




“I think that Google and Facebook and Twitter, I think they treat c***ervatives and Republicans very unfairly. I could tell you that I have personal experience. I have a lot of people on the various platforms,” he said, citing a total following of 160 million accounts across different platforms. “That’s a lot of people. But I can tell you when things are different. And all of a sudden you lose people and you say, ‘Where did they go?’ They’ve taken off.”







有Josh Rogin:“特朗普可能不喜欢他的大部分媒体报道是负面的,但不像席赫没有权力审查他的批评者。如果他想知道为什么谷歌在“特朗普新闻”上的搜索结果大多是负面的,他应该放下推特,拿起一面镜子。”

甚至还有PJ Media的主管编辑保拉·博尔亚德(Paula Bolyard),她写了一篇关于特朗普在谷歌新闻中的存在的故事,引发了第三号不满:“**无权因私人公司的政治观点而对其进行监管,在本案中这样做将开创一个危险的先例。**监管只会让事情变得更糟。互联网将变得不那么自由,更少的声音将被允许有发言权。”





数据泄露总是比第一次报告的要大。而且,影响力运动似乎也是如此。杰克·斯塔布斯(Jack Stubbs)和克里斯托弗·宾(Christopher Bing)在20世纪80年代的一部《老友记》(buddy cop)电影中听起来像是不般配的搭档,他们上周发现了Facebook揭露的伊朗影响力行动的新触角:

Facebook and other companies said last week that multiple social media accounts and websites were part of an Iranian project to covertly influence public opinion in other countries. A Reuters ****ysis has identified 10 more sites and dozens of social media accounts across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

U.S.-based cyber security firm FireEye Inc and Israeli firm ClearSky reviewed Reuters’ findings and said technical indicators showed the web of newly-identified sites and social media accounts - called the International Union of Virtual Media, or IUVM - was a piece of the same campaign, parts of which were taken down last week by Facebook Inc, Twitter Inc and Alphabet Inc.


霍尔格·鲁内马(Holger Roonema)和英加·斯普林格(Inga Springe)详细介绍了俄罗斯影响力行动如今的运作方式。简言之:许多假冒网站。



There is increasing evidence that this skeptici**, exacerbated by the president’s relentless attacks, is trickling down to the next generation of voters. A 2017 report on a series of focus groups with 52 people between the ages of 14 and 24, conducted by Data & Society and the Knight Foundation, found that many young Americans believe the news is biased and are skeptical of its accuracy. “There was no assumption that the news would convey the truth or would be worthy of their trust,” the study reported.







推特的一个极端举动是,推特在不考虑后果的情况下删除了其Facebook应用程序,因此人们在Facebook上交叉发布的所有推特都暂时消失了。不过,它们都重新出现了,所以我们都可以放松了。Ina Fried提供了详细信息:

Twitter had initially asked Facebook for more time to see if there was a way for users to continue joint posting to both social networks, but Facebook said no.

As a result, the Twitter app for the Facebook platform was essentially made useless earlier this month once Facebook officially removed the ability to cross-post. With the app’s sole function eliminated, Twitter decided to delete it from the Facebook platform, having no reason to think that doing so would remove old tweets that were cross-posted. It’s not clear whether Facebook knew this would happen, either.


安妮·弗兰克中心(Anne Frank Center)的一篇帖子显示,瘦弱、**的大屠杀受害者与Facebook的**过滤器发生了冲突。在该中心公开投诉后,该职位被恢复。


脸谱网围绕人脸识别的行动经常引起争议,偶尔也会引发集体诉讼。我的同事拉塞尔·布兰多姆(Russell Brandom)与众多专家就如何监管它进行了会谈。这是乔治敦大学隐私与技术中心的阿尔瓦罗·贝多亚:

Beyond that, I’d like to see rules around bias and accuracy testing. You probably want protecti*** for children. It should probably not be used on people who are 18 or younger. You probably want prohibiti*** on sensitive areas like hospitals or clinics or schools, where even if someone’s c***ented, you still shouldn’t use it.

Look at surveillance cameras. You do not usually have surveillance cameras in bathrooms. You can have them all throughout the store, you’ll have them at the entrance, the exit, in the aisles, at the checkout. But you do not have them in the bathroom because we all understand that recording people in the bathroom is a bad idea.

Facebook的亚历克斯·哈迪曼(Alex Hardiman)加入《大西洋》杂志担任产品总监




Brenden and Tyler LaTarte know these deals well. The 17-year-old twins got started on Instagram, where they collectively have almost 50,000 followers. Several months ago, they started a YouTube channel. While they wait for it to take off, they’re relying on a live-streaming app called UpLive to make money and build a following. They receive $500 for 30 hours of streaming within a 15-day time period. They stream their lives, chat with fans, and fill the hours with whatever they think followers will find interesting.

“It’s always good as a creator to have supportive parents and friends, but it’s even better when you have supportive apps behind you,” said Mario Ayuso, their manager. “When an app sees your potential and what you’re bringing to the table they’ll partner with you to get you to the next goal. Maybe that’s financial, maybe it’s connecti***, or an audience.”



