



我的同事Colin Lecher即将了解交易的细节:

Amazon has just announced the sites for its HQ2. Soon, the company will be expanding into Long Island City, Queens, and Arlington, Virginia. The expansion, the retail giant says, will bring 25,000 employees to each of the areas, and the company said it would invest $5 billion in the offices. Already, the announcement is raising questi*** about what the deal will mean for the cities, the scope of the agreement, and how Amazon conducted the search in the first place. With more than $2 billion in potential subsidies available across the three sites, the secretive and dramatic search seems to have paid off.

The incentives the company will receive as part of the deals are already eye-popping: Amazon announced that, in New York, it will receive up to $1.2 billion in a refundable tax credit, tied to the creation of jobs, and a $325 million cash development grant. The company will also earn up to $573 million in cash grants for the Arlington investment if it creates the promised jobs. Amazon said it will also build an operati*** hub in Nashville, and it plans to bring 5,000 corporate jobs to the city.


Politicians voiced concerns that the influx of tech workers would fuel inequality and hurt lower-income populati***. Others slammed the company for settling on obvious cities after a lengthy search that drew 238 bids, including many from **aller cities in need of the “transformation” Amazon promised.

While New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo implored Amazon to come to New York City, reportedly saying he’d “change his name to Amazon Cuomo if that’s what it takes”, local politicians were wary about the deal. Prior to the announcement, New York City council member Jimmy Van Bramer and state senator Michael Gianaris published a joint statement in the Yonkers Tribune criticizing the use of “scarce public resources” as “massive corporate welfare. Now, Van Bramer and Gianaris are teaming up with local activist groups to protest Amazon’s plans on Wednesday.



Democratic Assemblyman Ron Kim announced that he will introduce legislation to slash New York’s economic development subsidies and use the money to buy up and cancel student debt — a move he said would provide a bigger boost to the state’s economy. The legislation, says Kim, would halt any Cuomo administration offer of taxpayer money to Amazon, which could reap up to $1 billion in tax incentives if it moves to Long Island City.

你认为哪一个举措会在社交媒体上发挥得更好——给亚马逊10亿美元的奖励,还是给纽约大学的学生10亿美元的债务减免(戴维·阿尔巴(Davey Alba)在BuzzFeed上收集了更多来自政客和其他人的愤怒推特。)

当然,亚马逊可能会反对,认为它只是在遵循一套行之有效的公司章程。德里克·汤普森(Derek Thompson)在一篇令人震惊的文章中阐述了大西洋是多么的普遍:

Every year, American cities and states spend up to $90 billion in tax breaks and cash grants to urge companies to move among states. That’s more than the federal government spends on housing, education, or infrastructure. And since cities and states can’t print money or run steep deficits, these deals take scarce resources from everything local governments would otherwise pay for, such as schools, roads, police, and pris***.

In the past 10 years, Boeing, Nike, Intel, Royal Dutch Shell, Tesla, Nissan, Ford, and General Motors have each received subsidy packages worth more than $1 billion to either move their corporate headquarters within the U.S. or, quite often, to keep their headquarters right where they are. New Jersey and Maryland reportedly offered $7 billion for HQ2, which would be the biggest corporate giveaway in American history.


这也是令人沮丧的普遍现象。圣何塞市长和其他17名当选官员与谷歌签署了严格的保密协议,作为该市6700万美元土地交易努力的一部分。今天在彭博社,Josh Eidelson报道说,活动人士正在起诉,以使交易条款公开:

City officials signed agreements “designed to transform public records, on such crucial issues as transit and environmental compliance, into private ones that the public does not see,” according to the filing. The “city and Google went to extraordinary lengths to keep the public in the dark.”

The agreements are invalid under San Jose’s municipal code, which restricts officials from entering into contracts without council approval, and violate state law barring agencies from letting outside parties control disclosures to the public, the plaintiffs said.

也许亚马逊地区办事处引起的骚动将会平息。但如今,人们很难不感到该公司误读了会议室——高估了公众对向全球最大公司之一捐赠10亿美元的胃口,低估了公众在网上和网下**地狱的能力。从长远来看,亚马逊可能仍会感受到这种痛苦。正如希拉·奥维德(Shira Ovide)指出的那样,在短期内,交易决策者应该担心:

Amazon doesn’t have to look far to find a worst-case scenario for backlash to a publicly funded corporate expansion. In Wisc***in, opponents of Governor Scott Walker made an issue of billi*** of dollars in tax breaks and other incentives for a factory built by Foxconn, the Taiwanese electronics manufacturer. Foxconn has changed the project, which may require far fewer workers than initially envisioned. Citizens upset about Foxconn mostly blamed their elected officials rather than a company far away. (Walker lost his re-election bid.) If perception sours on Amazon in Washington and New York, however, there will be enough blame for local officials and Amazon.







