with frequencies above the human hearing range are called ultrasound.

什麼是波長與頻率的關係(the relati***hip between wavelength and frequency)?


Period (is another quantity that we can use to characterize a wave. Period is the time taken for one complete oscillation. Since frequency measures the number of times that a wave oscillates per unit time, it follows that


The speed of the wave ( ) is the distance that the wave travels per unit time. C***idering that the wave travels a distance of one wavelength during one period,

We know that  . So we can write the above equation as:


Electromagnetic waves traveling through vacuum have a speed of 3×108 m s-1. This speed is a fundamental c***tant in physics, and it is denoted by the letter . So, this equation is sometimes written as  for electromagnetic travelling through vacuum.

This equation is very useful. For example, we know that electromagnetic waves can slow down when they travel from air into glass. The frequency of the wave is determined by the original disturbance that caused the wave, so the frequency does not change when the wave goes from one medium to another. Since  , this means that in order to  maintain the same frequency while the speed is decreasing, the wavelength of the wave must be reduced as well.

Relati***hip Between Wavelength and Frequency - Wavelength_change_in_different_media

The speed and wavelength of a wave changes when it travels from one medium into another.


Image Courtesy

“Wave in a rope.” by CK-12 Foundation (File:High School Chemistry.pdf, page 178) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Comm*** (Modified)

  • 發表於 2021-06-27 09:44
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光(light)和無線電波(radio waves)的區別

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德布羅意波長(de broglie wavelength)和波長(wavelength)的區別

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頻率(frequency)和相對頻率(relative frequency)的區別


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