Twitter测试了一项突出显示用户很少与之互动的账户的功能,询问他们是否愿意取消该账户的关注,以便他们更喜欢使用Twitter。威尔·奥雷莫斯(Will Oremus)报告说,这是一个好主意,因此公司立即结束了测试。

Facebook Watch走向国际

你现在可以在世界各地观看Facebook watch!如果你这么做了,请告诉我,因为这将是我第一次遇到有人故意这么做。




Farhad Manjoo说社交媒体正在破坏旅行:

“You can’t talk about overtouri** without mentioning Instagram and Facebook — I think they’re big drivers of this trend,” Mr. Francis said. “Seventy-five years ago, touri** was about experience-seeking. Now it’s about using photography and social media to build a personal brand. In a sense, for a lot of people, the photos you take on a trip become more important than the experience.”


大卫·奥尔巴赫(David Auerbach)批评Facebook的反应表情符号减少了结构化数据的交流,使其失去了细微差别:

The default six **ooth out the variati*** that were observed when Facebook was conducting tests with a far larger set of emoti***, all designed by Disney-Pixar’s Matt Jones. The full list included everything from admiration and affirmation to anger, rage, and terror. A simple classification won out. It is both easier to use and more universal — at the expense of cultural and personal variation. Also, to hear researcher Dacher Keltner tell it to Radiolab’s Andrew Zolli, at the expense of happiness:

Countries that expressed the most “happiness” were not actually the happiest in real life. Instead, it was the countries that used the widest array of stickers that did better on various measures of societal health, well-being — even longevity. “It’s not about being the happiest,” Keltner told me, “it’s about being the most emotionally diverse.”



本月早些时候,我提到了“永不推特名人堂”(Never Tweet Hall of Fame)的第一次投票,伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)在推特上发布了一系列臭名昭著的消息,暗示他将以420美元的价格将特斯拉私有化(“资金担保”)。但我们还没有谈论马斯克在推特上暗示他的批评者之一可能是恋童癖的时间。不管怎么说,看起来那个家伙正在起诉他。Ryan Mac报道:

A British man, who Elon Musk called a “pedo” on Twitter, has retained legal counsel and is “preparing a civil complaint for libel” against the Tesla CEO, according to a letter viewed by BuzzFeed News. The letter appears to contradict a claim Musk made on Twitter on Tuesday that he had yet to see any legal repercussi*** from his allegati***, and deepens the problems for the already embattled technology billionaire.

A lawyer for Vernon Unsworth, a UK citizen who was instrumental in the rescue of 12 children trapped in a cave in Thailand, sent Musk a letter earlier this month notifying him of a possible lawsuit, after the Tesla chief’s outburst against his client in July. Musk previously made the allegati*** against Unsworth without any evidence, before issuing an apology and deleting the offending tweets.



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  • 发表于 2021-08-25 06:59
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2016年总统大选的余波继续主导新闻。如果你打开你最喜欢的新闻频道,很有可能至少与选举有关的事情仍然成为头条新闻。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-25 03:54
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... 2016年美国总统大选前夕,俄罗斯机器人和谢尔主导了话题。评论员和评论家们花了大量的时间和专栏讨论俄罗斯支持的机器人和先令在影响围绕某些话题的讨论中所起的作用。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-25 18:42
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...实上受到黑客攻击,正在调查。他说,他自己的账户和前总统特朗普的账户都被泄露了。但副总统上月报告称,特朗普的账户实际上与这位前总统并无关联。 据美国国家公共电台报道,自从美国国会大厦遭到攻击以来,Gab的流...

  • 发布于 2021-04-15 23:16
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多米尼克投票系统正在起诉特朗普总统的前检察官西德尼·鲍威尔,因为他散布了关于其选举设备的毫无根据的阴谋论。期待已久的诽谤诉讼可能考验法律攻击对造谣的影响。 正如NBC新闻今早报道的那样,多米尼安起...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 16:40
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...地位,社交媒体和其他网络平台决定,通过煽动骚乱者,总统终于越界了。 以下是对2021年动荡的第一周的回顾。 1月6日,星期三 在他对白宫附近的**发表讲话后,一群特朗普的支持者继续游行,闯入美国国会大厦。...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 16:56
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...剥夺给其他媒体,如报纸和广播公司。” 今年5月,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)签署了一项针对Facebook和谷歌等科技公司的行政命令,并签署了《通信法》(Communicati*** Act)第230条,这项关键的互联网法律为这些公司提...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 15:02
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...分。据报道,黑客发布消息或更改subreddit的设计,以支持总统特朗普。 Reddit的一位发言人在一份即将发表的声明中说:“一项与一系列破坏社区有关的调查正在进行中。”。“看来攻击的源头是版主账号泄露。我们...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 05:04
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Twitch已经解除了总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的禁令,两周前,特朗普因“可恨的行为”暂停了他的账户 特朗普的账户曾被用来广播新的和过去的竞选**,但因总统两次发表种族主义言论而被禁止。Twitch提到了他...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 10:46
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美国总统特朗普针对社交媒体公司的行政命令周二首次面临法律挑战,声称特朗普侵犯了这些公司的****权。 民主与技术中心(CDT)在诉讼中称特朗普的命令是“报复性的”,因为特朗普特别攻击推特利用《第一修正...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 00:51
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  • 发布于 2021-04-20 01:17
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