
在一个罕见的慢新闻日,我发现自己在阅读和重读danah boyd在本周末在线新闻协会年度聚会上的演讲。这篇题为“媒体操纵、战略放大和负责任的新闻报道”的演讲探讨了读者熟悉的各种主题。博伊德(她的名字用小写字母书写)关注反保守偏见的主张;有毒用户脱平台的风险;语言与安全的平衡;以及信息生态系统中的信任危机。...

在一个罕见的慢新闻日,我发现自己在阅读和重读danah boyd在本周末在线新闻协会年度聚会上的演讲。这篇题为“媒体操纵、战略放大和负责任的新闻报道”的演讲探讨了读者熟悉的各种主题。博伊德(她的名字用小写字母书写)关注反保守偏见的主张;有毒用户脱平台的风险;语言与安全的平衡;以及信息生态系统中的信任危机。


Media manipulators have developed a strategy with three parts that rely on how the current media ecosystem is structure:

1. Create spectacle, using social media to get news media coverage.

2. Frame the spectacle through phrases that drive new audiences to find your frames through search engines.

3. Become a “digital martyr” to help radicalize others.



Phrases like “crisis actor” don’t spread naturally through word-of-mouth networks, even on social media. To get them into the public lexicon, media manipulators must convince major media amplifiers to work on their behalf. Over the last six years, networks of online antagonists have jumped on every mass tragedy to manipulate the media and propel this term into the mainstream. They use fake accounts on social media to talk with journalists, to ask journalists if there is any truth to the idea that witnesses are really crisis actors. They deface Wikipedia entries. They try to manipulate trending topics and autocomplete on search. But algorithmic systems aren’t their target. Journalists are the real target of their digital shenanigans.

Manipulators aren’t trying to get journalists to say that witnesses to gun violence and terrori** are actually crisis actors. Their goal is to get the news media to negate that frame — and negate the c***pirators who are propagating that frame. This may be counter-intuitive, but when news media negates a c***piratorial frame, the people who are most open to such a c***piracy will want to self-investigate precisely because they don’t trust the news media.




最后,我希望博伊德的演讲更多地关注操纵者如何利用社交网络上的放大机制,首先成为有新闻价值的人物。亚历克斯·琼斯(Alex Jones)在担任本地电视台主持人时,不值得报道;一旦他在Facebook、YouTube和Twitter上向数百万观众广播,就很难忽视他。如果没有人听说过他,他就不会成为烈士——没有平台和推荐算法,他的故事就不可能发生。


You are not algorithms. But you are also not neutral. And because you have the power to amplify messages, people also want to manipulate you. That’s just par for the course. And in today’s day and age, it’s not just corporati***, governments, and PR shops that have your number. Just as the US military needed to change tactics to grapple with a tribal, networked, and distributed adversary, so must you. Focus on networks — help connect people to information. Build networks across information and across people. Be an embedded part of the social fabric of this country.




如果你在人权方面比我有一个重要的工作要考虑的话!Jon Fingas提供了详细信息:

The company is hiring a Director of Human Rights Policy who will develop approaches that foster human rights and peace while simultaneously cracking down on those who “enable harm, stifle expression, and undermine human rights.” This leader would steer investigati*** into human rights abusers and work with both government and corporate partners.

The future director would be particularly well-experienced. They’d need at least 12 years of experience with public policy and human rights (including in developing countries), and would require some background in technology.


司法部邀请了一个由24名州检察长组成的跨党派小组,讨论对社交媒体平台的担忧,此前收到了AGs的“更高级别的关注”,John D。麦金农报道。在被告知Justice计划从一开始就举行这样一次会议后,他们的兴趣增加了(起初,联邦调查局计划只与共和党总检察长会面。)



A Facebook page for Everyday-Dude.com, showing packages with hundreds of programs, was taken down minutes later as a reporter was viewing it. Pages of some of the account’s more than 1,000 Facebook friends also subsequently disappeared.

