


  • Interview

    Neil deGrasse Tyson is here to recruit you


    With the debut of Co**os last week, Neil deGrasse Tyson has more than ever cemented himself as the public face of science — and quite simply, he's making the area of study seem huge and exciting again. We caught up with him over a glass of wine to chat about how he's evangalized learning and research, and what he plans to do once the show it over.

  • Report

    Mondo and the lost art of the movie poster


    Today's movie posters show little more than the face of a billable star who can draw interest from a broad crowd, but they didn't always used to be that way. Posters used to be beautifully crafted to capture the essence of a film, and the print studio Mondo is at the forefront of bringing that back.

  • Review

    ‘Need for Speed’ review: not so fast, not so furious


    Breaking Bad's Aaron Paul tries to lead the adaptation of EA's racing game Need for Speed to success on the big screen. Unfortunately, it's a much bigger task making real supercars' races (and explosi***) look good on film than in pixels.

  • Interview

    Ernest Cline is the luckiest geek alive


    Ernest Cline, the bestselling author of Ready Player One, may be, above all else, a fanboy. We caught up with him at SXSW to chat about how he went from loving science fiction to writing a screenplay and becoming an acclaimed writer of the very genre that he's always loved.

  • Review

    Fujifilm X-T1 review


    Mirrorless cameras have gotten dramatically better year over year, and Fujifilm has just released what will likely be this year's star: the X-T1. It has a cool throwback style, more manual dials that you could ask for, and takes gorgeous photos. What's not to like? Not very much.

  • Report

    The new gold rush: Bitcoin ATMs are coming


    Bitcoin ATMs could make it easier to start turning cash into bitcoins and vice versa — easy to a point, at least. The ATMs require a major investment to set up, and interested customers have to hand over everything from a phone number to a palm scan to comply with anti-money laundering laws.

  • Review

    'Titanfall' review: how robots made me love online shooters


    A lot is riding on Titanfall, Microsoft's first big exclusive for the Xbox One. Fortunately, playing it is a ton of fun: no matter how good (or bad) you are at first-person shooters, Titanfall will make you feel seriously strong.

  • Report

    Hucksters and hustlers: inside the hidden brand orgy of SXSW


    South by Southwest Interactive used to be a place where cool apps took off and some of the most enthusiastic minds in tech came to talk. Now the scene is changing as it becomes overrun by big brands trying to learn about what tech and social media can do for them.

  • Review

    'Veronica Mars' review: a true detective returns


    Can crowdfunding successfully revive a beloved TV series that ended too soon? In the case of Veronica Mars, it seems that it most certainly can. Its cinematic revival may at times feel like fan service, but in the end: it's exactly what fans have been asking for.

  • Interview

    The era of Facebook is an anomaly


    Youth researcher danah boyd is famous for her work on privacy, social media trends, and teen behavior. We caught up with boyd after her sold-out SXSW talk to chat about ephemeral conversati***, if parents should be worrying about their kids' tech use, and why it's weird that we all head to Facebook.

  • 發表於 2021-04-25 13:39
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  • 分類:網際網路



隨著所有關於分叉、詐騙、網站竊取你的CPU來開採altcoins以及瘋狂的價格波動的討論,加密貨幣(cryptocurrences,簡稱“crypto”)無疑正變得越來越主流。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-12 02:21
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如何使用microsoft powerpoint製作海報

MicrosoftPowerPoint不僅僅是簡報,它還提供了設計漂亮海報所需的所有創造性工具。只需設定尺寸,設計海報,然後打印出來。下面介紹如何使用PowerPoint**海報。 定義海報尺寸 海報有各種尺寸,但您首先需要知道的是PowerPoint的...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-01 23:02
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...題。[*****] 你有穩定的手,想找到新的黑洞嗎?一個公民科學專案可能正適合你。人們天生善於發現模式,在某些方面比複雜的程式更好。科學家們想利用這一事實為自己謀利。 大多數科學家相信,任何比我們星系大或更大的...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-03 11:13
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...有幾種方法可以讓你的電腦在閒置的時候使用。它可以做科學研究,備份你的資料,甚至尋找外星生命的跡象。 伯克利開放式網路計算基礎設施(boinc) 如果你想幫助科學研究的進步,BOINC專案允許你使用空閒的計算機來幫助...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-12 05:51
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早在數碼藝術出現之前,印表機就已經開始使用線條色調來創造出豐富的影象。今天我們將使用Photoshop技巧(沒有濾鏡)把一張普通的照片變成老式的線條風格的藝術品。 從照片建立線條色調影象 有很多過濾器和付費Photoshop...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-12 11:04
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  • 發佈於 2021-04-16 03:01
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  • 發佈於 2021-04-26 21:03
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  • 發佈於 2021-04-28 16:14
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  • 發佈於 2021-05-07 02:47
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...去你的實驗室萌芽混音師和發展的完美拍攝你的派對這個週末。果凍射擊測試廚房:果凍經典***一次一杯|亞馬遜精神牙線圖片來源:Nic Redhead。

  • 發佈於 2021-05-20 01:24
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