在facebook 15岁生日那天,我们应该谈谈它的规模





As networks of people replace traditional hierarchies and reshape many instituti*** in our society -- from government to business to media to communities and more -- there is a tendency of some people to lament this change, to overly emphasize the negative, and in some cases to go so far as saying the shift to empowering people in the ways the internet and these networks do is mostly harmful to society and democracy.

To the contrary, while any rapid social change creates uncertainty, I believe what we’re seeing is people having more power, and a long term trend reshaping society to be more open and accountable over time.



《连线》回顾了定义Facebook头15年的15个时刻,并考虑了其开源贡献的遗产。Recode将公司对用户的巨大收购进行了可视化。沃克斯要求15位有影响力的人考虑脸谱网是好是坏,包括Malcolm Gladwell、Sherry Turkle、Jonah Peretti和Ro Khanna。只有两个人对Facebook赞不绝口:卡纳,他是硅谷在国会的代表,福克斯新闻人物达娜·佩里诺,我在这里引述她的话:

Facebook provided a way to reconnect with people from all walks of your life, especially the generati*** who didn’t grow up with cell phones. A good example is my hu**and and stepson — they’d been estranged for almost 18 years when finally Barry contacted his dad on Christmas Day a couple of years ago. I now call them “the happy couple” — it’s brought a lot of joy into our lives.

在《****》上,Sarah Jeong将Facebook称为“无人要求的友谊”。在一段模仿Facebook在新闻提要中推广共享的自动视频的视频中,她以娱乐的方式记录了15年的社交网络灾难。与此同时,在Slate中,香农·帕卢斯退出了Facebook,发现没人在乎。


When claiming Facebook is bad, the counterfactual isn’t “everything the same except no Facebook”

It’s “we don’t have the sort of world where innovati*** in digital communicati*** inevitably lead to something like Facebook”

I don’t want to live in that second world, and neither do you

Perhaps Facebook is uniquely nefarious (bad luck when picking our multiverse, i guess)

But I think when people ask whether ‘Facebook’ is good or bad, they’re mostly identifying general aspects of technology, not anything Facebook-specific

So to wrap-up

The question isn’t really: “do the actual and predicted benefits of Facebook outweigh the actual and predicted costs of Facebook?”

It’s more like: “does the level of oppression required to hopefully eliminate some of the predicted downsides of facebook outweigh the predicted benefit of doing the oppression?”

I think the answer is quite obviously that whatever harms you see in Facebook, the *system* that produced Facebook is overwhelmingly good and essential for the long-run welfare and safety of society.





埃里克·拉森(Erik Larson)、大卫·麦克劳克林(David McLaughlin)和萨拉·福登(Sara Forden)报告说,至少还有三个州正在对Facebook处理用户数据进行新的调查:

The state probes are coalescing into two main groups scrutinizing the social-media company’s data-protection practices, said the people, who declined to be named because the inquiries are confidential.

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro and Illinois counterpart, Kwame Raoul, have joined forces with Connecticut’s William Tong, said two people. That group is focused on investigating existing allegati***, one of the people said. New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts, which were already known to be probing Facebook, are seeking to uncover any potential unknown violati***, said one of the people. North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein is also investigating as part of a multi state effort, according to his office.



Last year, Apple was criticized for complying with Chinese law requiring the local storage of iCloud accounts for users in that country. The user data stored in Russia are more limited. Foreign Policy magazine said last week that Russian counterterrori** laws could make it easier for the government there to compel Apple to decrypt and hand over other user data to security services.

An Apple spoke**an declined to comment. Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook has said that the company must comply with these types of national laws, while stressing that the data is encrypted using Apple technology.


Ben Collins和Joe Murphy浏览了与俄罗斯信息运营相关的最新推特账户:

Twitter announced Thursday the removal of 418 accounts tied to the Kremlin-backed Internet Research Agency, the disinformation group whose employees were indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller last February for attempted election interference.

The accounts’ tweets featured the hashtag #MAGA, usually in support of President Donald Trump, almost 38,000 times — the most of any hashtag. #ReleaseTheMemo, a social media campaign pushed by allies of the president last year that aimed to discredit some members of the FBI, was tweeted 37,583 times.









