


首先,Facebook聘请了一位新的全球政策和沟通主管,接替埃利奥特·施拉格(Elliot Schrage)。这是尼克·克莱格,英国前副首相。克莱格是前欧盟委员会贸易谈判代表,他在惩罚科技公司的反竞争行为中发挥了作用——最著名的是谷歌,谷歌因涉及安卓系统的问题而被罚款50亿美元。由于Facebook目前在一系列问题上受到欧洲监管机构的关注,克莱格带来了该公司此前缺乏的视角和影响力。



I remain a stubborn optimist about the progressive potential to society of technological innovation. It can transform how we work, play and build relati***hips. It can help to protect our environment and keep our streets safe. It will fundamentally change how we teach our children at school and at home. It is transforming healthcare and transport. If the tech industry can work sensibly with governments, regulators, parliaments and civic society around the world, I believe we can enhance the benefits of technology while diminishing the often unintended downsides.


第二,WhatsApp的新总裁首次就一个重要问题发表公开评论。克里斯·丹尼尔斯(Chris Daniels)在5月份Facebook的大组织结构图改组期间接手了这一消息传递应用程序。他周四在公司博客上发表文章,解释Facebook如何努力防止WhatsApp在巴西被滥用(这也是我昨天专栏的主题;丹尼尔斯的便条到记者发稿时还没有贴出来。)


Today, over 90 percent of messages sent on WhatsApp in Brazil are individual, one-on-one conversati***. The majority of groups are about just six people — a conversation so private and personal that it would fit in your living room.





争论的焦点是Facebook如何报道视频浏览量。下面是Suzana Vranica的简要说明:

For two years, Facebook had counted only video views that lasted more than three seconds when calculating its “average duration of video viewed” metric. Video views of under three seconds weren’t factored in, thereby inflating the average length of a view.

Facebook replaced the metric with “average watch time,” which reflects video views of any duration.

这一指标可能被夸大了。但作为出版商以错误的借口转向视频的理论的关键,它是相当脆弱的。正如劳拉·哈扎德·欧文(Laura Hazard Owen)所指出的,更重要的是Facebook谈论视频的方式,马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)本人预测视频将很快成为平台上的主要交流形式。

大部分对话的结论是,人们不想看以新闻为导向的视频。这段对话往往忽略了YouTube的存在,人们确实在YouTube上观看了大量以新闻为导向的视频(请允许我向您推荐Vox频道,该频道拥有11亿的浏览量和一个成功的Netflix节目,或者说是Verge Science,它在不到一年的时间里就吸引了50多万用户。)


In September, Tasty’s main Facebook page was the third-biggest video account on Facebook with nearly 1.7 billion video views, according to Tubular Labs. Viewership per video is also staggering: During the last three months, Tasty’s Facebook videos have averaged 22.8 million video views in the first 30 days alone. That’s better than BuzzFeed’s main Facebook page and the separate BuzzFeed Food account, which averaged 4.7 million views and 1.1 million views per video in the same timeframe.

Overall, Tasty now accounts for 37 percent of BuzzFeed’s video views, according to Tubular. This is all the more remarkable c***idering BuzzFeed started Tasty just in July 2015.







Russians working for a close ally of President Vladimir V. Putin engaged in an elaborate campaign of “information warfare” to interfere with the midterm electi***, federal prosecutors said on Friday in unsealing a criminal complaint against one of them.

The woman, Elena Alekseevna Khusyaynova, 44, of St. Peter**urg, was involved in an effort “to spread distrust toward candidates for U.S. political office and the U.S. political system,” prosecutors said.


Craig Timberg、Tony Romm和Brian Fung审查了俄罗斯美国中期选举活动中的宣传,该活动来自上述未公开的刑事指控。

The late Sen. John McCain was “an old geezer.” House Speaker Paul Ryan is “a complete and absolute nobody.” And the investigation into possible collusion between President Trump’s campaign and Russia is a “witch hunt” led by “an establishment puppet.”

