



“蘋果正在阻止應用商店的Fortnite更新和新安裝,並表示他們將終止我們為蘋果裝置開發Fortnite的能力。因此,Fortnite最新發布的第2章第4季更新(v14.00)將不會在8月27日的iOS和macOS上釋出。“如果你還想在Android上玩Fortnite,你可以從Android上的Epic Games應用程式訪問Fortnite的最新版本Fortnite.com/安卓或者三星Galaxy商店。”

Epic必須面對的一個因素是,它能否說服主持其對蘋果訴訟的法官釋出臨時限制令,阻止蘋果將Fortnite從應用程式商店拒之門外,並阻止Epic的更新。法官伊馮·岡薩雷斯·羅傑斯(Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers)週一晚間在當天早些時候的一次聽證會後做出裁決,批准了Epic的限制令,但僅針對其不真實的引擎業務,蘋果還以終止相關開發者賬戶為威脅目標。

這意味著蘋果不需要將Fortnite恢復到App Store,Epic被迫圍繞無法釋出iOS或macOS版本遊戲更新這一事實進行規劃。蘋果表示,Epic可以簡單地恢復其應用內支付處理系統的更新,恢復在iOS和macOS上分發和更新Fortnite。



Epic gave Fortnite players on iOS a choice between Apple payment and Epic direct payment, passing on savings to direct purchasers. Apple retaliated by blocking Fortnite updates on iOS devices and threatening to prevent Epic from creating software for all Apple devices - not just on Fortnite but all of our games, and Unreal Engine too.

Apple is asking that Epic revert Fortnite to exclusively use Apple payments. Their proposal is an invitation for Epic to collude with Apple to maintain their monopoly over in-app payments on iOS, suppressing free market competition and inflating prices. As a matter of principle, we won’t participate in this scheme.

You, as a mobile device owner, have the right to install apps from sources of your choosing. Software makers have the right to freely express their ideas and to compete in a fair marketplace. Apple’s policies take these freedoms away.

Apple’s policies are so restrictive that they block gaming services like Microsoft xCloud, NVIDIA GeForce NOW, and Google Stadia from existing on iOS. Apple’s policies would have even blocked the World Wide Web if it had been invented after the iPhone, because Apple policies disallow running code not reviewed by Apple, accepting payments directly from customers, and accessing content not reviewed by Apple - all fundamental features of the web. These policies, together with Apple’s chilling enforcement strategy, directly impede innovation and invention of entirely new kinds of apps, games, and businesses.

Epic is one of the many game developers who has long worked to advance better and fairer platform practices, such as cross-platform gameplay, communication, accounts, and items in Fortnite on seven platforms (though now only six). We are committed to securing lasting freedoms for all. This is why we fight.

You can view the record of our legal dispute in our August 13, August 17, and August 23 filings.

  • 發表於 2021-04-18 09:04
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  • 分類:網際網路



...存在的。如果他們這樣做了,他們很難克服。像Ruby這樣的新時代語言仍然很難在Windows上安裝和使用。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-15 06:14
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您現在可以在iOS上玩Fortnite Battle Royale,而無需打包邀請。你所需要的只是一臺執行iOS 11的iPhone或iPad,你就可以走了。而且因為Fortnite是在免費的基礎上執行的,所以它不會花費你一分錢去潛入。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-25 09:56
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手機上的fortnite battle royale值得一玩嗎?

Fortnite Battle Royale是幾乎所有人都在談論的史詩遊戲的寵兒。在PC和遊戲機上大放異彩之後,這款遊戲現在可以在你的智慧**上使用了。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-25 16:31
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蘋果和谷歌可能已經將Fortnite從App Store和Play Store中刪除,但這並不意味著無法下載。如果你曾經在iPhone或iPad上安裝過這個遊戲,你現在就可以重新安裝Fortnite應用了。下面是方法。 更新:蘋果從應用商店撤銷了Epic Games的開發者...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-01 19:18
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  • 發佈於 2021-04-16 23:26
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Fortnite可能會在今年晚些時候迴歸iPhone和iPad,但不是你習慣的方式。BBC報道說,Fortnite將可以透過Nvidia的雲遊戲服務GeForce Now進行遊戲。iOS還沒有釋出這項服務,但據英國廣播公司報道,預計將在假期前釋出。 GeForce現...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-17 06:28
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很快,你就可以看到你的朋友,而你一起玩Fortnite線上。Epic為battle royale遊戲增加了一項新的影片聊天功能,玩家可以在遊戲中看到好友的實時影片。它今天釋出,不過最初,該功能將只在PC、PS4和PS5上可用。 這項功...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-17 08:56
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...用程式進行分發。 其中一個更明顯的好處是,Epic Games的Fortnite將再次在蘋果裝置上執行,儘管這是一個有點麻煩的解決方案,而且只有在Epic和Nvidia解決了一些問題之後。Fortnite的PC版本現在可以透過GeForce獲得,這要歸功於Nvidia...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-17 09:08
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Fortnite的新一季即將到來,同時,開發者Epic也推出了名為Fortnite Crew的每月訂閱服務。每月11.99美元,Fortnite玩家將獲得1000個Vbucks(Fortnite的遊戲內貨幣),一個獨家的角色面板和裝備,並獲得本賽季的戰鬥***。你可以看看上圖中...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-17 10:38
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epic judge永久性地限制蘋果阻止虛幻引擎,但不會強制fortnite

Fortnite不會很快回到應用商店。上週五,法官伊馮·岡薩雷斯·羅傑斯(Yvonne Gonzales Rogers)拒絕授予Epic Games針對蘋果的初步禁令,該禁令將迫使遊戲開發商在App Store上恢復Fortnite,同時授予禁令,防止蘋果對Epic也擁有的虛幻引擎...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-17 11:29
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