


Russian social media trolls are, of course, still promulgating fake news and slapping frantically at America’s hot butt***—tweeting wildly in favor of Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation, according to researchers, and pushing a counter-protest against last summer’s white supremacist Unite the Right 2 rally. The GRU is still hacking into computers in the U.S. and everywhere else. But so far, Russia-watchers say the trolls haven’t delved into the nitty gritty of 35 Senate campaigns and 435 House races. Nor has the GRU engineered the type of damaging email dumps that tent-posted the 2016 election circus.


Today, we’re removing 559 Pages and 251 accounts that have c***istently broken our rules against spam and coordinated inauthentic behavior. Given the activity we’ve seen — and its timing ahead of the US midterm electi*** — we wanted to give some details about the types of behavior that led to this action. Many were using fake accounts or multiple accounts with the same names and posted massive amounts of content across a network of Groups and Pages to drive traffic to their websites. Many used the same techniques to make their content appear more popular on Facebook than it really was. Others were ad farms using Facebook to mislead people into thinking that they were forums for legitimate political debate.

正如Sheera Frankel在《****》上所报道的那样,这是迄今为止Facebook上对国内坏演员进行的最大规模清洗。但是,尽管我们经常关注外国破坏我们选举的努力,但正如你所料,大部分影响力运动都源自这里。”如果你从数量上看,我们看到的大多数信息操作都是国内参与者,”Facebook安全主管纳撒尼尔·格雷彻(Nathaniel Gleicher)告诉弗兰克尔。



The domestic pages and accounts Facebook removed Thursday had a strong political bent. Nation In Distress, which claimed to be the early Trump supporter, recently shared a link to a story that had called Rep. Maxine Waters “demented.” Founded in 2012, it had amassed more than 3.2 million likes and over 3 million followers, as of Thursday morning, before it was taken down. The page linked in its “about” section to a website called “America’s Freedom Fighters,” which posted content and duplicated press releases that appeared to be written by others about violent crimes and gun rights -- all alongside a sidebar of ads. An administrator for the site declined to comment.

On the opposite end of the political spectrum, Reverb Press posted attacks on President Trump and referred to Republicans as “cheating scumbags” to its over 700,000 followers. A second left-leaning page, Reasonable People Unite, posted a screenshot from a Twitter user who said, “Somewhere in America, a teenage girl is listening to her parents defend Brett Kavanaugh and she is thinking to herself, if something like that happens to me, I have nowhere to go.”


与此同时,到当天结束时,俄罗斯再次因滥用Facebook而成为头条新闻。该公司表示,它已经禁用了一家名为SocialDataHub的俄罗斯公司的“数十个”账户和个人资料。SocialDataHub做了什么?据路透社报道,俄罗斯**搜集了公共和私人数据,为“国家服务机构提供了通过分析社交媒体用户照片来识别身份的手段”。也许俄罗斯国家服务机构希望对非法获取的Facebook数据做些什么有一个善意的解释,但很难想象这可能是什么。据报道,该公司首席执行官阿图尔·哈楚扬(Artur Khachuyan)将该公司的工作与剑桥分析公司(Cambridge Analytica)的工作进行了比较。


”No one just downloaded Facebook profiles, especially the data of citizens of other countries, except Russia,” Khachuyan said. “In Russia, such work is permitted by federal law No. 152 (this is ****ogous to the GDPR).”

Khachuyan also said Fubutech, an affiliated business that works with governments, is developing scraping technology for government clients but doesn’t scrape the data itself. Finally, he said that he teaches journali** courses that include using scraped data. Though the classes are focused on using public data from governments, some students scraped social media data, a Social Data Hub representative said.





WARNER: I saw from my three girls, from my own family’s basis, the almost addictive tendencies of devices. I saw how an unedited public square often allowed extremist voices to connect with other extremists in a way that multiplied their volume, far beyond what they actually represent. I saw the proliferation of bots manipulating political conversation. And then there was also a point when I got pretty pissed off. I was seeing evidence of foreign intervention on the social-media platforms. I’ve met with Mark Zuckerberg a half-dozen times, decent enough guy, but there was such an arrogant kind of resp***e to complaints: “Anybody who’d say that doesn’t understand.”


马克娜·凯利(Makena Kelly)关注国会对Google+案日益增长的兴趣:

“Particularly in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica controversy, c***umers’ trust in the companies that operate those services to keep their private data secure has been shaken,” today’s letter reads. “At the same time that Facebook was learning the important lesson that tech firms must be forthright with the public about privacy issues, Google apparently elected to withhold information about a relevant vulnerability for fear of public scrutiny.”





Five months after her initial arrest, Fathy has become the latest in a growing list of Egyptian dissidents prosecuted under the government’s “fake news” laws. The actress turned activist faces two years in prison and a fine of $562for speaking out on sexual haras**ent and criticizing the government.

“This is an outrageous case of injustice, where the survivor is sentenced while the abuser remains at large,” Najia Bounaim, Amnesty International’s North Africa campaigns director, said in a statement. “It is currently more dangerous to criticise the government in Egypt than at any time in the country’s recent history. Egyptians living under President al-Sisi are treated as criminals simply for peacefully expressing their opini***.”





威尔·奥雷姆斯(Will Oremus)最近试图解释Facebook上“lad”内容的现象:

To American eyes, the dominance of sites such as LADbible and Unilad on Facebook might be as surprising as it is disconcerting—particularly since Facebook has very publicly vowed to improve the quality of stories that perform best in its news feed. These sites’ presence at the top of NewsWhip’s list prompted head-scratching even from seasoned pundits, such as FiveThirtyEight Editor-in-Chief Nate Silver.