Mike Isaac关于企业证书崩溃的文章倒数第二段的有趣细节:

After Apple’s revocation, employees inside Facebook became furious with the Onavo team, according to four people familiar with the company’s deliberati***. Some said they would have to wait weeks to get app updates or changes approved through Apple’s App Store. Several employees in Facebook’s hardware division said they were c***idering quitting because they could not get any work done.


Shannon Palus与参与Facebook研究项目的一些人交谈:

One user, who identified themselves as 32 years old and reported that they had netted $30 in gift cards with the app, told me via email, “I’m not too worried about that data because I’m almost certain these companies collect that stuff anyway,” and that, “Google and Amazon know a lot already.” The user explained they do a lot of little paid tasks to earn money, like downloading apps or completing surveys. It isn’t significant, they said, but acts as a little bonus to their household income, which they told me is $60,000 a year. “Lately most of my earnings have gone to simple things (groceries, MetroCards, date night),” they wrote.


Ashley Carman探讨了标题中提出的问题:

If Apple went through with it, Facebook would have few opti*** — none of them good — for getting its app onto iOS devices. Facebook could use something called internal development certificates, which are designed for in-house beta testing, Farrugia says, but only 100 devices can be added per year. Jailbroken devices could install the app, but most people aren’t jailbreaking their phones, so Facebook couldn’t rely on it.

After a ban, Facebook’s best bet would be to encourage people to use its web app, but that has its own disadvantages. For one, native phone apps are often faster and give users an experience they’re used to, iOS developer Kiran Panesar tells The Verge. Web apps are less powerful, too. They don’t offer a comparable push notification system, he says, which is essential for messaging apps, and they can’t access information that a native app could, like a person’s contacts or the ability to track their location in the background.


Alex Heath报告说,Facebook的区块链部门进行了第一次收购:

The social network has quietly hired the team behind Chainspace, a **all blockchain startup founded by researchers from University College London, Cheddar has learned. Chainspace was building a decentralized “**art contracts” system that could facilitate payments and other services through blockchain technology.

The acquisition of Chainspace’s team, a move known in Silicon Valley as an acqui-hire, is the clearest sign yet of Facebook’s ambition to be a big player in the nascent blockchain industry. Veteran Facebook executive and former PayPal President David Marcus was tapped to lead Facebook’s blockchain group earlier last year.


Julia Carrie Wong考察了反疫苗阴谋论者如何从社交网络中获益(这是数据空白的典型示例。)

The Guardian found that Facebook search results for groups and pages with information about vaccines were dominated by anti-vaccination propaganda, and that YouTube’s recommendation algorithm steers viewers from fact-based medical information toward anti-vaccine misinformation. […]

Both Facebook and YouTube have begun treating misinformation that can lead to “real-world harm” (as Facebook terms it) as a special category meriting additional scrutiny and mitigation. These policy changes followed public pressure over incidents revealing the c***equences of viral misinformation, such as a spate of lynch mobs in Sri Lanka and India linked to false rumors of child abducti*** spreading on WhatsApp, and the haras**ent of victims of mass shootings in the US on YouTube.


Daniel Funke报道说,Snopes将不再为Facebook核实事实,称这是一笔糟糕的交易。***跟随该公司走出了大门。


Emma Grillo报告说,人们正在为流行的Instagram帐户花费大笔资金,尽管这违反了服务条款:

While a similar moneymaking opportunity exists on YouTube, building a large Instagram following doesn’t require making original creative content. A YouTuber has to shoot and edit videos for their channel, which typically lends itself to a very recognizable and personal brand. An Instagram account runner, on the other hand, can repost pictures of tropical beach locati*** and gain a following in the tens of thousands without ever uploading a picture they themselves took.


作为一个受欢迎的举动,推特关闭了那些你付费跟踪数千个账户的公司的API访问,希望其中一些公司会跟踪你。Josh Contine报道:

Today, Twitter is stepping up its fight against notification spammers. Earlier today, the functionality of three of these services — ManageFlitter, Statu**rew, Crowdfire — ceased to function, as spotted by social media c***ultant Matt Navarra.


