
又一天,另一场引人注目的愤怒在Facebook上蔓延。这一次,这是我们经常谈论的话题,来自Infowars的亚历克斯·琼斯,他昨天大喊大叫,踮起脚尖,非常接近呼吁对特别顾问罗伯特·穆勒施暴的路线。Charlie Warzel在BuzzFeed中提供了详细信息:...

又一天,另一场引人注目的愤怒在Facebook上蔓延。这一次,这是我们经常谈论的话题,来自Infowars的亚历克斯·琼斯,他昨天大喊大叫,踮起脚尖,非常接近呼吁对特别顾问罗伯特·穆勒施暴的路线。Charlie Warzel在BuzzFeed中提供了详细信息:

On his Monday afternoon show, Jones issued a prolonged rant against special counsel Robert Mueller, accusing him of raping children and overseeing their rape, and then pantomiming shooting the former FBI director. The show was streamed live on Jones’ personal, verified Facebook page, which has nearly 1.7 million likes.

In the clip, Jones baselessly accused Mueller of having sex with children. “They’d let Mueller rape kids in front of people, which he did,” he said on the show.



“我们知道人们不希望在他们的新闻提要顶部看到虚假信息,”新闻提要诚信负责人Tessa Ly***说。里昂继续表示,该公司认为有责任限制恶作剧的传播。而且,如果这些恶作剧造成了迫在眉睫的伤害威胁,Facebook——截至上周,仅在两个国家——将把它从平台上删除。

目前关于Facebook上信息战的辩论已经进入第三周,但已经陷入了僵局。Axios今天试图通过两件事推动它向前发展——一件是Ina Fried,调查媒体类型,了解Facebook应该做什么;另一个是莎拉·菲舍尔(Sara Fischer),她为Facebook的所有新闻相关问题提供了更广泛的解决方案。



  • 在被贴上虚假或虚假标签后,Facebook可以分享哪些关于虚假信息的数据?该公司喜欢说,平均而言,帖子的浏览量减少了80%,但查看特定页面的数字会有所帮助。例如,Infowars。
  • 事实核查人员表示,他们平均需要三天时间才能将Facebook帖子标记为虚假。大多数帖子在这一点上不是已经获得了他们一生中的大部分观点了吗?这难道不意味着“减少分销”的策略效果显著降低吗?
  • 最后,我的老板尼莱·帕特尔问了我一个问题。Nilay指出,Facebook以什么标准说琼斯对米勒的咆哮不代表“可信的暴力威胁?”当法庭做出这样的判决时,他们会概述自己的理由并引用相关的先例。





参议员罗恩·怀登(Ron Wyden)认为他帮助塑造了互联网


WYDEN: We thought it was going to be helpful. We never realized it was going to be the linchpin to generating investment in social media. We envisioned that the law would be both a sword and a shield. A shield so that you could have this opportunity, for particularly **all and enterprising operati*** to secure capital, and then a sword [by allowing them to moderate without facing liability over the practice], which said you’ve got to police your platforms. And what was clear during the 2016 election and the succeeding events surrounding Facebook, is that technology companies used one part of what we envisioned, the shield, but really sat on their hands with respect to the sword, and wouldn’t police their platforms.


据文卡特·安南(Venkat Ananth)报道,WhatsApp在当前的暴民暴力危机中与印度**官员进行了大量的联系,他说,这与该应用程序延迟付款有关。


Lizza Dwoskin和Annie Gowan报道说,不仅仅是印度:WhatsApp在全世界造成了问题。牛津大学的一份新报告发现,今年至少有10个国家出现了虚假信息活动,其中包括巴西、印度、巴基斯坦、津巴布韦和墨西哥。





据我的同事尼克·斯塔特(Nick Statt)报道,Facebook已与华盛顿州签署了一项新的具有法律约束力的协议,同意取消广告商在某些广告目标领域排除种族、宗教、性取向和其他受保护类别的能力。


这篇研究论文似乎支持马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)上周有争议的言论,即分享假新闻的人通常认为这是真的:

