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  1. Know the going price of the item elsewhere, as well as the rarity of the item. This will help you to determine a reasonable set of expectati***, as well as spot prices that are too good to be true.
  2. Know the maximum you are willing to pay BEFORE you start negotiating. This is your "reservation price", the point at which are you indifferent between the item and the money. Anything above this, and you're better off keeping your money. Anything below this, and you've negotiated a good deal.
  3. Figure out what you'll do if you don't make a deal. This is your "BATNA", the best alternative to a negotiated agreement. For example, if I want to buy a camera but it turns out to be too expensive, my BATNA might be to borrow a vacuum from a friend. Alternatively, suppose I need to get flowers for an anniversary, and I'm talking to the only person in town who has flowers. My BATNA might be to get some other kind of gift, which might be a poor substitute. This makes getting the deal done more important.
  4. In a related point, think about walking away ahead of time. If you convince yourself that you HAVE to have the item in question, you're likely to adjust your reservation price on the fly, which is always a bad idea. This happens with frequency in timed aucti***, where people tend to incorrectly perceive scarcity and feel urgency just because the auction is about to end. Just before the end of the auction, the adjust their reservation price upward and end up paying more than they really wanted to. This can lead to a "winner's curse" scenario. If you've already c***idered walking away, you're much less likely to get into this situation.
  5. While we're on the topic of walking away, don't walk away in order to convince the other person to lower the price. This kind of "brink**anship" is a hard-ball tactic that isn't usually a good idea. It makes people upset and less likely to be rational.
  6. Understand who you're negotiating with. If this is someone with whom you might negotiate again, you need to take this into account. If you establish a positive, productive relati***hip with a seller, they often remember that going forward, and may be willing to give you a better deal or advise you of interesting items before putting them up for sale to the general public. Plus, you might build up some good karma by treating others well. If you are POSITIVE this will be a one-time deal, you might be willing to push a little harder. Think carefully about this.
  7. Understand what you want to get out of the negotiation, and if possible, find out what the other person wants. Sometimes, it's just about the money, but often, there is more to the story. Let's say you're buying a puppy. Maybe the person selling the dog just wants to get rid of it or make a little cash, but maybe they are really attached to the puppy. In that case, they may want most of all to "find a good home" for it. Can you give them some assurance that your home is the one? Maybe talk about why you want a dog and what it will mean to you to have one.
  8. Determine whether money is the only way to trade. If cash is an issue, you can ask the other person if they'd be willing to trade or accept something else in lieu of money. If you're buying a camera, for example, and are an avid photographer, you might be able to offer to take and print a family portrait for the seller in exchange for the equipment. The more you know the other person, the easier this is.
  9. Know yourself. Negotiating in person isn't always better—it depends on your personality. Be honest with yourself: are you a people-pleaser who is likely to cave in on a negotiation in order to avoid conflict or make the other person happy? If so, an email negotiation might be better. On the other hand, if you want to use some of the other points above, it will be much simpler in person.
  10. Practice, practice, practice. Opportunities to negotiate exist everywhere, not just in purchases. The more comfortable you get, the better you'll be.
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