Facebook did not participate in this study, but our teams are working to better understand the research about technology and well-being. We want people’s time on Facebook to be meaningful and positive and are building tools with people’s well-being in mind so they can better manage their experience. We are committed to continuing this work to foster safe and supportive communities for everyone.




Among the Facebook and Instagram accounts that were linked to Russian trolls ahead of the U.S. midterm electi*** this month, one on Instagram had more than 600,000 U.S. followers, Facebook said in a blog post on Tuesday.

A Russian troll farm was tied to more than 100 Facebook and Instagram accounts before they were blocked on the eve of the electi***, Facebook said.


Nicholas Confessore、Michael LaForgia和Gabriel J.X.Dance报告说,Facebook没有密切关注它与设备**商达成的协议,这些**商已经为Facebook应用程序定制了定制版本。活动人士说,该公司违反了联邦贸易委员会的同意令:

“What is clear is that the F.T.C. has failed to enforce the c***ent order,” said Marc Rotenberg, the president of the privacy rights group. “And this has come at enormous cost to American c***umers.”



The research projects were selected from more than 600 proposals and will investigate misinformation in four key areas, including digital literacy and election misinformation. Winning paper titles span from “Is correction fluid? How to make fact-checks on WhatsApp more effective” to “The use and abuse of WhatsApp in an African election: Nigeria 2019.” (See below for the full list.)

According to the press release, WhatsApp will not provide any user data to researchers, who are meeting at the company’s Menlo Park, California, headquarters this week for a workshop on how the platform works internally. The company will also not be involved in any of the study designs. Instead, the winning studies will rely on qualitative and quantitative surveys with the goal of publishing in peer-reviewed journals, WhatsApp told Poynter.

Joy Reid的转发如何改变Twitter

今年夏天,MSNBC主持人乔伊·里德(Joy Reid)转发了一位活动家的帖子,其帖子称一名妇女以种族主义方式斥责一名14岁的拉丁男孩。事实证明,他们实际上是在进行一场民间讨论。但里德的追随者已经突袭了照片中的女子,在某些情况下威胁到她的生命。杰夫·约翰·罗伯茨(Jeff John Roberts)报道说,现在这名女子正在起诉里德诽谤,此案对推特有重大影响:

As it stands, the Reid case is troubling because either outcome will produce an unsatisfactory result. If La Liberte wins, milli*** of people will face legal jeopardy for the commonplace act of sharing what they see on social media—a situation that would chill free speech. But if Reid wins, there is little to dissuade people from contributing to online mob behavior of the sort that dragged La Liberte through the mud.

This raises the question of whether Twitter and other online platforms should do more to stop false and defamatory information from going viral in the first place. One idea for addressing the problem—incidentally, suggested by a former Fortune editor—is a warning system would let those in Reid’s situation respond more promptly by broadcasting a correction (as Reid did but only five days later), and by removing the original retweet or shared post from their social media feeds.










A picture of the 17-year-old, who is from South Sudan’s Eastern Lakes state, was posted on Facebook on Oct. 25. The post said five men were participating in the auction for her dowry.

The highest bidder, a wealthy busines**an, reportedly gave the girl’s father over 500 cows, three luxury cars and $10,000 as dowry — and the teenager’s marriage took place on Nov. 3, according to major girls’ rights charity Plan International.


安全公司Imperva发现了一个Facebook漏洞,该漏洞至少与最近导致其入侵的漏洞有些相似。Dani Deahl写道:

The security company Imperva has released new details on a Facebook vulnerability that could have exposed user data. The bug allowed websites to obtain private information about Facebook users and their friends through unauthorized access to a company API, playing off a specific behavior in the Chrome browser. The bug was disclosed to Facebook and resolved in May.

In technical terms, the attack is a cross-site request forgery, using a legitimate Facebook login in unauthorized ways. For the attack to work, a Facebook user must visit a malicious website with Chrome, and then click anywhere on the site while logged into Facebook. From there, attackers could open a new pop-up or tab to the Facebook search page and run any number of queries to extract personal information.



詹姆斯·伍兹(James Woods)将他的推特信息变成了加利福尼亚州野火受害者的“公告栏”


Known on the platform for his deeply combative political screeds, Woods has turned his Twitter feed into a signal-boosting “bulletin board” for victims, their families, and facilities and organizati*** offering help, tweeting virtually n***top since November 8th using hashtags #CampFireJamesWoods or #SoCalFiresJamesWoods (including his own name, evidently, to differentiate tweets that specifically needed amplification). Whether or not it’s been directly because of his efforts, several of those he’s retweeted have successfully located their evacuee relatives, found shelter for evacuated livestock, and reunited lost pets with their owners.