Name the subject, and Russian disinformation operatives had a playbook on how to pass themselves off as politically active Americans as they secretly sought to manipulate U.S. voters online – on both the right and the left – with incendiary phrases, glib putdowns and appeals to pre-existing political biases. And the same tactics honed during the 2016 presidential election carried over into the runup toward the 2018 midterm congressional vote.


迈克·艾萨克(Mike Isaac)和凯文·鲁斯(Kevin Roose)在选举前调查了巴西的虚假信息状况:

“People entered this election with a sense of hyperpolarization,” said Roberta Braga, an associate director at the Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center at the Atlantic Council, a Washington-based foreign policy think tank. “There is a lot of distrust in politics and politicians and political establishments in general.”

“People entered this election with a sense of hyperpolarization,” said Roberta Braga, an associate director at the Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center at the Atlantic Council, a Washington-based foreign policy think tank. “There is a lot of distrust in politics and politicians and political establishments in general.”




Tessa Ly***引用了一项新的研究表明,Facebook上分享的虚假新闻数量下降了50%以上:

First, Alcott, Gentzkow and Yu published a study on misinformation on Facebook and Twitter (PDF). The researchers began by compiling a list of 570 sites that had been identified as false news sources in previous studies and online lists. They then measured the volume of Facebook engagements (shares, comments and reacti***) and Twitter shares for all stories from these 570 sites published between January 2015 and July 2018. The researchers found that on Facebook, interacti*** with these false news sites declined by more than half after the 2016 election, suggesting that “efforts by Facebook following the 2016 election to limit the diffusion of misinformation may have had a meaningful impact.”

Last week, a University of Michigan study on misinformation (PDF) had similar findings about the effectiveness of our work. The Michigan team compiled a list of sites that commonly share misinformation by looking at judgements made by two external organizati***, Media Bias/Fact Check and Open Sources.


推特周四暂停了一个可疑推特机器人网络,该网络推动了亲沙特阿拉伯人士对记者贾马尔·哈肖吉(Jamal Khashoggi)在过去一周失踪的讨论。



Saudi media outlets reported a c***piracy theory that Khashoggi’s fiancée is fake in an apparent effort to discredit Turkish and American intelligence. Reuters fell for a fake news story about the firing of a Saudi general c***ul. Some accounts are promoting a n***ensical video from a guy who wears a strainer on his head. And the Saudi government itself has threatened anyone who spreads “fake news” online with lengthy prison terms and heavy fines.



伊西·拉波斯基(Issie Lapowsky)与最近离职的Facebook工程师布赖恩·阿梅里奇(Brian Amerige)进行了交谈,后者指责该公司“政治上的单一文化,不能容忍不同的观点”。但他对成为共和党抱怨“偏见”的招牌男孩持谨慎态度

“I have every confidence that they take these issues really, really seriously, and they’ve treated me with a lot of respect,” Amerige says. “They’re pretty intimately involved.”

Last week, Amerige left Facebook over disagreements about the company’s platform-wide hate speech policy, which he describes as “dangerous and impractical” for a platform that promotes openness. But he had spent the two months before that working closely with Facebook’s human resources team on ways to foster what he calls “political diversity.” One initiative Amerige says they discussed was an updated employee speech policy that would draw a distinction between attacking people’s ideas (which would be permitted) and attacking their character (which would be prohibited). He’s unsure whether Facebook plans to implement the ideas.


谈到离职员工,PRI的《世界》与前谷歌员工维杰·博亚帕蒂(Vijay Boyapati)进行了对话,后者于2007年因公司决定进入中国市场而辞职。

When I was there, I thought it was morally wrong for two reas***: One was that there had been no internal debate about it in terms of Google News — the product I’d worked on. And so I wanted to bring that up because I thought it was the wrong move for Google. If a journalist does have the courage to write about something controversial and Google was asked to censor them. And as someone who’d worked on the product, you’d have the knowledge that someone’s voice had been silenced by something that you built. And that makes me deeply uncomfortable.




