


  • Report

    The minority report: Chicago's new police computer predicts crimes, but is it racist?


    Chicago's police department is using computer algorithms to determine the most dangerous people in its city — or at least, the people with the potential to be among the most dangerous. It appears to be a well-intentioned effort to clean up crime, but some are concerned that it's singling out certain groups.

  • Feature

    This machine kills trolls


    Wikipedia's robots and cyborgs work round the clock to clean up vandali** and keep out trolls. It's a daunting task, and one that the site has gotten better at over the years. Now, it just has to figure out how to keep out the bad actors while still welcoming the good ones.

  • Review

    Nokia Lumia Icon review


    The Lumia Icon is the latest Windows Phone to head to Verizon. It has all the specs of a winner, but can it really be the icon that Microsoft and Nokia both want it to be?

  • Report

    Beautiful disasters: NewHive is making the web weird again


    NewHive makes it easy to create websites that are brilliantly and bizarrely gaudy, recalling our old obsession with GIF-filled GeoCities pages and cluttered MySpace profiles. Digital artists have begun using the service to create new works, but NewHive hopes to make it easy enough for anyone to start creating weird webpages of their own.

  • Review

    'House of Cards' Season 2 review: 'It was butchery, not strategy, that won the war'


    The first season of House of Cards legitimized Netflix's bold move into original content. Now it's back for a second round: is this season even more addictive, or just more of the same?

  • Report

    'Mt. Gox, where is our money?'


    One of the top Bitcoin exchanges paused withdrawals earlier this month after discovering a bug that could lead to thefts. But with withdrawals still paused, its customers haven't been able to get to their money, and some have begun staking out the exchange's offices to find out if they even really have it.

  • Report

    Pesticides are everywhere, and more dangerous than you realize


    Pyrethroids, a group of common bug killers, have long been thought of a safe alternative to older, hazardous chemicals. But recent research suggests that pyrethroids may not be as safe as we think — and it could be a long time before we find out more.

  • Review

    Loop Wallet review: mobile payments are finally everywhere you want to be


    There are plenty of ways to check out at a store from your phone, just not many that are very good. Loop hopes to finally let you leave your wallet behind with a **all accessory that can send card data to most readers out there. It works surprisingly well, but is it good enough to finally kill your plastic credit cards?

  • Interview

    Seeing secrets: Trevor Paglen on photographing the NSA’s headquarters


    Artist Trevor Paglen recently rented out helicopters to go photograph some of the United States' top intelligence headquarters — the NSA's included. We caught up with him to chat about the idea behind the project, how he made office parks look interesting, and what a photograph of a building can really tell us.

  • Review

    Samsung Galaxy Note Pro review


    Can Samsung make a tablet that's perfect for the business world? The Galaxy Note Pro is an ambitious first try that changes a lot about Android in the quest for productivity, but all its power may not be enough to replace the laptop just yet.

  • 發表於 2021-04-25 09:58
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  • 分類:網際網路



...人.txt檔案是什麼,它做什麼,以及如何正確設定它為您的網站。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-13 06:21
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... 5延遲預測:避免ai航班延誤 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-22 15:24
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...個嚴肅的討論,但這不是一個嚴肅的網站,所以採取這些預測一小撮鹽。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-25 23:27
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...行排序、分類和分析。他們可以根據客戶先前的行為做出預測,並根據先前確定的標準做出決策。系統還可以從異常中學習,並隨著時間的推移而改進。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-29 19:27
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...1994年-這是一個長期執行的復活節彩蛋。 你可以在Mozilla的網站上閱讀整本Mozilla的書——至少是已經寫好的幾句詩句。《Mozilla之書》講述了網景與IE瀏覽器的較量,以及火狐(Firefox)如何從網景的灰燼中崛起。 關於:配置 關於...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-12 15:13
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  • 發佈於 2021-04-16 01:52
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...發表聲稱利用面部掃描和犯罪統計等資料訓練的演算法來預測個人犯罪行為的研究。 關鍵技術聯盟說,這樣的工作不僅在科學上是文盲,而且使對黑人和有色人種的偏見迴圈永久化。大量研究表明,司法系統對待這...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-19 04:37
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