
今天的問答環節是由SuperUser提供的,SuperUser是Stack Exchange的一個分支,它是一個由Q&a網站組成的社群驅動分組。...

硬碟上的“請勿覆蓋此孔”孔的用途是什麼?From tiny laptop hard drives to beefier desktop models, traditional disk-based hard drives have a very bold warning on them: DO NOT COVER THIS HOLE. What exactly is the hole and what terrible fate would befall you if you covered it?

今天的問答環節是由SuperUser提供的,SuperUser是Stack Exchange的一個分支,它是一個由Q&a網站組成的社群驅動分組。



On many hard drives, there’s a text warning to “not cover this hole”, sometimes adding that doing so will void the warranty.

What is the purpose of this hole and why would covering it cause damage or increase the likelihood of drive failure?






It allows for equalization of air pressure between the inside and outside of the drive. While it is not a complete pass-through of outside air into the HDD internals, there is a filter inside the hole that allows the air pressure to equalize.

If the drive were completely sealed, operating at altitudes significantly different from those the drive was manufactured and sealed at, it would cause problems and increase the likelihood of catastrophic failures.

This system works in much the same way as the Eustachian tubes that allow our ears internal pressures to equalize, preventing the explosion of our ear drums.


Check out the Wikipedia hard drive entry paying attention to the Integrity section with reference to the “breather hole”:

Hard disk drives require a certain range of air pressures in order to operate properly. The connection to the external environment and pressure occurs through a **all hole in the enclosure (about 0.5 mm in breadth), usually with a filter on the inside (the breather filter). If the air pressure is too low, then there is not enough lift for the flying head, so the head gets too close to the disk, and there is a risk of head crashes and data loss. Specially manufactured sealed and pressurized disks are needed for reliable high-altitude operation, above about 3,000 m (9,800 ft).[99] Modern disks include temperature sensors and adjust their operation to the operating environment. Breather holes can be seen on all disk drives—they usually have a sticker next to them, warning the user not to cover the holes.


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  • 發表於 2021-04-12 04:58
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  • 分類:網際網路



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...能遠不止於此。無論您想快速訪問您的資料,分割槽您的硬碟驅動器,或瀏覽網頁安全您應該有一個livecd手邊。 ...

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任天堂wii u擴充套件儲存,解釋道

... wii u外接硬碟 ...

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...CyberPowerPC遊戲機Ultra 2235配備AMD FX-6300 CPU、8 GB DDR3 RAM、1 TB硬碟和AMD Radeon RX 480 GPU。從以太坊開始。在主機板上,您還將找到PCIe x16埠、PCIe x1插槽和標準PCI。由於卡之間幾乎沒有資料傳輸,PCIe x16或x1沒有太大區別。 ...

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