
昨晚,在越来越大的压力下,亚历克斯·琼斯(Alex Jones)出现在推特上,首席执行官杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)试图解释公司的立场。在一系列五条推文中,他提出了以下理由:...

昨晚,在越来越大的压力下,亚历克斯·琼斯(Alex Jones)出现在推特上,首席执行官杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)试图解释公司的立场。在一系列五条推文中,他提出了以下理由:

  • 琼斯没有违反推特的规则。
  • 推特不会仅仅因为其他平台禁止了某人。
  • 记者应该“记录、证实和驳斥”那些“像琼斯这样的报道”散播的“未经证实的谣言”。



艾米丽·霍恩(Emily Horne),直到最近,Twitter的政策沟通负责人,还称多尔西明显破坏了其信息传递。”事实上,我们在解释我们过去的决定时表现得很糟糕。我们正在解决这个问题,”他在推特上说。霍恩回答说:“请不要把目前的状态归咎于沟通。这些决定并不容易,但它们不是沟通电话,诋毁你的同事是无益的,因为他们的信誉有助于解释这些决定。





周三下午,当多尔西(Dorsey)在肖恩·汉尼蒂(Sean Hannity)的广播节目中把注意力转向保守派幻想中的共和党人被“影子禁止”参加这项服务时,这些都没有提到。多尔西冷静地解释了时间线排名,汉尼蒂盛赞多尔西对琼斯的无动于衷。没有人学到任何东西。

为此,我们不得不等到周三下午,查理·沃泽尔(Charlie Warzel)发布了Twitter安全总监德尔·哈维(Del Harvey)的内部备忘录(哈维后来自己发了推特。)哈维也是“活文档”博客帖子的作者,但备忘录尽管长度基本相同,但包含的信息却多得多。





随着亚历克斯·琼斯(Alex Jones)的到来,Facebook在国外最可怕的恶魔开始回归国内

马克斯·费舍尔(Max Fisher)调查了琼斯案与阿米斯·韦拉辛格(Amith Weerasinghe)的关系,后者是斯里兰卡极端分子,利用Facebook宣传反***观点;2014年,Ashin Wirathu的仇恨言论引发了缅甸的骚乱。他写道:“发展中国家使用Facebook的经历表明,无论Facebook的意图多么高尚,它已经引发了一系列我们才刚刚开始理解的问题,事实证明,该公司无法或不愿全面解决这些问题。”。费希尔继续说:

The platform has grown so powerful, so quickly, that we are still struggling to understand its influence. Social scientists regularly discover new ways that Facebook alters the societies where it operates: a link to hate crimes, a rise in extremi**, a distortion of social norms.


瑞安·加拉赫(Ryan Gallagher)在挖掘有关谷歌秘密中国计划的信息方面做得非常出色,他发现谷歌正在利用其拥有的一个名为265.com的网站收集信息,了解如果获得进入中国的许可证,它必须审查哪些条款:

It appears that Google has used 265.com as a de facto honeypot for market research, storing information about Chinese users’ searches before sending them along to Baidu. Google’s use of 265.com offers an insight into the mechanics behind its planned Chinese censored search platform, code-named Dragonfly, which the company has been preparing since spring 2017.

After gathering sample queries from 265.com, Google engineers used them to review lists of websites that people would see in resp***e to their searches. The Dragonfly developers used a tool they called “BeaconTower” to check whether the websites were blocked by the Great Firewall. They compiled a list of thousands of websites that were banned, and then integrated this information into a censored version of Google’s search engine so that it would automatically manipulate Google results, purging links to websites prohibited in China from the first page shown to users.


上个月我写了一篇关于YouTube的“信息线索”的文章——出现在一些阴谋内容下面的卡片,用来引导用户从维基百科和其他来源获得更准确的信息。Zahra Hirji报道说,气候变化视频是YouTube视频中获取线索的最新类别。阴谋论者似乎对此反应良好:

“Despite claiming to be a public forum and a platform open to all, YouTube is clearly a left-wing organization,” Craig Strazzeri, PragerU’s chief marketing officer, said by email. “This is just another mistake in a long line of giant missteps that erodes America’s trust in Big Tech, much like what has already happened with the mainstream news media.”


一位地方法官裁定,游戏聊天应用程序Discord必须披露去年在夏洛茨维尔举办的致命的团结右翼**的组织者的身份。Meagan Flynn报道:

In his 28-page ruling, Spero appeared to acknowledge why Discord might have been so appealing to members of the so-called alt-right in the first place: “It is clear that many members of the ‘alt-right’ feel free to speak online in part because of their ability to hide behind an anonymous username,” he wrote.

Discord’s popularity among members of the alt-right ahead of the Charlottesville rally surfaced largely after hundreds of their messages were leaked to a media collective known as “Unicorn Riot.”




Amazon wasn’t just selling the products – it was sort of recommending them. A Politico story from this morning noted that many Jones products had the “Amazon’s Choice” logo on it, which is an internal stamp of approval for certain items on the platform. Now, it seems Amazon has taken the “Choice” designation away from Jones’s products.

谁是卡农的支持者?QAnon subreddit,通过数据分析。

根据Alvin Chang的分析,备受讨论的卡农阴谋是相对较少的Redditor的产物:

About 200 users account for a quarter of the forum’s comments. These people are clearly c***piracy theorists who believe they are investigators unearthing the truth, and they spend almost all their time on Reddit investigating these theories.

Another 700 users account for the next quarter of comments. The user we followed at the top of this story is among these people. They are active in /r/greatawakening but also spend time on other subreddits. Nearly everyone else in the subreddit — the 11,000 commenters and 42,000 lurkers — are just along for the ride.