People do not share fake news stories solely to spread factual information, nor because they are “duped” by powerful partisan media. Their worldviews are shaped by their social positi*** and their deep beliefs, which are often both partisan and polarized. Problematic information is often simply one step further on a continuum with mainstream partisan news or even well-known politicians. We must understand “fake news” as part of a larger media ecosystem. That does not mean that we should ignore platforms; we must scrutinize the ways in which algorithms and ad systems promote or incentivize problematic content, and the frequency with which extremist content is surfaced. Finally, while media literacy and fact-checking efforts are very well-intentioned, they may not be the best soluti***, given the highly-polarized, mistrustful political climate of the United States.


很多孩子在13岁之前注册了Twitter。我的同事Shoshana Woodinsky报道说,Twitter正在追捕他们,并将他们从他们的帐户中锁定,尽管他们现在已经成年了:

“For a couple of years, I couldn’t actually update my birth year on Twitter. If I tried to select my correct year, 1996, it just would be grayed out,” said Maxwell, a 22-year-old Twitter devotee, who found himself suspended last week. “On Wednesday, I checked again and noticed I could select 1996, but as soon as I saved the change, my account locked.” Though Maxwell has appealed repeatedly, he’s still locked out of the platform — at least for now.




汤姆·多坦(Tom Dotan)报道说,Snap可能是一款眼镜,但它已经找到了一种可行的广告格式。他说,他们已经增长到占总收入的40%左右。





When Facebook moves into its new offices in Mountain View this fall, a signature Silicon Valley perk will be missing — there won’t be a corporate cafeteria with free food for about 2,000 employees.

In an unusual move, the city barred companies from fully subsidizing meals inside the offices, which are part of the Village at San Antonio Center project, in an effort to promote nearby retailers. The project-specific requirement passed in 2014, attracting little notice because the offices were years away from opening.


Pinterest的工程主管李凡(Li Fan)将在预期的IPO之前离开该公司。


据库尔特·瓦格纳(Kurt Wagner)报道,Facebook的收益将在明天公布,华尔街对此感到兴奋:

When Facebook reports Q2 earnings on Wednesday, ****ysts are expecting — you guessed it — yet another great quarter.

“Despite all the negative headlines, we believe ad revenue should continue to drive very healthy growth,” wrote SunTrust’s Youssef Squali. Analysts think Facebook revenue will grow 43 percent over the same quarter one year ago.






We don’t have psychological studies directly looking at the ability of AI-faked video to implant false memories. But researchers have been studying the malleability of our memories for decades.

Here’s what they know: The human mind is incredibly susceptible to forming false memories. And that tendency can be kicked into overdrive on the internet, where false ideas spread like viruses among like-minded people. Which means the AI-enhanced forgeries on the horizon will only make planting false memories even easier.


亚历克西斯·马德里加尔(Alexis Madrigal)与《反社会媒体》(Anti-Social Media)一书的作者湿婆·维亚纳桑(Siva Vaidhyanathan)谈论Facebook是否被数据蒙蔽了双眼(是的,梵蒂冈说。)

Behaviori** is embedded in Facebook. They’ve been clear about this. Facebook is c***tantly tweaking its algorithms to try to dial up our positive emotional states, otherwise known as happiness. That’s one of the reas*** that they measure happiness to the best of their ability, or so they think. It’s one reason that they’ve run mood changing studies (that they got into trouble for). This is the kind of social engineering that they want to engage in. It’s one of the reas*** that they are trying to turn up the dial on the hedonic meter on the whole species. And that lets them ignore the edge cases, and those edge cases can be milli*** of people. People in Myanmar and Kenya. Women who are stalked and harassed through Facebook and have to rely on a clunky reporting system. The edge cases fall away and only recently has Facebook faced the sort of public scrutiny that has encouraged the company to take these problems seriously.

The information was available four or five years ago, longer in some cases. And they did nothing. But again, when you’re looking at that hedonic meter on your screen and you are seeing that the general happiness of Facebook users might be edging up, you can feel really good about the work you do every day and ignore the horrors on the margins.