说到假新闻,杰弗里·福勒(Geoffrey Fowler)被一段视频所骗,视频显示一架商用飞机在着陆过程中出现了滚桶:

The photoreali** of Tsirbas’s clip played a big role in making the fake story go viral. And that makes it typical: Misinformation featuring manipulated photos and videos is among the most likely to go viral, Facebook’s Ly*** said. Sometimes, like in this case, it employs shots from real news reports to make it seem just credible enough. “The really crazy things tend to get less distribution than the things that hit the sweet spot where they could be believable,” Ly*** said.

Even after decades of Photoshop and CG films, most of us are still not very good about challenging the authenticity of images — or telling the real from the fake. That includes me: In an online test made by software maker Autodesk called Fake or Foto, I correctly identified the authenticity of just 22 percent of their images. (You can test yourself here.)




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The last thing that Twitter should be doing is policing decorum, or trying to leech hostility from the platform. Why? Because the appropriate resp***e to overt raci**, to anti-Semiti**, to libel, to organized disinformation campaigns is not to politely reason with such in long threads of fact-sharing. All that does is lend a fundamental credence to the worst kind of speech—which, grievously, seems to be the paradigm that Twitter prefers at present. It’s a paradigm that offers two basic choices: Ignore the deplorati—which allows the dishonesty or cruelty to stand in public view and acquire the veneer of credibility by doing so. Or worse, engage in some measure of serious disputation with all manner of horseshit, which also grants trash the veneer of credibility.

In 1935, the reply to Streicher or Goebbels quoting The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and asserting that Jews drink the blood of baptized Christian babies is not to begin arguing that “no, Jews do not drink Christian baby blood” and deliver a long explanation of The Protocols as a czarist forgery in chapter and verse. The correct resp***e is to call Julius Streicher a submoronic piece of shit, marking him as such for the rest of the sentient, and move on to some more meaningful exchange of ideas. So it is with Twitter.


COMO III:内容节制与在线演讲的未来



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...条件,其**别包括WhatsApp如何处理数据,以及它与母公司Facebook的整合。 ...

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...户信息的捍卫者,但它还是愿意帮助美国执法。 管理 ⭐ Facebook和Twitter有证据表明可以将人们从监狱中解救出来,但他们不愿意放弃。他们辩称,《存储通信法》禁止他们泄露通信内容,除非有特别豁免。《旧金山纪事报》的梅...

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  • 发布于 2021-05-03 11:59
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...信息的授权书。WhatsApp创始人简•库姆(Jan Koum)昨日在Facebook上发表文章,为该系统辩护称,“我们无意损害全球数十亿用户的安全。”

  • 发布于 2021-05-04 12:05
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...,保持你的神经多久?这是一个棘手的问题,前联邦公设辩护人、华盛顿凯瑟迪隆律师事务所合伙人马特•凯泽(Matt Kaiser)表示,答案取决于你知道什么,你认为检方知道什么,你对同谋的了解程度(以及他们背叛你的可能性...

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...师的权利 即使在调查期间,法律优先权也确认了你有权聘请律师。如果你还没有律师在场,法官会问你是否打算聘请律师,或者你是否需要法院为你指定一名律师。负担不起法律顾问费用的被告是免费任命的律师。法院指定的...

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...主题进行法律研究。这一职业可以导致为州检察长、公设辩护人、地区检察官和法院工作。他们还可以在联邦一级调查案件,比如美国司法部。这个职位的平均年薪是13万美元。 社会政策机构 私人和非营利政策机构和智囊团...

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什么是法庭指定的律师?(a court-appointed attorney?)

... 通常被称为公设辩护人,法院指定的律师是向被刑事起诉的人提供法律咨询的律师,他们不能以其他方式获得或支付律师费用;法院指定的法律援助通常是免费的,除非被告没有被控原罪...

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什么是地方条例?(a local ordinance?)

. ...

  • 发布于 2021-12-19 17:13
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