Ryan Mac得到了TBH的一份增长备忘录,TBH是一款民意调查应用程序,去年曾一度风靡it。它所描述的策略非常成功,以至于Facebook在收购TBH后不到一年就关闭了TBH,并将其员工转移到其他方面。


我的同事帕特丽夏·埃尔南德斯(Patricia Hernandez)报道说,**广播公司在Twitch节目中面临着**广播公司所没有的障碍:

Many women on Twitch say that being on the platform means navigating complicated expectati*** from viewers, especially when it comes to relati***hips. Some viewers expect romantic availability from women streamers, or demand to know their relati***hip status before investing in them. Other times, viewers can cross a line and become possessive or entitled toward the women they watch on Twitch. Streamers, in turn, have to make tough decisi*** about how they present to their audience, and how much they decide to share when both concealing or disclosing their romantic relati***hip can come with a cost.


Magic Leap One Creator版本预览:混合现实的惊人潜力的错误一瞥

售价2295美元的Magic Leap One Creator版已经面世,看起来像个哑弹。


我的同事拉塞尔·布兰登(Russell Brandon)介绍了一种新工具,它可以拍照,并通过面部识别对社交网络帐户进行爬网,以找到匹配的人。他报告说,它是为好的目的而设计的,但也可以用于坏的目的:

The end result is a spreadsheet of confirmed accounts for each name, perfect for targeted phishing campaigns or general intelligence gathering. Trustwave’s emphasis is on ethical hacking — using phishing techniques to highlight vulnerabilities that can then be fixed — but there are few restricti*** on who can use the program. Social Mapper is licensed as free software, and it’s freely available on GitHub.


Arielle Pardis报道,帕洛阿尔托智库未来研究所和Pierre Omidyar倡议的技术与社会解决方案实验室合作,为科技公司编写了***德指南。除其他事项外,该指南鼓励公司检查其信息泄露和宣传的风险。

推特不是你的朋友。Sarah Jeong的故事向我们展示了原因。

Ezra Klein说,推特接受群体对话,使之公开,引起缺乏所有相关背景的人的愤怒,并因此使社会变得更糟:

If you’re a c***ervative, the liberal tweets that get shot into your sightline aren’t the most thoughtful or representative missives; they’re the ones designed to make you think liberals hate you, are idiots, or both. The same is true if you’re a liberal: you see the worst of the right, not the best. And after you’ve seen enough of these kinds of comments from the other side, you begin to think that’s who they are, that you’re getting a true picture of what your opponents are really like, and what they really think of you — but it’s not a true picture, it’s a distortion built to deepen your attachment to your friends, your resentment of your opponents, and your engagement on the platform. And it’s one that plays on our tendencies to read the other side with much less generosity than we read our own side.

The very first tweet was sent in 2006. This is a young medium, and over time, we’ll (hopefully) figure it out — how to interpret it, how to couch it, how to delete old tweets automatically. But for now, the lesson is clear: #NeverTweet.



Now, though, Snapchat is borrowing liberally from the internet conventi*** it has scorned. Snapchat is — irony alert — copying Facebook by refashioning its advertising business for companies that want quick payoffs from their ads. It’s tracking people to prove those messages worked. And Snapchat loosened demands for tailor-made video programs, which makes it more like the rest of the web.




Selamat in Indonesian can be translated as both “safe” or “unhurt,” as well as “congratulati***,” depending on the context. Because of this, Facebook’s algorithm misinterpreted comments expressing concern for the safety of people in Indonesia as messages of congratulati***, triggering a festive animati*** of ballo*** and confetti to play whenever someone commented using the word.

“This feature (a text animation triggered by typing ‘congrats’) is widely available on Facebook globally, however we regret that it appeared in this unfortunate context and have since turned off the feature locally,” Lisa Stratton, a Facebook spokesperson, told Motherboard in an email. “Our hearts go out to the people affected by the earthquake.”



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  • 发表于 2021-08-25 03:17
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  • 发布于 2021-04-16 16:07
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民主党人在推特上呼吁暂停总统特朗普的推特帐户,直到选举决定。 众议员大卫·西西林(David Cicilline)周三在推特上说:“现在,总统的推特账户正在一个惊人的片段上发布谎言和错误信息。“这是对我们民主的威...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 06:14
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  • 发布于 2021-04-17 06:41
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  • 发布于 2021-04-19 02:30
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...情况下下令刺杀一名伊朗最高指挥官后,已经告诉国会在推特上关注他对伊朗战争行为的最新情况。 在总统今天戏剧性的推特发布之前,特朗普在1月4日发布了另一条推特,在推特中威胁摧毁52个伊朗目标,包括...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 11:38
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  • 发布于 2021-04-29 10:47
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莱斯利·琼斯(Leslie Jones)过去曾在推特上发挥了巨大作用,但这位喜剧演员今晚却面临着最糟糕的微博服务,数百人用种族主义和侮辱性的推特炮轰她。大量恶意的种族主义信息促使琼斯做出回应,她在自己的一系列推文中说...

  • 发布于 2021-05-06 12:28
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  • 发布于 2021-05-07 11:34
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推特(Twitter)本周暂停了几个与极右翼运动(alt-right movement)有关的重要账户,这是一个边缘的白人民族主义组织,帮助当选总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)入主白宫。据《今日美国》报道,该网站周二暂停了这些账户,同一...

  • 发布于 2021-05-08 17:25
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...普支持者的什克里利决定对她进行恶搞。 周四,杜卡在推特上发布了Shkreli在推特上的一条直接信息截图,Shkreli最出名的是将一种抗寄生虫药的价格提高了56倍,拒绝回答有关涉嫌欺诈的问题,并乞求名人与他一起听一张罕见的...

  • 发布于 2021-05-09 09:31
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