极客生活版:在vista中使用虚拟pc运行windows xp


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单击此处查看您已跃入Windows Vista,但偶尔,您的心会向往XP的经典特性和功能。也许你的软件还不能在Vista中运行,或者你只是想看看网站在Internet Explorer 6中的外观。你可以同时启动XP和Vista,但在该设置中切换操作系统需要花费太多时间。

相反,使用免费的虚拟PC 2007在Vista内部运行XP虚拟机的Windows版本之间快速切换。


  1. 具有许可证的Windows XP安装光盘。
  2. 免费虚拟PC 2007下载。
  3. 大约一个小时,这取决于你的电脑有多快。

现在,许多生活黑客说,其他虚拟化软件,如VMWare或Parallels for Windows比虚拟PC更好或更快。这很可能是真的,但虚拟PC是免费的,只够家庭使用。虚拟PC最适合那些喜欢偶尔闯入旧版Windows的临时用户。


虚拟PC也可用于运行Windows XP内的其他操作系统,但请注意:如果没有一台具有大量RAM的高速物理机,您的虚拟机也可能运行缓慢。


下载并安装了Virtual PC 2007,准备好XP光盘后,从Virtual PC的“操作”菜单中选择“新建虚拟机向导”,然后退出。在VM向导中,您将设置要分配给XP虚拟机的RAM数量,还将设置一个新的虚拟硬盘驱动器,该硬盘驱动器的大小由您设置,XP将用于存储数据。

与大多数Windows向导一样,虚拟机向导也很容易操作,因此我将为您省去文本。要查看我为新XP Pro安装输入的详细信息,请查看新虚拟机向导照片库。

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Image for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PC

安装windows xp

现在,您必须将Windows XP安装到新的虚拟分区上。如果您以前从零开始安装XP,这将是一个旧帽子。要查看正在进行的操作,请查看照片库。

Image for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PCImage for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PCImage for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PCImage for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PCImage for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PCImage for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PCImage for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PCImage for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PCImage for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PCImage for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PCImage for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PCImage for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PCImage for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PCImage for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PCImage for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PCImage for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PCImage for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PCImage for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PCImage for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PCImage for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PCImage for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PCImage for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PC


Image for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PC





Image for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PC




Image for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PC


Image for article titled Geek to Live: Run Windows XP inside Vista with Virtual PC

虽然Virtual PC 2007并不是有史以来最好的虚拟化软件(我仍然对Parallels desktop for Mac、Coherence和Windows支持垂涎欲滴),但它非常免费,而且它可能正是你需要的东西,可以快速地进行一些XP操作。


Lifehacker的编辑Gina Trapani喜欢偶尔切换回XP。她的半周专题片《极客生活》每周三和周五在Lifehacker上播出。订阅Geek to Live订阅源,在您的新闻阅读器中获得新的分期付款。

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  • 分类:互联网


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