But LADbible and Unilad are as familiar to blokes in England as they are foreign to the U.S. media elite. There isn’t a perfect U.S. equivalent, but imagine Upworthy rewritten by the Barstool bros, or a whole website comprised of “Around the Web” headlines, and you’ll get a decent picture. Once known for blatant misogyny, both sites embarked on an effort to tone it down a few years ago, with LADbible earning profiles by BBC News and BuzzFeed in the process. Nowadays they mix celebrity gossip and feel-good stories with hastily rewritten press releases, the occasional outrage-bait, and sundry viral fluff. Also: lots and lots of dogs.



Taylor Swift has become the focus of partisan memes and fake news after she endorsed a Democratic candidate in Tennessee in an Instagram post, and encouraged her fans to register to vote.

Swift’s post caused partisan news sites and Facebook pages, as well as at least one hoax creator, to kick into high gear in an attempt to generate engagement and revenue through posts and memes.

Facebook的Freddy Abnousi博士希望医生能够获得更多的患者数据


Abnousi advocated for large-scale access to more granular data on patients’ social and behavioral characteristics, which he said far outweighed the three other key factors impacting mortality rates: genetics, exposure to risks such as a**estos and access to quality health care. He didn’t specifically call for using Facebook or Instagram user data for these purposes.

“The primary driver of health outcomes in the United States are social and behavioral variables,” he said. “Really understanding what these social determinants of health are should be our primary area of focus.”


创始人安德烈·安德列夫说,班布尔可以上市。如果是这样的话,它可以为Match Group提供一个平衡,Match Group倾向于在每一款新的约会应用程序达到临界质量后立即抢购。这个故事中最令人惊讶的细节是,虽然Banmble将成为IPO后的品牌,但从技术上讲,它是Rimberg International的子公司。


杰西卡·图克尔(Jessica Toonkel)有一篇有趣的文章,讲述了前MTV高管是如何蜂拥到科技媒体公司的,包括Facebook、YouTube和Spotify。Facebook全球营销副总裁Carolyn Everson是MTV的校友。

Square首席财务官Sarah Friar即将离职,成为Nextdoor的首席执行官

投资者认为弗里亚的离开对Square来说是一个坏兆头,Square的老板杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)专注于推特,而她被认为在Square从事大量日常管理工作。但这里也有一些讨论的好处,那就是一个大型社交网络现在有一位**担任首席执行官。是时候了。


Oculus联合创始人帕尔默·勒基(Palmer Luckey)昨天透露,他被解雇了,但他没有说明原因。我想我知道为什么,但我只有一个来源!如果你听到什么,就来找我。


我本想在周二强调这一点,但Dani Deahl回顾了谷歌试图强制使用Google+的方式,其数量之多令人震惊:

In 2011, the Google Bar was a black strip that ran across the top of the screen on all of Google’s web properties. That quickly shifted into a more clean integration with a drop-down menu attached to Google’s logo that let you switch between things like Maps, YouTube, and search. No matter how it looked though, one thing remained the same: it prioritized sharing content with Google+ and came with a notificati*** icon that let you know whenever there was new activity on your Google+ account.








Such online skirmishes may appear insignificant compared with real fights conducted with real weap***, but they have become just as important. As Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the highly decorated former commander of Joint Special Operati*** Command, stated at a military conference in 2017, for the foreseeable future what happens on social media will be crucial to the outcome of any debate, battle, or war. The reason, he explained, is that battles are now being waged over truth itself. In these fights, “the line between reality and perception will be blurred,” he said. “Separating fact from fiction will be tough for governments but almost impossible for populati***.”







向我发送提示、评论、问题和国内虚假信息活动:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-25 21:06
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...名的案例可能是海军陆战队联合会(Marine United)的私人Facebook页面,数百名海军陆战队士兵分享了他们同事的亲密照片。你可以争辩说那些分享照片的人受到了惩罚。事实是,有许多社区和网站允许分享这种非自愿的性材料。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-14 20:23
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别担心,你不是真的死了,Facebook只是认为你死了。或者至少社交网络认为你在周五死了一段时间。原来只是个虫子,以前活着的人又活了一次。哈扎! ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-16 23:45
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Facebook对即将推出的COVID-19疫苗的说法是错误的。该平台现在将删除任何包含治疗错误信息的内容。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-29 05:45
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...习领域最困难的挑战之一,也是最大的潜在突破。今天,Facebook宣布了一项新的举措,希望能让它在这项重要的工作中占据优势:在Facebook用户的公共视频上训练人工智能。 获取培训数据是人工智能最大的竞争优势之...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 02:30
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  • 发布于 2021-04-16 05:57
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据《华尔街日报》报道,Facebook旗下的Instagram已经永久性地禁止了著名的反疫苗活动家小罗伯特F肯尼迪(Robert F.Kennedy Jr.)使用Instagram,他在Instagram上拥有超过80万的追随者。这项服务的一位发言人说,他的账户“因多次分享有...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 09:34
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...个仍然阻碍进展的威胁——根本不愿意接种疫苗——以及Facebook上阻止疫苗的创造性努力,你应该去看看这份第53份报告。 Facebook已经采取措施打击与流感大流行相关的错误信息,消除了有关COVID-19疫苗的虚假说法,并...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 20:13
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Facebook的监督委员会发布了第一轮裁决,支持一项免职,推翻了涉及仇恨言论、**和错误信息的四项决定。基于对模糊规则和保护网上****的担忧,这些裁决对用户在当前政策下可以发布的内容采取了广泛的看法。 监督...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 21:51
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  • 发布于 2021-04-17 00:11
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根据Fast公司的一份报告,Facebook将直接向喜欢、分享或评论COVID-19违反公司服务条款的帖子的用户发送通知。 这个新功能的工作原理是这样的:如果用户与后来被删除的帖子进行交互,Facebook会向用户发送一个通知,...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 03:26
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