Latinx Twitter存在吗?

Andrea Valdez为自己的文化寻找一个类似于黑色推特的推特,但发现它很难实现:

“I think part of the problem is that we are so complex and not monolithic,” says Julio Ricardo Varela, founder of Latino Rebels and digital media director for Futuro Media. “There are these little mini subsets, like immigrants rights groups or Central American Twitter. But [subgroups] also sometimes form at the expense of other groups,” he says, noting the differences of opini*** between subgroups. A great of example of this is the debate over the word Latinx itself, a gender-inclusive term that started among the LGBTQ community and has slowly been adopted into the mainstream vernacular—to the chagrin of some who don’t agree with breaking Spanish’s gendered grammar rules.


在这个关于让普通社会媒体公民发布广告的故事中,有一个关于Snap试图让一个男模特来宣传眼镜的搞笑故事。来自Sapna Maheshwari:

The influencer economy is opaque — and rife with questionable tactics — but there’s no doubt it attracts big money. A reminder of that came recently when a public relati*** firm sued Mr. Sabbat, saying he failed to fulfill the terms of an agreement with Snap Spectacles. According to the suit, Mr. Sabbat was offered $60,000 for providing one Instagram post and three Instagram Stories and for being photographed during fashion weeks while wearing the spectacles.



我写了Snapchat的新友谊简介、Bitmoji Merch和Bitmoji故事:

Snap has long resisted traditional social network profiles, arguing that a network of close friends didn’t need them. (You already know what your friends look like and where they go to school, the company said.) But today, it’s changing course — at least a little bit. Snapchat is rolling out what it calls “friendship profiles” to capture all the shared media you’ve exchanged with friends and groups in a single place. But in keeping with the company’s ethos around privacy, the profiles are visible only to you and your friend.




这本身并不是一次发布,但麦迪逊·马龙·基什内尔(Madison Malone Kirchner)提供了一个有用的应用程序综述,这些应用程序是人们用来让Instagram故事流行起来的:Unfold、Canva、Storyluxe和Pic拼贴。我是我自己的粉丝;我还没试过其他的。


蕾妮·迪雷斯塔(Renee DiResta)绘制了社交媒体宣传的演变图,并警告未来将是黑暗的:

These technologies will continue to evolve: disinformation campaign content will soon include manufactured video and audio. We can see it coming but are not equipped to prevent it. What will happen when video makes us distrust what we see with our own eyes? If democracy is predicated on an informed citizenry, then the increasing pervasiveness of computational propaganda is a fundamental problem. Through a series of unintended c***equences, algorithms have inadvertently become the invisible rulers that control the destinies of milli***. Now we have to decide what we are going to do about that.


Beto O'Rourke和Alexandria Ocasio Cortez已经掌握了Instagram的故事

民主党人是否更擅长简短的公共广播视频?Nicole Gallucci与O'Rourke和Ocasio Cortez联系:

Since O’Rourke conceded the midterm election to Ted Cruz, his primary social media outlet has been Instagram. Since his midterm loss, O’Rourke has eaten chips and guac in the car while driving, made homemade slime with his daughter, gone on a hike with his family, and even cooked a flank steak marinated in soy, lime, ginger, and freaking garlic. […]

In the days since midterms, [Ocasio-Cortez has] used the social media platform to chat politics with her 507,000 followers while cooking up Instant Pot mac and cheese on a Friday night, publicly listen to Janelle Monáe, and give the world a glimpse of what it’s like to do all that post-campaign laundry that builds up.



向我发送有关界面应在何处构建HQ2的提示、评论、问题和建议:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-26 14:04
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...”(Bird Box challenge),引发了有关抢劫箱的争议和危险的特技表演,导致公司政策发生根本性变化。这些活动也只是每年的头几个星期。 2020年要安静得多。一年过去了,没有发生一连串令人发指的恶行和公关灾难。这并不是说Y...

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亚马逊喜剧将主演让-克劳德·范·达姆(jean-claude van damme)扮演一个更恶毒的自己


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什么是胆大鬼?(a daredevil?)

...像已故邪恶的克尼维尔这样的专业人士,他靠表演大胆的特技谋生。有些人还将在电影和电视中工作的专业特技演员称为“胆大包天者”,尽管这种用法的准确性值得商榷。 ...

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