每个匿名消息应用程序最终都会演变成残忍和虐待,盲人就是这样。詹宁斯·布朗(Jennings Brown)报道了谷歌员工在应用程序中分享的一系列丑陋、偏执的言论。


坏消息是,世界纪录鸡蛋(名字叫尤金)变成了品牌广告的另一个载体。Jonah Engel Bromwich和Sapna Maheshwari报道,好消息是鸡蛋正在促进心理健康意识:

“People have fallen in love with this egg, and Eugene the egg wants to continue to spread positive messages,” said Alissa Khan-Whelan, 26, one of the friends working with Mr. Godfrey.


Molly Russell去世后Instagram将推出“敏感屏幕”

在一名青少年去世后,她的家人报告说她经常在Instagram上查看自残内容,Instagram宣布将做出改变,以使这些图片更难找到。Alex Hern报道:

That includes “sensitivity screens” for images of self-harm, which blur the image behind them until the user explicitly indicates they want to view the graphic content. The company has also blocked images of cutting from showing up in search, hashtags or account recommendati***. Mosseri said the changes would make it more difficult for people to see those images.

The company is also investing in “engineers and trained content reviewers”, who are working “around the clock to make it harder for people to find self-harm images”, Mosseri said in a comment piece for the Telegraph newspaper.

几个月后,Facebook更新了iPhone XS Max、XR和新款iPad Pros的应用程序


It’s taken a few months, but Facebook has finally updated its iOS apps to support the higher resoluti*** of the larger iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR phones that Apple released last fall, allowing Facebook to run at the device’s native resolution instead of just scaling up the iPhone XS-sized one, via 9to5Mac.





This is more optimi** from Facebook’s executives than I’ve heard in some time. Again, not much has changed since the last earnings report in October. Yes, revenue growth and profit were better than expected in the fourth quarter, and the company’s average daily users increased (by a hair) in North America and Europe — its most important advertising markets. Facebook is still helping businesses effectively find customers, and that is the formula for internet success. The company’s stock shot up, although shares remain about 20 percent below where they were at a July peak.


在Facebook宣布将成立独立监督委员会后,Molly Roberts指出,该公司的行为越来越像一个主权国家:

A company that once protested that it was merely a platform and not a publisher is now acknowledging that its role in society is so outsize, and its decisi*** about who can say what so c***equential, that it must establish a check on its own dominance.

Call it a court or call it, as Facebook now does, an oversight board, this company, by adopting a structure of government, is essentially admitting it has some of the powers of a government. The question is what that means for the rest of us.


安妮·阿普勒鲍姆(Anne Applebaum)认为,监管机构需要做社交网络一直满足于自己的工作:

These stories have something in common: They illustrate who is making the rules of our new information network — and it isn’t us. It isn’t citizens, or Congress, who decide how our information network regulates itself. We don’t get to decide how information companies collect data, and we don’t get to decide how transparent they should be. The tech companies do that all by themselves.

Why does it matter? Because this is the information network that now brings most people their news and opini*** about politics, about medicine, about the economy. This is also the information network that is fueling polarization, that favors sensational news over c***tructive news and that has destroyed the business model of local and investigative journali**.



Randi Zuckerberg是Mark的姐姐,曾是Facebook员工,也是该公司经常头疼的公关问题。因此,我有兴趣了解她对Facebook 15岁生日的看法,特别是关于它过去两年的公众清算。她告诉CNN:

“We are putting so much pressure on young people to create multi-billion dollar companies that of course, how could they have time to think about the future implicati*** of what they’re building,” she said. “I think [Facebook] builds things with great intenti***, and because of shareholder obligati***, [it] didn’t have the time to sit and think, ‘Wait, these tools that we’re building, what could happen with them?’”



向我发送Facebook的提示、评论、问题和生日祝福:[email protected].

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谷歌正在庆祝它的20岁生日。没错,搜索,广告,以及你想提及的一切,巨人已经成为我们生活的一部分20年了。而且,正如它的风格一样,谷歌正在以多种不同的方式庆祝。 ...

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