Facebook said it had no knowledge of North Koreans using its platform but is committed to rooting out profiles using false names. It suspended numerous North Korea-linked accounts identified by the Journal, including one that Facebook said appeared not to belong to a real person. After it closed that account, another profile, with identical friends and photos, soon popped up.





杰西卡·盖恩(Jessica Guynn)与Facebook的上班族妈妈们交谈,她们说公司的带薪休假政策没有达到支持她们的公开要求:

“We say Facebook is this great company and that it’s so great for parents, all knowing that it’s a four-month leave, which just indicates that, in our culture, we think a four-month leave is generous and it’s just not, and somebody had to say it,” Khuner says. “I thought there might be other people like me who don’t feel like it’s the right time to leave their baby and feel that it’s wrong to say you are supposed to come back to work full-time, no matter what, when your baby is that young.”



The impact of compe*****s may be most evident by looking at the amount of time people spend using Snapchat. A survey published this week by ****ysts at Cowen Research found that Snapchat users spent less time with the app this quarter than they did a year ago. Users still spend roughly 31 minutes inside the app per day — pretty good — down slightly from 33 minutes in the third quarter of 2017. But Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest all saw time spent increase this quarter over the same time last year.


Nicole Nguyen报道说,Grindr是一场隐私灾难。甚至在你考虑到它是由一家中国公司拥有之前:

The gay dating app Grindr is still exposing the precise location of its more than 3.6 million active users although it has long been aware of the issue. According to experts, there is a simple tweak that would protect users, but Grindr hasn’t implemented it.

In a post published Thursday, the website Queer Europe detailed how easy it is to find any Grindr user’s location using an app called Fuckr, which employs a technique called “trilateration” to find users. Fuckr, which can be downloaded for free and is not affiliated with Grindr, is built on top of unauthorized access to Grindr’s private API, or “application programming interface,” which provides Fuckr with information in Grindr’s database.



I was startled to find dozens of videos I had deleted before posting or sharing with friends, an embarras**ent of outtakes. There I was, lower-resolution and **oother-skinned, staring at the computer camera and adjusting my bangs, looking for a good angle from my dorm room, my parents’ kitchen, a temp job. It was like watching B-roll for a documentary about my insecurities. (Facebook has since announced that the inclusion of deleted videos was the result of a bug, and said it was planning to discard the data from its servers.) The videos were jarring to discover—and suggested questionable data-retention practices at Facebook—but they were not entirely unwelcome. In an era of personal brands and social-media curation, I was amused, and a little wistful, to have a realistic glimpse of what I had been like as an awkward college student.

The download also included a reverse-chronologically organized list of “friends,” everyone I had connected to—and disconnected from—on the platform. Scrolling through it, I could see the contours of a life taking shape. I’d made an initial flurry of connecti*** around the time I first created an account, the summer before I left for college: relatives and elementary-school friends along with summer-camp crushes and future clas**ates. At the top of the list were the soluti*** engineers and CrossFit evangelists I’d met when I’d moved out West to work in tech. It was like looking at the guest list for a party I would never throw.




The social media giant on Monday announced a pilot program open to any campaign for state or federal office that would offer additional security protecti*** for their Facebook pages and accounts.

Under the program, campaigns as well as campaign committees that opt in to the program would be designated potential high-priority users and be able to take advantage of expedited troubleshooting if they detect any unusual behavior involving their accounts.



Ahead of the launch of a standalone shopping app, Instagram is bringing more commerce to the flagship. The company said today that it will add a shopping tab to the Explore page, allowing you to thumb through a dedicated feed of shoppable merchandise from various sellers. As part of the launch, Instagram will let sellers add stickers to their ephemeral Stories for the first time, letting buyers make purchases from the Stories feed by tapping on merchandise.




以下是剑桥分析的一些后果:从周一开始,Facebook将向发现第三方应用在其平台上表现不好的研究人员支付至少600美元,Lily Hay Newman报道:

Facebook will now accept reports about not just about vulnerabilities in its own products, but in third-party apps and services that connect to Facebook user accounts. Third-party interacti*** create user risk on the social network, since Facebook vets but doesn’t develop the outside apps and can’t ensure their integrity as thoroughly as it can its own platform. Users are also resp***ible for managing the permissi*** of third-party apps, which can be a confusing and opaque process.