一位保守派出版商对纽约国会候选人亚历山德里亚·奥卡西奥·科尔特斯(Alexandria Ocasio Cortez)进行了一次“讽刺性”的假采访,在采访中,她从另一次采访中拍摄的视频被拼接到了一些旨在让她看起来愚蠢的问题上。这是一个病毒性的打击,许多人认为这是真实的。”如果没有免责声明,这与诽谤政治对手的尴尬企图是无法区分的,”我的同事阿迪·罗伯逊报道:

That distinction matters to Facebook, which protects satire while demoting (but not deleting) “false news” in the News Feed. Facebook reiterated to The Verge that “we do offer satire on Facebook, as long as it’s not violating one of our community standards policies,” like hate speech. The call is left to Facebook’s fact-checkers, who can add written context or a “satire” label if a post is sufficiently confusing — one might have been added to CRTV’s post if they hadn’t added a disclaimer. (We don’t know whether CRTV was contacted by Facebook about the post, although we’ve reached out for clarification.)

But Facebook has acknowledged that “satire” can also be a bad-faith cover for serious misinformation attempts, and the distinction basically boils down to a poster’s intenti***, which are irrelevant for people who are simply scrolling down the News Feed. Infowarsfounder Alex Jones has called himself a performance artist playing a character, and it’s not a leap to imagine Infowars or others making “satirical” c***piracy videos attacking school shooting survivors and claiming Facebook can’t censure them.



问题?评论?米勒咆哮?[email protected]

  • 发表于 2021-08-24 23:28
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  • 分类:互联网



... 这个小恶作剧似乎无害。而且,在很大程度上,它是。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-14 18:44
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WhatsApp是Facebook旗下的消息传递平台,是全球最受欢迎的消息传递应用之一。据估计,超过10亿人使用该应用程序,每天发送超过650亿条信息。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-18 03:25
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Facebook是世界上最流行的社交媒体平台。尽管Facebook上的大部分内容是安全的,但也有一段时间Facebook连接会越界,发布垃圾邮件或其他不合适的内容。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-28 00:14
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...造成了品牌问题。如果该公司的首席摇钱树News Feed被视为恶作剧和垃圾邮件的归宿,那么该公司的长期命运可能会受到威胁。因此,Facebook与一个两党事实核查网络建立了合作关系,为有争议的报道添加了显著的标签,并改变了...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 06:48
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...滥用的,可能是因为他们不想知道。 从我所听到的那些恶作剧中,不同团队的编辑和记者有时会遇到这样的情况,他们没有与在这个节拍上花了多年时间的人进行磋商。 那是可能的,是的。 NBC不应该在没有征求本·柯林斯和布...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 22:01
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...,员工保留率都已达到或接近历史高点。(我将留下一个悬而未决的问题,即在流感大流行期间不想换工作在多大程度上可能是造成这种情况的因素。) 第四,一些人认为我认为马克·扎克伯格对美国民主的衰落和流行病漠不关...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 02:05
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...是非法的吗?一点也不。但欧洲**的裁决确实留下了一些悬而未决的问题,特别是对美国科技公司来说,因为它们在美国监控方面的独特地位。 首先,尽管隐私保护已经失效,但今天的判决也支持另一种更广泛使用的数据传输协...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 13:56
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...的临时控制权。此后,一些新的细节曝光。 上周的一个悬而未决的问题是:攻击者能接近受害者吗’ 直接消息?根据Twitter上周五发布的一篇博文,在8个案例中,答案似乎是肯定的。但Twitter表示,DMs可能被攻破的账户中,没有...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 14:42
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 不幸的是,App.net的创始人道尔顿•考德威尔(Dalton Caldwell)在2012年就警告过我们这一切。他认识到,当财务和公司的担忧开始与创建一个...

  • 发布于 2021-04-27 03:44
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  • 发布于 2021-04-27 12:42
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