




Winter is for hot water bottles

That East Coast cold snap got the gears in my brain turning, and forced me to figure out how to keep my humble abode warm as my pitiful space heater breathed its approximation of hot air into my bedroom. The solution? Water bottles. In particular, hot water bottles stuffed under my bedsheets, as suggested by our resident health expert Beth Skwarecki. Now, instead of cold comforters and the uncomfortable initial bout of shivering, my bed greets me (and my feet) with a warm embrace every night. Pro tip: set an alarm an hour before you want to hit the sack to prep your water bottles and give the heat time to permeate your bed.

patrick austin, staff writer

Abandon clunky rain boots

I got shorter weatherproof shoes for everyday use on days like today and I feel like I’ve seen the light after years of walking around in cumbersome rainboots/snowboots when it’s only minimally rainy/snowy out.

Emily lipstein, Social media editor

Microwave your notebook

I got a Wave microwaveable notebook ($25). I laughed when I first saw these, but after cleaning out my office I suddenly appreciate them. Notebooks are hard to throw out, ok? You always feel like you’re going to need them someday. This one comes with a scanner app that is surefire and painless to use (unlike all other scanner apps, sorry) so when you’ve run out of pages and everything is in the cloud, you just microwave the notebook to erase the ink and then start over. The catch is it comes with a Pilot Frixion pen and if you lose it, you can’t just use any old pen (the ink has to be heat-erasable, you see). So I’ve ordered extra pens, like a sucker. I’ll report back after my first microwaving.

beth skwarecki, health editor

Automate your pharmacy pickups...

I finally downloaded the CVS app and signed up for text message alerts, which lets me manage my prescription information more easily and notifies me when they’re ready for pickup.

alicia adamczyk, staff writer

...and stop resisting pharmaceuticals

I did not think I’d ever be shilling for Big Pharma on tl80, but I also never thought I’d be the person who got the flu shot and then got the flu. I’d gotten arrogant about how rarely I get sick, and then I was felled. I was pleasantly surprised on my trip to the pharmacy Cold & Flu aisle to find it a veritable cocktail bar. You can get the exact medication you need to treat the exact c***tellation symptoms you have; no more, no less. I am here with you today thanks to the CVS generic version of Mucinex Fast Max Severe Congestion & Cough. I usually steer clear of medication when I have a cold, thinking the side effects aren’t worth it (cf. NyQuil hangover), but I have come to the conclusion that Mucinex is actually a very effective product. I also dabbled with OG Mucinex 12-Hour, and it permitted me several nights of restorative sleep.

melissa kirsch, editor-in-chief

Use Twitter for good instead of evil

This week I started a viral collaborative Twitter thread, the kind where one person asks for everyone’s stories. You should start one too! A good thread feels like holding court in the back corner of your favorite bar. To keep the thread active, quote-tweet the best resp***es with a few encouraging words. One note on formatting: don’t say ‘quote this tweet,’ just ask the question.

nick douglas, staff writer

Double down on the bodysuit trend

My upgrade this week is declaring this “the year of the bodysuit.” They stay put, they make my boobs look good, and they are very cheap at Target.

claire lower, food & beverage editor

Add something new to your Instagram feed

I follow the wonderful illustrator Mari Andrew on Instagram, and she makes my feed so much better. Her drawings show that all the little things—our random curiosities, the passing thoughts we never tell anyone, the tiniest specks of joy we just happen to notice—are in fact, the big things.

michelle woo, parenting editor

Shop around for the perfect backpack

I finally found a medium-weight camera bag that I love. This $60 Beaspire bag is perfect so far in all my tests and I’ll be taking it with me to Japan! (Tip: always thoroughly test out a backpack at home before you travel with it).

patrick allan, staff writer

  • 发表于 2021-05-15 08:20
  • 阅读 ( 198 )
  • 分类:互联网



...是因为你的微波炉旧了,屏蔽效果变差了。 相关报道:为什么Wi-Fi使用与微波相同的频率? 如何测试微波屏蔽 测试微波炉屏蔽的最佳方法是下载Wi-Fi分析仪应用程序。以下是您需要的: Windows 10台式机或笔记本电脑,设置为通...

  • 发布于 2021-04-04 01:52
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  • 发布于 2021-05-18 00:55
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  • 发布于 2021-05-27 06:18
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  • 发布于 2021-07-22 18:59
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  • 发布于 2021-07-23 08:48
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  • 发布于 2021-07-25 11:54
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  • 发布于 2021-07-29 13:18
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如何激活Thermacare热包(activate thermacare heat wraps)


  • 发布于 2022-03-01 20:44
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如何用微波炉烧水(boil water in the microwave)

第1部分 第3部分:选择一个微波炉安全的容器 在微波炉中安全烧水的第一步是使用一个合适的容器。这个易于阅读的图表将帮助你确定你的容器是否能胜任这项工作。 常见材料的微波安全系数 材料 微波炉安全吗? 笔记 ...

  • 发布于 2022-03-09 16:22
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如何清洁耳环(clean earrings)

...洗,用干净的毛巾擦干。一定要用手指洗到手腕。 2用微波炉或炉子加热热水。当你需要清洗你的耳环时,用热水清洗你的耳环是完美的选择。首先,把几杯水倒进炉子上的锅里,加热到沸腾。你也可以用微波炉加热杯子里的...

  • 发布于 2022-03-15 12:16
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