The bounty expansion will specifically focus on third-party bugs that relate to exposure of “user access tokens,” the credential that allows apps to interface with Facebook accounts, and that could be exploited to gain inappropriate types of access. For example, researchers have found things like personality quiz services, and JavaScript components in apps, that invasively track user data or pilfer information.




Renee DiResta写道:“当平台努力发现并阻止外国干预中期选举时,有一个棘手的复杂问题:垃圾邮件发送者和巨魔使用的许多策略也被真正的活动家所利用。”

Misinformation researchers look at a collection of criteria to attempt to differentiate authentic campaigns from influence operati***. These include the content (is the same exact message being pumped out en masse?), the voice (do the accounts participating in the campaign appear to be authentic?), and the dissemination pattern (is there evidence of mass automation?). No one wants to inadvertently misidentify a real activist. The challenge is that tactics designed to reduce the friction of participating are also ripe for easy exploitation.

With the November 2018 midterms approaching, mass, coordinated action is picking up again. Hundreds of people simultaneously tweeting the exact same thing looks very much like the kind of automation used to manufacture c***ensus, dominate a hashtag, or game a trending algorithm. Organic outrage or excitement usually inspires a bit more variety in the commentary. And despite exhortati*** from politicians and mea culpas from technology executives, some of their latest campaigns and features are actually making things worse.



蒂亚拉·塞登斯(Tiara Seddens)画了一张不起眼的马克斯和罗克珊的照片,他们是1995年动画片《傻瓜电影》(A Goofy Movie)中的两个角色,并将其发布到Instagram上。Max对Roxanne说:“哇,皇后,你真漂亮。”正如Brian Feldman在纽约所述,这不知何故成为了一个迷因:

The Goofy picture was posted on April 13, but it would be another six months before “the meme community” seized on it. By then, however, Seddens had moved on. “I walked away from it because I found happiness. I was kinda doing the art, trying to figure my life out because I was in the transitioning phase,” she said. Through her Instagram account, she had met somebody — a fan of her viral art — and eventually married him.



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...时候认真对待这件事了。让我们确保你的社交媒体帐户在新的一年里安全。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-11 22:14
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... 相信虚假的数字是无害的——所以如果你认为病毒视频很有趣,因为它被分享了200万次呢?但随着政治或宗教等爆炸性话题的出现,机器人推动的社交媒体趋势可能会产生真正的影响...

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...社交媒体革命的典范。今天,这是一个光辉的例子,说明如何不经营一个社交网络。 ...

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...甚至数千人通过干扰手段实施选民欺诈是困难的,但使用数字系统并非如此。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-25 03:54
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...婴儿角色扮演者使用偷来的照片创建假帐户,给这些婴儿新的身份,并在标题中张贴虚假的细节。然后,陌生人可以从孩子的角度回答评论来模仿他们。虽然有些评论不是恶意的,但也有一些评论完全令人不安。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-29 16:56
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...that avoids distraction. 《*****》将潜在的解决方案分为两类:一类是软件解决方案,可以阻止分心;另一类是体验式解决方案,例如“一对一的成瘾咨询和禁止使用智能**的地点” 相关:如何通过自我控制完全阻断macOS上的干扰 想想...

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...总统特朗普(Donald Trump)的帖子,这次是针对民主党官员操纵关键州计票的毫无根据的说法。Twitter对tweet进行了标记,并限制了tweet的访问范围,称tweet“存在争议,可能具有误导性”。Facebook补充了一条一般性警告,称“最终结...

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...或“政治赛马”,而不是指出虚假的说法。 这不是一个新的批评,也不限于投票。今年春天,一些电视网停止播放特朗普关于冠状病毒大流行的漫无边际、充满错误信息的简报。但哈佛大学的研究系统地考察了总统的信息在网...

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  • 发布于 2021-04-23 11:10
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